module Selenium module Client # Convenience methods not explicitely part of the protocol module Extensions # These for all Ajax request to finish (Only works if you are using prototype, the wait in happenning browser side) # # See for # more background. def wait_for_ajax(timeout_in_seconds=nil) selenium.wait_for_condition "selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().Ajax.activeRequestCount == 0", timeout_in_seconds end # Wait for all Prototype effects to be processed (the wait in happenning browser side). # # Credits to def wait_for_effects(timeout_in_seconds=nil) selenium.wait_for_condition "window.Effect.Queue.size() == 0", timeout_in_seconds end # Wait for an element to be present (the wait in happenning browser side). def wait_for_element(locator, timeout_in_seconds=nil) script = <<-EOS var element; try { element = selenium.browserbot.findElement('#{locator}'); } catch(e) { element = null; } element != null EOS wait_for_condition script, timeout_in_seconds end # Wait for an element to NOT be present (the wait in happenning browser side). def wait_for_no_element(locator, timeout_in_seconds=nil) script = <<-EOS var element; try { element = selenium.browserbot.findElement('#{locator}'); } catch(e) { element = null; } element == null EOS wait_for_condition script, timeout_in_seconds end # Wait for some text to be present (the wait in happenning browser side). def wait_for_text(locator, text, timeout_in_seconds=nil) script = "var element; try { element = selenium.browserbot.findElement('#{locator}'); } catch(e) { element = null; } element != null && element.innerHTML == '#{text}'" wait_for_condition script, timeout_in_seconds end # Wait for some text to NOT be present (the wait in happenning browser side). def wait_for_no_text(locator, original_text, timeout_in_seconds=nil) script = "var element; try { element = selenium.browserbot.findElement('#{locator}'); } catch(e) { element = null; } element != null && element.innerHTML != '#{original_text}'" wait_for_condition script, time end # Wait for a field to get a specific value (the wait in happenning browser side). def wait_for_field_value(locator, expected_value, timeout_in_seconds=nil) script = "var element; try { element = selenium.browserbot.findElement('#{locator}'); } catch(e) { element = null; } element != null && element.value == '#{expected_value}'" wait_for_condition script, timeout_in_seconds end end end end