en: sufia: product_name: "Sufia" product_twitter_handle: "@HydraSphere" institution_name: "Institution Name" institution_name_full: "The Institution Name" sort_label: "Sort the listing of items" account_name: "My Institution Account Id" account_label: "User" passive_consent_to_agreement: "By saving this work I agree to the" active_consent_to_agreement: "I have read and agree to the" deposit_agreement: "Deposit Agreement" document_language: "en" share_button: "Share Your Work" view_profile: "View Profile" edit_profile: "Edit Profile" single_use_link: "Single-Use Link to File" directory: suffix: "@example.org" search: form: q: label: "Search Sufia" placeholder: "Enter search terms" option: all: label_short: "All" label_long: "All of Sufia" my_works: label_short: "My Works" label_long: "My Works" my_collections: label_short: "My Collections" label_long: "My Collections" my_highlights: label_short: "My Highlights" label_long: "My Highlights" my_shares: label_short: "My Shares" label_long: "My Shares" button: html: ' Go' text: "Search" upload: my_computer: sr_tab_label: "Access Files from" tab_label: "My Computer" sr_instructions: "Agree to the deposit agreement and then select files. Press the Start Upload Button once all files have been selected." browse_everything: sr_tab_label: "Access Files from" tab_label: "Cloud Providers" browse_files_button: "Browse cloud files" files_selected: "files selected" local_ingest: tab_label: "Network/Server Location" processing: "File is being processed; you may edit when processing has completed" permissions_message: "Updating file permissions. This may take a few minutes. You may want to refresh your browser or return to this record later to see the updated file permissions." change_permissions_message_html: "

You have changed the permissions on this %{curation_concern_human_readable_type}, %{curation_concern}, making it visible to %{visibility_badge}.

Would you like change all of the files within the %{curation_concern_human_readable_type} to %{visibility_badge} as well?

" alert: fail_html: "There was a problem during upload, none of your files uploaded correctly. Please %{reload_href}. Use the %{contact_href} to report the error if it persists." fail_restart_href_text: "start over" contact_href_text: "contact form" partial_fail_html: "One or more files did not upload successfully. To continue using the files that uploaded %{metadata_href}.
Use the %{contact_href} to report the error if it persists." partial_fail_metadata_href_text: "edit their metadata" cloud_timeout_message_html: "Please note that if you upload a large number of files within a short period of time, the cloud provider may not be able to accommodate your request. If you experience any errors uploading from the cloud, let us know via the %{contact_href}." homepage: featured_works: tab_label: 'Featured Works' title: 'Featured Works' no_works: 'No works have been featured' recently_uploaded: depositor: 'Depositor' details: 'Details' tab_label: 'Recently Uploaded' no_public: 'No public work has been contributed.' dashboard: title: "My Dashboard" view_collections: "View Collections" create_collection: "Create Collection" view_files: "View Files" view_works: "View Works" create_work: "Create Work" user_activity: "User Activity" no_activity: "User has no recent activity" user_notifications: "User Notifications" no_notifications: "User has no notifications" additional_notifications: "See all notifications" proxy_activity: "Proxy Activity" transfer_of_ownership: "Transfer of Ownership" transfer_works_link: "Select works to transfer" no_transfer_requests: "You haven't received any work transfer requests" no_transfers: "You haven't transferred any work" stats: heading: "Your Statistics" files: "Files deposited" file_views: "View" file_downloads: "Download" collections: "Collections created" following: "People you follow" followers: "People who are following you" my: works: "My Works" collections: "My Collections" highlights: "My Highlights" shares: "Files Shared with Me" facet_label: files: "Filter your files" collections: "Filter your collections" highlighted: "Filter your highlights" shared: "Filter your shares" works: "Filter your works" sr: show_label: "Display all details of" detail_label: "Display summary details of" batch_checkbox: "Check to add to a collection or edit list" check_all_label: "Select all files to be added to a collection or edited" messages: success: single: "has been saved." multiple: link: "These files" keyword: "have been saved." title: "Files uploaded successfully" subject: "Batch upload complete" failure: single: "could not be updated. You do not have sufficient privileges to edit it." multiple: link: "These files" keyword: "could not be updated. You do not have sufficient privileges to edit them." title: "Files failed" subject: "Batch upload permission denied" background_attribution: "Background image courtesy of Penn State University" bread_crumb: search_results: "Back to search results" visibility: open: "Open Access" private: "Private" open_title_attr: "Change the visibility of this resource" private_title_attr: "Change the visibility of this resource" user_profile: no_followers: "No one is following you." no_following: "You are not following anyone." no_followers_other: "No one is following this user." no_following_other: "This user is not following anyone." orcid: alt: "ORCID icon" label: "ORCID Profile" tab_highlighted: "Highlighted" tab_profile: "Profile" tab_activity: "Activity" zotero: alt: "Zotero icon" label: "Zotero Profile" connected: "Connected!" unlinked: "Link with Zotero" batch: help: title: "Filename will be the default title. Please provide a more meaningful title, and filenames will still be preserved by the system." resource_type: "You may select multiple types to apply to all files" generic_works: new: header: Add New Work edit: header: Edit Work progress: header: Save Work show: no_preview: No preview available batch_uploads: new: header: Batch Create New Works progress: header: Save Works files: instructions: Each file will be uploaded to a separate new work resulting in one work per uploaded file. collection: no_visible_works: "The collection is either empty or does not contain items to which you have access." is_part_of: "Is part of" add_work: "Add Work" select_works: "Select Works" select_form: title: "Add to collection" no_collections: "You do not have access to any existing collections. You may create a new collection." select_heading: "Select the collection to add your files to:" close: "Close" create: "Create Collection" update: "Update Collection" create_new: "Add to new Collection" manage_items: "Manage Items in this Collection" metadata: add_another_keyword: "add another Keyword" add_another_creator: "add another Creator" add_another_rights: "add another Rights" generic_work: edit: "Edit" browse_view: "Browse View" mailbox: date: 'Date' subject: 'Subject' message: 'Message' delete: 'Delete Message' notifications_deleted: "Notifications have been deleted" file_set: browse_view: "Browse View" work: browse_view: "Browse View" footer: copyright_html: "Copyright © 2016 Project Hydra Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0" admin: stats: registered: "Registered" deposited_form: heading: "Display Files Deposited:" start_label: "Start" end_label: "end [defaults to now]" user_deposits: heading: "Display files deposited by users" start_label: "Starting" end_label: "Ending [defaults to now]" test: progress: header: "Test Header Title" simple_form: labels: generic_work: &work_labels based_near: "Location" description: "Abstract or Summary" keyword: "Keyword" date_created: "Date Created" related_url: "Related URL" files: "Upload a new version of this file from your computer" collection_ids: "Add as member of collection" collection: total_items: "Total Items" size: "Size" <<: *work_labels metadata_help: generic_work: resource_type_html: "Pre-defined categories to describe the type of content being uploaded, such as "article" or "dataset." More than one type may be selected." title: "A name to aid in identifying a work." keyword: "Words or phrases you select to describe what the work is about. These are used to search for content." subject: "Headings or index terms describing what the work is about; these do need to conform to an existing vocabulary." creator_html: "The person or group responsible for the work. Usually this is the author of the content. Personal names should be entered with the last name first, e.g. "Smith, John."." related_url: "A link to a website or other specific content (audio, video, PDF document) related to the work. An example is the URL of a research project from which the work was derived." based_near_html: "A place name related to the work, such as its site of publication, or the city, state, or country the work contents are about. Calls upon the GeoNames web service." contributor_html: "A person or group you want to recognize for playing a role in the creation of the work, but not the primary role." date_created: "The date on which the work was generated." description: "Free-text notes about the work. Examples include abstracts of a paper or citation information for a journal article." identifier: "A unique handle identifying the work. An example would be a DOI for a journal article, or an ISBN or OCLC number for a book." language: "The language of the work's content." publisher: "The person or group making the work available. Generally this is the institution." rights: "Licensing and distribution information governing access to the work. Select from the provided drop-down list." collection: resource_type_html: "Pre-defined categories to describe the type of content being uploaded, such as "article" or "dataset." More than one type may be selected." title: "A name to aid in identifying a collection." keyword: "Words or phrases you select to describe what the collection is about. These are used to search for content." subject: "Headings or index terms describing what the collection is about; these do need to conform to an existing vocabulary." creator_html: "The person or group responsible for the collection. Usually this is the author of the content. Personal names should be entered with the last name first, e.g. "Smith, John."." related_url: "A link to a website or other specific content (audio, video, PDF document) related to the collection. An example is the URL of a research project from which the collection was derived." based_near_html: "A place name related to the collection, such as its site of publication, or the city, state, or country the collection contents are about. Calls upon the GeoNames web service." contributor_html: "A person or group you want to recognize for playing a role in the creation of the collection, but not the primary role." date_created: "The date on which the collection was created." description: "Free-text notes about the collection. Examples include abstracts of a paper or citation information for a journal article." identifier: "A unique handle identifying the collection. An example would be a DOI for a journal article, or an ISBN or OCLC number for a book." language: "The language of the collection's content." publisher: "The person or group making the collection available. Generally this is the institution." rights: "Licensing and distribution information governing access to the collection. Select from the provided drop-down list." aria_label: upload_set: default: "Usage information for %{title}" based_near: "Usage information for location" description: "Usage information for abstract or summary" keyword: "Usage information for keyword" rights: "Usage information for rights" curation_concerns: base: relationships: header: Relationships empty: "This %{type} is not currently in any collections." collections: "In collections:" metadata: header: Metadata attribute_name_label: Attribute Name attribute_values_label: Values items: header: Items empty: "This %{type} has no files associated with it. You can add one using the \"Attach a File\" button below." citations: header: 'Citations:' visibility: open: label_html: Public authenticated: label_html: "%{institution}" embargo: label_html: Embargo lease: label_html: Lease private: label_html: Private blacklight: search: fields: show: keyword: Keyword helpers: action: cancel: "Cancel"