describe("Rwiki.TreePanel.Menu", function() { var menu; beforeEach(function() { menu = new Rwiki.TreePanel.Menu(); }); describe(":show method", function() { var node = {}; var xy = {}; var itShouldDisable = function(menuItemId) { it("should disable '" + menuItemId + "' option", function() { var item = menu.findById(menuItemId); expect(item).toBeDisabled(); }); }; var itShouldEnable = function(menuItemId) { it("should enable '" + menuItemId + "' option", function() { var item = menu.findById(menuItemId); expect(item).toBeEnabled(); }); }; beforeEach(function() { = jasmine.createSpy('select'); menu.showAt = jasmine.createSpy('showAt'); this.addMatchers({ toBeDisabled: function() { return this.actual.disabled == true; }, toBeEnabled: function() { return this.actual.disabled == false; } }); }); describe("when root node is selected", function() { beforeEach(function() { = Rwiki.rootFolderName; node.attributes = { cls: 'folder' };, xy); }); it("should select node", function() { expect(; }); it("should show the menu", function() { expect(menu.showAt).toHaveBeenCalledWith(xy); }); itShouldDisable('delete-node'); itShouldDisable('rename-node'); itShouldEnable('create-folder'); itShouldEnable('create-page'); }); describe("when folder node is selected", function() { beforeEach(function() { = './folder'; node.attributes = { cls: 'folder' };, xy); }); it("should select node", function() { expect(; }); it("should show the menu", function() { expect(menu.showAt).toHaveBeenCalledWith(xy); }) itShouldEnable('delete-node'); itShouldEnable('rename-node'); itShouldEnable('create-folder'); itShouldEnable('create-page'); }); describe("when page node is selected", function() { beforeEach(function() { = './page.txt'; node.attributes = { cls: 'page' };, xy); }); it("should select node", function() { expect(; }); it("should show the menu", function() { expect(menu.showAt).toHaveBeenCalledWith(xy); }) itShouldEnable('delete-node'); itShouldEnable('rename-node'); itShouldDisable('create-folder'); itShouldDisable('create-page'); }); }); describe("menu elements", function() { var currentNode = {}; var item; beforeEach(function() { menu.node = currentNode; menu.fireEvent = jasmine.createSpy('fireEvent'); this.addMatchers({ toBeTitledAs: function(title) { return this.actual.text == title; } }); }); describe("'Create folder' option", function() { beforeEach(function() { item = menu.findById('create-folder'); }); it("should have 'Create folder' title", function() { expect(item).toBeTitledAs("Create folder"); }); }); describe("'Create page' option", function() { beforeEach(function() { item = menu.findById('create-page'); }); it("should have 'Create page' title", function() { expect(item).toBeTitledAs("Create page"); }); }); describe("'Rename node' option", function() { beforeEach(function() { item = menu.findById('rename-node'); }); it("should have 'Rename node' title", function() { expect(item).toBeTitledAs("Rename node"); }); }); describe("'Delete node' option", function() { beforeEach(function() { item = menu.findById('delete-node'); }); it("should have 'Delete node' title", function() { expect(item).toBeTitledAs("Delete node"); }); }); }); });