# frozen_string_literal: true require 'optparse' require 'readline' require 'json' require 'cgi' require 'shellwords' require 'yaml' require 'fileutils' require 'tty-which' require_relative 'snibbets/version' require_relative 'snibbets/config' require_relative 'snibbets/which' require_relative 'snibbets/string' require_relative 'snibbets/hash' require_relative 'snibbets/array' require_relative 'snibbets/menu' require_relative 'snibbets/os' require_relative 'snibbets/highlight' require_relative 'snibbets/lexers' # Top level module module Snibbets class << self def config @config ||= Config.new end def options @options = config.options end end end module Snibbets class << self def change_query(query) @query = query end # Search the snippets directory for query using find and grep def search(try: 0) folder = File.expand_path(Snibbets.options[:source]) # start by doing a spotlight search, if that fails, start trying: # First try only search by filenames # Second try search with grep ext = Snibbets.options[:extension] || 'md' cmd = case try when 1 %(find "#{folder}" -iregex '^#{Regexp.escape(folder)}/#{@query.rx}' -name '*.#{ext}') when 2 rg = TTY::Which.which('rg') ag = TTY::Which.which('ag') ack = TTY::Which.which('ack') grep = TTY::Which.which('grep') if Snibbets.options[:name_only] nil elsif !rg.empty? %(#{rg} -li --color=never --glob='*.#{ext}' '#{@query.rx}' "#{folder}") elsif !ag.empty? %(#{ag} -li --nocolor -G '.*.#{ext}' '#{@query.rx}' "#{folder}") elsif !ack.empty? %(#{ack} -li --nocolor --markdown '#{@query.rx}' "#{folder}") elsif !grep.empty? %(#{grep} -iEl '#{@query.rx}' "#{folder}"/**/*.#{ext}) else nil end else mdfind = TTY::Which.which('mdfind') if mdfind.empty? nil else name_only = Snibbets.options[:name_only] ? '-name ' : '' %(mdfind -onlyin #{folder} #{name_only}'#{@query} filename:.#{ext}' 2>/dev/null) end end if try == 2 && cmd.nil? puts "No search method available on this system. Please install ripgrep, silver surfer, ack, or grep." Process.exit 1 end res = cmd.nil? ? '' : `#{cmd}`.strip matches = [] unless res.empty? lines = res.split(/\n/) lines.each do |l| matches << { 'title' => File.basename(l, '.*'), 'path' => l } end matches.sort_by! { |a| a['title'] }.uniq! return matches unless matches.empty? end return matches if try == 2 # if no results on the first try, try again searching all text search(try: try + 1) if matches.empty? end def open_snippet_in_editor(filepath) editor = Snibbets.options[:editor] || Snibbets::Config.best_editor os = RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] if editor.nil? OS.open(filepath) else if os =~ /darwin.*/i if editor =~ /^TextEdit/ `open -a TextEdit "#{filepath}"` elsif TTY::Which.bundle_id?(editor) `open -b "#{editor}" "#{filepath}"` elsif TTY::Which.app?(editor) `open -a "#{editor}" "#{filepath}"` elsif TTY::Which.exist?(editor) editor = TTY::Which.which(editor) system %(#{editor} "#{filepath}") if editor else puts "No editor configured, or editor is missing" Process.exit 1 end elsif TTY::Which.exist?(editor) editor = TTY::Which.which(editor) system %(#{editor} "#{filepath}") if editor else puts "No editor configured, or editor is missing" Process.exit 1 end end end def new_snippet_from_clipboard trap('SIGINT') do Howzit.console.info "\nCancelled" exit! end pb = OS.paste.outdent printf 'What does this snippet do? ' input = $stdin.gets.chomp title = input unless input.empty? printf 'What language(s) does it use (separate with spaces, full names or file extensions will work)? ' input = $stdin.gets.chomp langs = input.split(/ +/).map(&:strip) unless input.empty? exts = langs.map { |lang| Lexers.lang_to_ext(lang) } tags = langs.map { |lang| Lexers.ext_to_lang(lang) }.concat(langs).sort.uniq filename = "#{title}.#{exts.join('.')}.#{Snibbets.options[:extension]}" File.open(File.join(File.expand_path(Snibbets.options[:source]), filename), 'w') do |f| f.puts "tags: #{tags.join(', ')} ``` #{pb} ```" end puts "New snippet written to #{filename}." end def handle_launchbar(results) output = [] if results.empty? out = { 'title' => 'No matching snippets found' }.to_json puts out Process.exit end results.each do |result| input = IO.read(result['path']) snippets = input.snippets next if snippets.empty? children = [] if snippets.length == 1 output << { 'title' => result['title'], 'path' => result['path'], 'action' => 'copyIt', 'actionArgument' => snippets[0]['code'], 'label' => 'Copy' } next end snippets.each { |s| children << { 'title' => s['title'], 'path' => result['path'], 'action' => 'copyIt', 'actionArgument' => s['code'], 'label' => 'Copy' } } output << { 'title' => result['title'], 'path' => result['path'], 'children' => children } end puts output.to_json end def handle_results(results) if Snibbets.options[:launchbar] handle_launchbar(results) else filepath = nil if results.empty? warn 'No results' Process.exit 0 elsif results.length == 1 || !Snibbets.options[:interactive] filepath = results[0]['path'] input = IO.read(filepath) else answer = Snibbets::Menu.menu(results, title: 'Select a file') filepath = answer['path'] input = IO.read(filepath) end if @arguments[:edit_snippet] open_snippet_in_editor(filepath) Process.exit 0 end snippets = input.snippets if snippets.empty? warn 'No snippets found' Process.exit 0 elsif snippets.length == 1 || !Snibbets.options[:interactive] if Snibbets.options[:output] == 'json' print(snippets.to_json) else snippets.each do |snip| header = File.basename(filepath, '.md') warn header warn '-' * header.length code = snip['code'] code = highlight(code, filepath) if Snibbets.options[:highlight] print(code) end end elsif snippets.length > 1 if Snibbets.options[:all] if Snibbets.options[:output] == 'json' print(snippets.to_json) else output = [] snippets.each do |snippet| output << snippet['title'] output << '-' * snippet['title'].length output << snippet['code'] output << "\n" end print(output.join("\n")) end else snippets.push({ 'title' => 'All snippets', 'code' => '' }) answer = Menu.menu(snippets, filename: File.basename(filepath, '.md'), title: 'Select snippet', query: @query) if answer['title'] == 'All snippets' snippets.delete_if { |s| s['title'] == 'All snippets'} if Snibbets.options[:output] == 'json' print(snippets.to_json) else header = File.basename(filepath, '.md') warn header warn '=' * header.length output = [] snippets.each do |snippet| output << snippet['title'] output << '-' * snippet['title'].length output << snippet['code'] output << "\n" end print(output.join("\n")) end elsif Snibbets.options[:output] == 'json' print(answer.to_json) else header = "#{File.basename(filepath, '.md')}: #{answer['title']}" warn header warn '-' * header.length code = answer['code'] code = highlight(code, filepath) if Snibbets.options[:highlight] print(code) end end end end end def print(output) $stdout.puts(output) if Snibbets.options[:copy] OS.copy(output) $stderr.puts "Copied to clipboard" end end end end