module Fastlane module Actions class CrashlyticsAction < Action def params[:groups] = params[:groups].join(",") if params[:groups].kind_of?(Array) params[:emails] = params[:emails].join(",") if params[:emails].kind_of?(Array) params.values # to validate all inputs before looking for the ipa/apk # We need to store notes in a file, because the crashlytics CLI (iOS) says so if params[:notes] UI.error("Overwriting :notes_path, because you specified :notes") if params[:notes_path] params[:notes_path] = Helper::CrashlyticsHelper.write_to_tempfile(params[:notes], 'changelog').path elsif Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::FL_CHANGELOG] && !params[:notes_path] UI.message("Sending FL_CHANGELOG as release notes to Beta by Crashlytics") params[:notes_path] = Helper::CrashlyticsHelper.write_to_tempfile( Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::FL_CHANGELOG], 'changelog' ).path end if params[:ipa_path] command = Helper::CrashlyticsHelper.generate_ios_command(params) elsif params[:apk_path] command = Helper::CrashlyticsHelper.generate_android_command(params) else UI.user_error!("You have to either pass an ipa or an apk file to the Crashlytics action") end UI.success('Uploading the build to Crashlytics Beta. Time for some ☕️.') sanitizer = proc do |message| message.gsub(params[:api_token], '[[API_TOKEN]]') .gsub(params[:build_secret], '[[BUILD_SECRET]]') end UI.verbose' ')) if $verbose error_callback = proc do |error| clean_error = UI.error(clean_error) end result = Actions.sh_control_output( command.join(" "), print_command: false, print_command_output: false, error_callback: error_callback ) return command if Helper.test? UI.verbose if $verbose UI.success('Build successfully uploaded to Crashlytics Beta 🌷') end def self.description "Upload a new build to Crashlytics Beta" end def self.available_options platform = Actions.lane_context[Actions::SharedValues::PLATFORM_NAME] if platform == :ios or platform.nil? ipa_path_default = Dir["*.ipa"].last end if platform == :android apk_path_default = Dir["*.apk"].last || Dir[File.join("app", "build", "outputs", "apk", "app-release.apk")].last end [ # iOS Specific :ipa_path, env_name: "CRASHLYTICS_IPA_PATH", description: "Path to your IPA file. Optional if you use the `gym` or `xcodebuild` action", default_value: Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::IPA_OUTPUT_PATH] || ipa_path_default, optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Couldn't find ipa file at path '#{value}'") unless File.exist?(value) end), # Android Specific :apk_path, env_name: "CRASHLYTICS_APK_PATH", description: "Path to your APK file", default_value: Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_APK_OUTPUT_PATH] || apk_path_default, optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Couldn't find apk file at path '#{value}'") unless File.exist?(value) end), # General :crashlytics_path, env_name: "CRASHLYTICS_FRAMEWORK_PATH", description: "Path to the submit binary in the Crashlytics bundle (iOS) or `crashlytics-devtools.jar` file (Android)", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Couldn't find crashlytics at path '#{File.expand_path(value)}'`") unless File.exist?(File.expand_path(value)) end), :api_token, env_name: "CRASHLYTICS_API_TOKEN", description: "Crashlytics Beta API Token", verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("No API token for Crashlytics given, pass using `api_token: 'token'`") unless value && !value.empty? end), :build_secret, env_name: "CRASHLYTICS_BUILD_SECRET", description: "Crashlytics Build Secret", verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("No build secret for Crashlytics given, pass using `build_secret: 'secret'`") unless value && !value.empty? end), :notes_path, env_name: "CRASHLYTICS_NOTES_PATH", description: "Path to the release notes", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Path '#{value}' not found") unless File.exist?(value) end), :notes, env_name: "CRASHLYTICS_NOTES", description: "The release notes as string - uses :notes_path under the hood", optional: true, is_string: true), :groups, env_name: "CRASHLYTICS_GROUPS", description: "The groups used for distribution, separated by commas", optional: true, is_string: false), :emails, env_name: "CRASHLYTICS_EMAILS", description: "Pass email addresses of testers, separated by commas", optional: true, is_string: false), :notifications, env_name: "CRASHLYTICS_NOTIFICATIONS", description: "Crashlytics notification option (true/false)", default_value: true, is_string: false), :debug, env_name: "CRASHLYTICS_DEBUG", description: "Crashlytics debug option (true/false)", default_value: false, is_string: false) ] end def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :mac, :android].include?(platform) end def ["KrauseFx", "pedrogimenez"] end end end end