require 'openssl' require 'erb' require 'base64' class ActionController::Base def self.check_versapay_signatures(key, *args) before_filter lambda { |controller| check_versapay_signature(key, controller)}, *args end def self.check_versapay_signature(key, controller) # Save the signature first signature = controller.request.parameters["signature"] # Only want the parameters passed from VP, and no sig params = controller.request.parameters.dup ["action", "controller", "signature"].each { |k| params.delete(k) } url = controller.request.url.gsub /\?.*/, "" check = Versapay::WebhookSignature.hmac(controller.request.method, url, key, params) if check == signature true else raise Versapay::InvalidWebhookSignature end end end module Versapay class WebhookSignature include ERB::Util attr_reader :signature alias :to_s :signature def self.hmac(*args) new(*args).to_s end # @param [Symbol, String] method The HTTP method of the request (:get, :post) # @param [String] url The URL that the request is going to # @param [String] key The private key to be used for signing # @param [Hash] attributes The hash of attributes that will be sent in the request def initialize(method, url, key, attributes) @method = method @url = url @key = key @attributes = attributes @signature = generate_signature end private # HMAC of the request in the following format. # Attributes are sorted by byte size. # Finally, it is Base64'd and url encoded. # # POST\n #\n # account_typebusinesuser[first_name]Johnuser[last_name]doe # def generate_signature hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(, @key, hmac_string) url_encode Base64.encode64(hmac) end def hmac_string str = "#{@method.to_s.upcase}\n" str << "#{@url}\n" str << sorted_attribute_string end def sorted_attribute_string return "" if @attributes.empty? nested_keys(@attributes).join end # Nested keys flattens nested hashes like :to_query ie. transaction[type] # This is useful to support request signing when, for example, requests are sent as XML def nested_keys(hash, namespace=nil, result=[]) hash.stringify_keys.each do |key,value| current_key = namespace ? "#{namespace}[#{key}]" : key if value.is_a?(Hash) nested_keys(value, current_key, result) else result << [current_key, value] end end result.sort_by {|k,v| k} end end end