# Closure Tree

### Closure_tree lets your ActiveRecord models act as nodes in a [tree data structure](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_%28data_structure%29)

Common applications include modeling hierarchical data, like tags, page graphs in CMSes,
and tracking user referrals.

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Substantially more efficient than
[ancestry](https://github.com/stefankroes/ancestry) and
[acts_as_tree](https://github.com/amerine/acts_as_tree), and even more
awesome than [awesome_nested_set](https://github.com/collectiveidea/awesome_nested_set/),
closure_tree has some great features:

* __Best-in-class select performance__:
  * Fetch your whole ancestor lineage in 1 SELECT.
  * Grab all your descendants in 1 SELECT.
  * Get all your siblings in 1 SELECT.
  * Fetch all [descendants as a nested hash](#nested-hashes) in 1 SELECT.
  * [Find a node by ancestry path](#find_or_create_by_path) in 1 SELECT.
* __Best-in-class mutation performance__:
  * 2 SQL INSERTs on node creation
  * 3 SQL INSERT/UPDATEs on node reparenting
* __Support for Rails 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, and 4.0__
* Support for reparenting children (and all their progeny)
* Support for [concurrency](#concurrency) (using [with_advisory_lock](https://github.com/mceachen/with_advisory_lock))
* Support for polymorphism [STI](#sti) within the hierarchy
* ```find_or_create_by_path``` for [building out hierarchies quickly and conveniently](#find_or_create_by_path)
* Support for [deterministic ordering](#deterministic-ordering) of children
* Support for [preordered](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_traversal#Pre-order) traversal of descendants
* Support for rendering trees in [DOT format](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DOT_(graph_description_language)), using [Graphviz](http://www.graphviz.org/)
* Excellent [test coverage](#testing) in a variety of environments

See [Bill Karwin](http://karwin.blogspot.com/)'s excellent
[Models for hierarchical data presentation](http://www.slideshare.net/billkarwin/models-for-hierarchical-data)
for a description of different tree storage algorithms.

## Table of Contents

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Accessing Data](#accessing-data)
- [Polymorphic hierarchies with STI](#polymorphic-hierarchies-with-sti)
- [Deterministic ordering](#deterministic-ordering)
- [Concurrency](#concurrency)
- [FAQ](#faq)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Change log](#change-log)

## Installation

Note that closure_tree only supports Rails 3.0 and later, and has test coverage for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.

1.  Add this to your Gemfile: ```gem 'closure_tree'```

2.  Run ```bundle install```

3.  Add ```acts_as_tree``` to your hierarchical model(s). There are a number of [options](#available-options) you can pass in, too.

4.  Add a migration to add a ```parent_id``` column to the model you want to act_as_tree.
    You may want to also [add a column for deterministic ordering of children](#sort_order), but that's optional.

    class AddParentIdToTag < ActiveRecord::Migration
      def change
        add_column :tag, :parent_id, :integer

    Note that if the column is null, the tag will be considered a root node.

5.  Add a database migration to store the hierarchy for your model. By
    default the table name will be the model's table name, followed by
    "_hierarchies". Note that by calling ```acts_as_tree```, a "virtual model" (in this case, ```TagHierarchy```)
    will be added automatically, so you don't need to create it.

    class CreateTagHierarchies < ActiveRecord::Migration
      def change
        create_table :tag_hierarchies, :id => false do |t|
          t.integer  :ancestor_id, :null => false   # ID of the parent/grandparent/great-grandparent/... tag
          t.integer  :descendant_id, :null => false # ID of the target tag
          t.integer  :generations, :null => false   # Number of generations between the ancestor and the descendant. Parent/child = 1, for example.

        # For "all progeny of…" and leaf selects:
        add_index :tag_hierarchies, [:ancestor_id, :descendant_id, :generations],
          :unique => true, :name => "tag_anc_desc_udx"

        # For "all ancestors of…" selects,
        add_index :tag_hierarchies, [:descendant_id]
          :name => "tag_desc_idx"

6.  Run ```rake db:migrate```

7.  If you're migrating from another system where your model already has a
    ```parent_id``` column, run ```Tag.rebuild!``` and your
    ```tag_hierarchies``` table will be truncated and rebuilt.

    If you're starting from scratch you don't need to call ```rebuild!```.

## Usage

### Creation

Create a root node:

grandparent = Tag.create(:name => 'Grandparent')

Child nodes are created by appending to the children collection:

parent = grandparent.children.create(:name => 'Parent')

Or by appending to the children collection:

child2 = Tag.new(:name => 'Second Child')
parent.children << child2

Or by calling the "add_child" method:

child3 = Tag.new(:name => 'Third Child')
parent.add_child child3


=> ["Grandparent", "Parent", "First Child", "Second Child", "Third Child"]

=> ["Grandparent", "Parent", "First Child"]

### find_or_create_by_path

We can do all the node creation and add_child calls with one method call:

child = Tag.find_or_create_by_path(["grandparent", "parent", "child"])

You can ```find``` as well as ```find_or_create``` by "ancestry paths".
Ancestry paths may be built using any column in your model. The default
column is ```name```, which can be changed with the :name_column option
provided to ```acts_as_tree```.

Note that any other AR fields can be set with the second, optional ```attributes``` argument,
and as of version 4.2.0, these attributes are added to the where clause as selection criteria.

child = Tag.find_or_create_by_path(%w{home chuck Photos"}, {:tag_type => "File"})
This will pass the attribute hash of ```{:name => "home", :tag_type => "File"}``` to
```Tag.find_or_create_by_name``` if the root directory doesn't exist (and
```{:name => "chuck", :tag_type => "File"}``` if the second-level tag doesn't exist, and so on).

### Moving nodes around the tree

Nodes can be moved around to other parents, and closure_tree moves the node's descendancy to the new parent for you:

d = Tag.find_or_create_by_path %w(a b c d)
h = Tag.find_or_create_by_path %w(e f g h)
e = h.root
d.add_child(e) # "d.children << e" would work too, of course
=> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"]

### Nested hashes

```hash_tree``` provides a method for rendering a subtree as an
ordered nested hash:

b = Tag.find_or_create_by_path %w(a b)
a = b.parent
b2 = Tag.find_or_create_by_path %w(a b2)
d1 = b.find_or_create_by_path %w(c1 d1)
c1 = d1.parent
d2 = b.find_or_create_by_path %w(c2 d2)
c2 = d2.parent

=> {a => {b => {c1 => {d1 => {}}, c2 => {d2 => {}}}, b2 => {}}}

Tag.hash_tree(:limit_depth => 2)
=> {a => {b => {}, b2 => {}}}

=> {b => {c1 => {d1 => {}}, c2 => {d2 => {}}}}

b.hash_tree(:limit_depth => 2)
=> {b => {c1 => {}, c2 => {}}}

**If your tree is large (or might become so), use :limit_depth.**

Without this option, ```hash_tree``` will load the entire contents of that table into RAM. Your
server may not be happy trying to do this.

HT: [ancestry](https://github.com/stefankroes/ancestry#arrangement) and [elhoyos](https://github.com/mceachen/closure_tree/issues/11)

### Graph visualization

```to_dot_digraph``` is suitable for passing into [Graphviz](http://www.graphviz.org/).

For example, for the above tree, write out the DOT file with ruby:
File.open("example.dot", "w") { |f| f.write(Tag.root.to_dot_digraph) }
Then, in a shell, ```dot -Tpng example.dot > example.png```, which produces:

![Example tree](https://raw.github.com/mceachen/closure_tree/master/img/example.png)

If you want to customize the label value, override the ```#to_digraph_label``` instance method in your model.

Just for kicks, this is the test tree I used for proving that preordered tree traversal was correct:

![Preordered test tree](https://raw.github.com/mceachen/closure_tree/master/img/preorder.png)

### Available options

When you include ```acts_as_tree``` in your model, you can provide a hash to override the following defaults:

* ```:parent_column_name``` to override the column name of the parent foreign key in the model's table. This defaults to "parent_id".
* ```:hierarchy_table_name``` to override the hierarchy class name. This defaults to the singular name of the model + "Hierarchy", like ```TagHierarchy```.
* ```:hierarchy_table_name``` to override the hierarchy table name. This defaults to the singular name of the model + "_hierarchies", like ```tag_hierarchies```.
* ```:dependent``` determines what happens when a node is destroyed. Defaults to ```nullify```.
    * ```:nullify``` will simply set the parent column to null. Each child node will be considered a "root" node. This is the default.
    * ```:delete_all``` will delete all descendant nodes (which circumvents the destroy hooks)
    * ```:destroy``` will destroy all descendant nodes (which runs the destroy hooks on each child node)
* ```:name_column``` used by #```find_or_create_by_path```, #```find_by_path```, and ```ancestry_path``` instance methods. This is primarily useful if the model only has one required field (like a "tag").
* ```:order``` used to set up [deterministic ordering](#deterministic-ordering)

## Accessing Data

### Class methods

* ```Tag.root``` returns an arbitrary root node
* ```Tag.roots``` returns all root nodes
* ```Tag.leaves``` returns all leaf nodes
* ```Tag.hash_tree``` returns an [ordered, nested hash](#nested-hashes) that can be depth-limited.
* ```Tag.find_by_path(path, attributes)``` returns the node whose name path is ```path```. See (#find_or_create_by_path).
* ```Tag.find_or_create_by_path(path, attributes)``` returns the node whose name path is ```path```, and will create the node if it doesn't exist already.See (#find_or_create_by_path).
* ```Tag.find_all_by_generation(generation_level)``` returns the descendant nodes who are ```generation_level``` away from a root. ```Tag.find_all_by_generation(0)``` is equivalent to ```Tag.roots```.
* ```Tag.with_ancestor(ancestors)``` scopes to all descendants whose ancestor is in the given list.

### Instance methods

* ```tag.root``` returns the root for this node
* ```tag.root?``` returns true if this is a root node
* ```tag.child?``` returns true if this is a child node. It has a parent.
* ```tag.leaf?``` returns true if this is a leaf node. It has no children.
* ```tag.leaves``` is scoped to all leaf nodes in self_and_descendants.
* ```tag.depth``` returns the depth, or "generation", for this node in the tree. A root node will have a value of 0.
* ```tag.parent``` returns the node's immediate parent. Root nodes will return nil.
* ```tag.children``` is a ```has_many``` of immediate children (just those nodes whose parent is the current node).
* ```tag.child_ids``` is an array of the IDs of the children.
* ```tag.ancestors``` is a ordered scope of [ parent, grandparent, great grandparent, … ]. Note that the size of this array will always equal ```tag.depth```.
* ```tag.ancestor_ids``` is an array of the IDs of the ancestors.
* ```tag.self_and_ancestors``` returns a scope containing self, parent, grandparent, great grandparent, etc.
* ```tag.siblings``` returns a scope containing all nodes with the same parent as ```tag```, excluding self.
* ```tag.sibling_ids``` returns an array of the IDs of the siblings.
* ```tag.self_and_siblings``` returns a scope containing all nodes with the same parent as ```tag```, including self.
* ```tag.descendants``` returns a scope of all children, childrens' children, etc., excluding self ordered by depth.
* ```tag.descendant_ids``` returns an array of the IDs of the descendants.
* ```tag.self_and_descendants``` returns a scope of all children, childrens' children, etc., including self, ordered by depth.
* ```tag.hash_tree``` returns an [ordered, nested hash](#nested-hashes) that can be depth-limited.
* ```tag.find_by_path(path)``` returns the node whose name path *from ```tag```* is ```path```. See (#find_or_create_by_path).
* ```tag.find_or_create_by_path(path)``` returns the node whose name path *from ```tag```* is ```path```, and will create the node if it doesn't exist already.See (#find_or_create_by_path).
* ```tag.find_all_by_generation(generation_level)``` returns the descendant nodes who are ```generation_level``` away from ```tag```.
    * ```tag.find_all_by_generation(0).to_a``` == ```[tag]```
    * ```tag.find_all_by_generation(1)``` == ```tag.children```
    * ```tag.find_all_by_generation(2)``` will return the tag's grandchildren, and so on.
* ```tag.destroy``` will destroy a node and do <em>something</em> to its children, which is determined by the ```:dependent``` option passed to ```acts_as_tree```.

## Polymorphic hierarchies with STI

Polymorphic models using single table inheritance (STI) are supported:

1. Create a db migration that adds a String ```type``` column to your model
2. Subclass the model class. You only need to add ```acts_as_tree``` to your base class:

class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
class WhenTag < Tag ; end
class WhereTag < Tag ; end
class WhatTag < Tag ; end

Please note that Rails (<= 3.2) doesn't handle polymorphic associations correctly if
you use the ```:type``` attribute, so **this doesn't work**:

# BAD: ActiveRecord ignores the :type attribute:
root.children.create(:name => "child", :type => "WhenTag")

Instead, use either ```.add_child``` or ```children <<```:

a = Tag.create!(:name => "a")
b = WhenTag.new(:name => "b")
a.children << b
c = WhatTag.new(:name => "c")

See [issue 43](https://github.com/mceachen/closure_tree/issues/43) for more information.

## Deterministic ordering

By default, children will be ordered by your database engine, which may not be what you want.

If you want to order children alphabetically, and your model has a ```name``` column, you'd do this:

class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_tree :order => 'name'

If you want a specific order, add a new integer column to your model in a migration:

t.integer :sort_order

and in your model:

class OrderedTag < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_tree :order => 'sort_order'

When you enable ```order```, you'll also have the following new methods injected into your model:

* ```tag.siblings_before``` is a scope containing all nodes with the same parent as ```tag```,
  whose sort order column is less than ```self```. These will be ordered properly, so the ```last```
  element in scope will be the sibling immediately before ```self```
* ```tag.siblings_after``` is a scope containing all nodes with the same parent as ```tag```,
  whose sort order column is more than ```self```. These will be ordered properly, so the ```first```
  element in scope will be the sibling immediately "after" ```self```

If your ```order``` column is an integer attribute, you'll also have these:

* The class method ```#roots_and_descendants_preordered```, which returns all nodes in your tree,

* ```node1.self_and_descendants_preordered``` which will return descendants,

* ```node1.prepend_sibling(node2)``` which will
  1. set ```node2``` to the same parent as ```node1```,
  2. set ```node2```'s order column to 1 less than ```node1```'s value, and
  3. decrement the order_column of all children of node1's parents whose order_column is <>>= node2's new value by 1.

* ```node1.append_sibling(node2)``` which will
  1. set ```node2``` to the same parent as ```node1```,
  2. set ```node2```'s order column to 1 more than ```node1```'s value, and
  3. increment the order_column of all children of node1's parents whose order_column is >= node2's new value by 1.


root = OrderedTag.create(:name => "root")
a = OrderedTag.create(:name => "a", :parent => "root")
b = OrderedTag.create(:name => "b")
c = OrderedTag.create(:name => "c")

# We have to call 'root.reload.children' because root won't be in sync with the database otherwise:

=> ["a", "b"]

=> ["b", "a"]

=> ["b", "a", "c"]

=> ["b", "c", "a"]

## Concurrency

Several methods, especially ```#rebuild``` and ```#find_or_create_by_path```, cannot run concurrently correctly.
```#find_or_create_by_path```, for example, may create duplicate nodes.

Database row-level locks work correctly with PostgreSQL, but MySQL's row-level locking is broken, and
erroneously reports deadlocks where there are none. To work around this, and have a consistent implementation
for both MySQL and PostgreSQL, [with_advisory_lock](https://github.com/mceachen/with_advisory_lock)
is used automatically to ensure correctness.

If you are already managing concurrency elsewhere in your application, and want to disable the use
of with_advisory_lock, pass ```:with_advisory_lock => false``` in the options hash:

class Tag
  acts_as_tree :with_advisory_lock => false

Note that you *will eventually have data corruption* if you disable advisory locks, write to your
database with multiple threads, and don't provide an alternative mutex.

## FAQ

### Does this gem support multiple parents?

No. This gem's API is based on the assumption that each node has either 0 or 1 parent.

The underlying closure tree structure will support multiple parents, but there would be many
breaking-API changes to support it. I'm open to suggestions and pull requests.

### How do I use this with test fixtures?

Test fixtures aren't going to be running your ```after_save``` hooks after inserting all your
fixture data, so you need to call ```.rebuild!``` before your test runs. There's an example in
the spec ```tag_spec.rb```:

  describe "Tag with fixtures" do
    fixtures :tags
    before :each do
      Tag.rebuild! # <- required if you use fixtures

**However, if you're just starting with Rails, may I humbly suggest you adopt a factory library**,
rather than using fixtures? [Lots of people have written about this already](https://www.google.com/search?q=fixtures+versus+factories).

### There are many ```lock-*``` files in my project directory after test runs

This is expected if you aren't using MySQL or Postgresql for your tests.

SQLite doesn't have advisory locks, so we resort to file locking, which will only work
if the ```FLOCK_DIR``` is set consistently for all ruby processes.

In your ```spec_helper.rb``` or ```minitest_helper.rb```, add a ```before``` and ```after``` block:

before do
  ENV['FLOCK_DIR'] = Dir.mktmpdir

after do
  FileUtils.remove_entry_secure ENV['FLOCK_DIR']

## Testing

Closure tree is [tested under every valid combination](http://travis-ci.org/#!/mceachen/closure_tree) of

* Ruby 1.9.3 and Ruby 2.0.0
* The latest Rails 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, and 4.0 branches, and
* MySQL and PostgreSQL. SQLite works in a single-threaded environment.

Assuming you're using [rbenv](https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv), you can use ```tests.sh``` to
run the test matrix locally.

Parallelism is not tested with Rails 3.0.x nor 3.1.x due to this
[known issue](https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/7538).

## Change log

See https://github.com/mceachen/closure_tree/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md

## Thanks to

* https://github.com/collectiveidea/awesome_nested_set
* https://github.com/patshaughnessy/class_factory
* JetBrains, which provides an [open-source license](http://www.jetbrains.com/ruby/buy/buy.jsp#openSource) to
  [RubyMine](http://www.jetbrains.com/ruby/features/) for the development of this project.