require 'set' module EPUB module Publication class Package class Metadata include Inspector::PublicationModel DC_ELEMS = [:identifiers, :titles, :languages] + [:contributors, :coverages, :creators, :dates, :descriptions, :formats, :publishers, :relations, :rights, :sources, :subjects, :types] attr_accessor :package, :unique_identifier, :metas, :links, *(DC_ELEMS.collect {|elem| "dc_#{elem}"}) DC_ELEMS.each do |elem| alias_method elem, "dc_#{elem}" alias_method "#{elem}=", "dc_#{elem}=" end def initialize (DC_ELEMS + [:metas, :links]).each do |elem| __send__ "#{elem}=", [] end end def title return extended_title unless extended_title.empty? compositted = {|title| title.display_seq}.sort.join("\n") return compositted unless compositted.empty? return main_title unless main_title.empty? titles.sort.join("\n") end %w[main short collection edition extended].each do |type| define_method "#{type}_title" do {|title| title.title_type.to_s == type}.sort.join(' ') end end def subtitle {|title| title.title_type.to_s == 'subtitle'}.sort.join(' ') end def description descriptions.join(' ') end def date dates.first end def language languages.first end def to_h DC_ELEMS.inject({}) do |hsh, elem| hsh[elem] = __send__(elem) hsh end end def primary_metas {|meta| meta.primary_expression?} end module Refinee PROPERTIES = %w[alternate-script display-seq file-as group-position identifier-type meta-auth role title-type] attr_writer :refiners def refiners @refiners ||= end PROPERTIES.each do |voc| met = voc.gsub(/-/, '_') attr_writer met define_method met do refiners.find {|refiner| == voc} end end end class DCMES include Refinee attr_accessor :content, :id, :lang, :dir def to_s content.to_s end end class Identifier < DCMES # @note This is ad-hoc # @todo Define and include OPF module for opf:scheme attribute # @todo Define generale way to handle with identifier-type refiners attr_accessor :scheme # @note This is ad-hoc # @todo Define and include OPF module for opf:scheme attribute # @todo Define generale way to handle with identifier-type refiners def isbn? refiners.any? {|refiner| == 'identifier-type' and refiner.scheme == 'onix:codelist5' and %w[02 15].include? refiner.content } or scheme == 'ISBN' or content.to_s.downcase.start_with? 'urn:isbn' end end class Title < DCMES include Comparable def <=>(other) return 1 if other.display_seq.nil? return -1 if display_seq.nil? display_seq.to_s.to_i <=> other.display_seq.to_s.to_i end end class Meta include Refinee attr_accessor :property, :id, :scheme, :content attr_reader :refines def refines=(refinee) refinee.refiners << self @refines = refinee end def refines? ! refines.nil? end alias subexpression? refines? def primary_expression? ! subexpression? end def inspect ivs = {|iv| [iv, instance_variable_get(iv).inspect].join('=') }.join(' ') '<#%s:%#0x %s>' % [self.class, __id__, ivs] end def to_s content.to_s end end class Link include Refinee attr_accessor :href, :rel, :id, :media_type attr_reader :refines def refines=(refinee) refinee.refiners << self @refines = refinee end end end end end end