require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "helper")) module Enumerable def combine masks = inject([[], 1]){|(ar, m), e| [ar << m, m << 1 ] }[0] all = masks.inject(0){ |al, m| al|m } result = [] for i in 1..all do tmp = [] each_with_index do |e, idx| tmp << e unless (masks[idx] & i) == 0 end result << tmp end result end end class CookieClassTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def silently warn_level = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = false res = yield $VERBOSE = warn_level res end def test_parse_dates url = URI.parse('http://localhost/') yesterday = - 86400 dates = [ "14 Apr 89 03:20:12", "14 Apr 89 03:20 GMT", "Fri, 17 Mar 89 4:01:33", "Fri, 17 Mar 89 4:01 GMT", "Mon Jan 16 16:12 PDT 1989", "Mon Jan 16 16:12 +0130 1989", "6 May 1992 16:41-JST (Wednesday)", #"22-AUG-1993 10:59:12.82", "22-AUG-1993 10:59pm", "22-AUG-1993 12:59am", "22-AUG-1993 12:59 PM", #"Friday, August 04, 1995 3:54 PM", #"06/21/95 04:24:34 PM", #"20/06/95 21:07", "95-06-08 19:32:48 EDT", ] dates.each do |date| cookie = "PREF=1; expires=#{date}" silently do Mechanize::Cookie.parse(url, cookie) { |c| assert c.expires, "Tried parsing: #{date}" assert_equal(true, c.expires < yesterday) } end end end def test_parse_weird_cookie cookie = 'n/a, ASPSESSIONIDCSRRQDQR=FBLDGHPBNDJCPCGNCPAENELB; path=/' url = URI.parse('') Mechanize::Cookie.parse(url, cookie) { |c| assert_equal('ASPSESSIONIDCSRRQDQR', assert_equal('FBLDGHPBNDJCPCGNCPAENELB', c.value) } end def test_double_semicolon double_semi = 'WSIDC=WEST;;; path=/' url = URI.parse('') Mechanize::Cookie.parse(url, double_semi) { |cookie| assert_equal('WSIDC', assert_equal('WEST', cookie.value) } end def test_parse_bad_version bad_cookie = 'PRETANET=TGIAqbFXtt; Name=/PRETANET; Path=/; Version=1.2; Content-type=text/html; Domain=; expires=Friday, 13-November-2026 23:01:46 GMT;' url = URI.parse('http://localhost/') Mechanize::Cookie.parse(url, bad_cookie) { |cookie| assert_nil(cookie.version) } end def test_parse_bad_max_age bad_cookie = 'PRETANET=TGIAqbFXtt; Name=/PRETANET; Path=/; Max-Age=1.2; Content-type=text/html; Domain=; expires=Friday, 13-November-2026 23:01:46 GMT;' url = URI.parse('http://localhost/') Mechanize::Cookie.parse(url, bad_cookie) { |cookie| assert_nil(cookie.max_age) } end def test_parse_date_fail url = URI.parse('http://localhost/') dates = [ "20/06/95 21:07", ] silently do dates.each do |date| cookie = "PREF=1; expires=#{date}" Mechanize::Cookie.parse(url, cookie) { |c| assert_equal(true, c.expires.nil?) } end end end def test_parse_valid_cookie url = URI.parse('') cookie_params = {} cookie_params['expires'] = 'expires=Sun, 27-Sep-2037 00:00:00 GMT' cookie_params['path'] = 'path=/' cookie_params['domain'] = '' cookie_params['httponly'] = 'HttpOnly' cookie_value = '12345%7D=ASDFWEE345%3DASda' expires = Time.parse('Sun, 27-Sep-2037 00:00:00 GMT') cookie_params.keys.combine.each do |c| cookie_text = "#{cookie_value}; " c.each_with_index do |key, idx| if idx == (c.length - 1) cookie_text << "#{cookie_params[key]}" else cookie_text << "#{cookie_params[key]}; " end end cookie = nil Mechanize::Cookie.parse(url, cookie_text) { |p_cookie| cookie = p_cookie } assert_not_nil(cookie) assert_equal('12345%7D=ASDFWEE345%3DASda', cookie.to_s) assert_equal('/', cookie.path) assert_equal('', cookie.domain) # if expires was set, make sure we parsed it if c.find { |k| k == 'expires' } assert_equal(expires, cookie.expires) else assert_nil(cookie.expires) end end end def test_parse_valid_cookie_empty_value url = URI.parse('') cookie_params = {} cookie_params['expires'] = 'expires=Sun, 27-Sep-2037 00:00:00 GMT' cookie_params['path'] = 'path=/' cookie_params['domain'] = '' cookie_params['httponly'] = 'HttpOnly' cookie_value = '12345%7D=' expires = Time.parse('Sun, 27-Sep-2037 00:00:00 GMT') cookie_params.keys.combine.each do |c| cookie_text = "#{cookie_value}; " c.each_with_index do |key, idx| if idx == (c.length - 1) cookie_text << "#{cookie_params[key]}" else cookie_text << "#{cookie_params[key]}; " end end cookie = nil Mechanize::Cookie.parse(url, cookie_text) { |p_cookie| cookie = p_cookie } assert_not_nil(cookie) assert_equal('12345%7D=', cookie.to_s) assert_equal('', cookie.value) assert_equal('/', cookie.path) assert_equal('', cookie.domain) # if expires was set, make sure we parsed it if c.find { |k| k == 'expires' } assert_equal(expires, cookie.expires) else assert_nil(cookie.expires) end end end # If no path was given, use the one from the URL def test_cookie_using_url_path url = URI.parse('') cookie_params = {} cookie_params['expires'] = 'expires=Sun, 27-Sep-2037 00:00:00 GMT' cookie_params['path'] = 'path=/' cookie_params['domain'] = '' cookie_params['httponly'] = 'HttpOnly' cookie_value = '12345%7D=ASDFWEE345%3DASda' expires = Time.parse('Sun, 27-Sep-2037 00:00:00 GMT') cookie_params.keys.combine.each do |c| next if c.find { |k| k == 'path' } cookie_text = "#{cookie_value}; " c.each_with_index do |key, idx| if idx == (c.length - 1) cookie_text << "#{cookie_params[key]}" else cookie_text << "#{cookie_params[key]}; " end end cookie = nil Mechanize::Cookie.parse(url, cookie_text) { |p_cookie| cookie = p_cookie } assert_not_nil(cookie) assert_equal('12345%7D=ASDFWEE345%3DASda', cookie.to_s) assert_equal('', cookie.domain) assert_equal('/', cookie.path) # if expires was set, make sure we parsed it if c.find { |k| k == 'expires' } assert_equal(expires, cookie.expires) else assert_nil(cookie.expires) end end end # Test using secure cookies def test_cookie_with_secure url = URI.parse('') cookie_params = {} cookie_params['expires'] = 'expires=Sun, 27-Sep-2037 00:00:00 GMT' cookie_params['path'] = 'path=/' cookie_params['domain'] = '' cookie_params['secure'] = 'secure' cookie_value = '12345%7D=ASDFWEE345%3DASda' expires = Time.parse('Sun, 27-Sep-2037 00:00:00 GMT') cookie_params.keys.combine.each do |c| next unless c.find { |k| k == 'secure' } cookie_text = "#{cookie_value}; " c.each_with_index do |key, idx| if idx == (c.length - 1) cookie_text << "#{cookie_params[key]}" else cookie_text << "#{cookie_params[key]}; " end end cookie = nil Mechanize::Cookie.parse(url, cookie_text) { |p_cookie| cookie = p_cookie } assert_not_nil(cookie) assert_equal('12345%7D=ASDFWEE345%3DASda', cookie.to_s) assert_equal('', cookie.domain) assert_equal('/', cookie.path) assert_equal(true, # if expires was set, make sure we parsed it if c.find { |k| k == 'expires' } assert_equal(expires, cookie.expires) else assert_nil(cookie.expires) end end end # If no domain was given, we must use the one from the URL def test_cookie_with_url_domain url = URI.parse('') cookie_params = {} cookie_params['expires'] = 'expires=Sun, 27-Sep-2037 00:00:00 GMT' cookie_params['path'] = 'path=/' cookie_params['domain'] = '' cookie_params['httponly'] = 'HttpOnly' cookie_value = '12345%7D=ASDFWEE345%3DASda' expires = Time.parse('Sun, 27-Sep-2037 00:00:00 GMT') cookie_params.keys.combine.each do |c| next if c.find { |k| k == 'domain' } cookie_text = "#{cookie_value}; " c.each_with_index do |key, idx| if idx == (c.length - 1) cookie_text << "#{cookie_params[key]}" else cookie_text << "#{cookie_params[key]}; " end end cookie = nil Mechanize::Cookie.parse(url, cookie_text) { |p_cookie| cookie = p_cookie } assert_not_nil(cookie) assert_equal('12345%7D=ASDFWEE345%3DASda', cookie.to_s) assert_equal('/', cookie.path) assert_equal('', cookie.domain) # if expires was set, make sure we parsed it if c.find { |k| k == 'expires' } assert_equal(expires, cookie.expires) else assert_nil(cookie.expires) end end end def test_parse_cookie_no_spaces url = URI.parse('') cookie_params = {} cookie_params['expires'] = 'expires=Sun, 27-Sep-2037 00:00:00 GMT' cookie_params['path'] = 'path=/' cookie_params['domain'] = '' cookie_params['httponly'] = 'HttpOnly' cookie_value = '12345%7D=ASDFWEE345%3DASda' expires = Time.parse('Sun, 27-Sep-2037 00:00:00 GMT') cookie_params.keys.combine.each do |c| cookie_text = "#{cookie_value};" c.each_with_index do |key, idx| if idx == (c.length - 1) cookie_text << "#{cookie_params[key]}" else cookie_text << "#{cookie_params[key]};" end end cookie = nil Mechanize::Cookie.parse(url, cookie_text) { |p_cookie| cookie = p_cookie } assert_not_nil(cookie) assert_equal('12345%7D=ASDFWEE345%3DASda', cookie.to_s) assert_equal('/', cookie.path) assert_equal('', cookie.domain) # if expires was set, make sure we parsed it if c.find { |k| k == 'expires' } assert_equal(expires, cookie.expires) else assert_nil(cookie.expires) end end end end