module Fastlane module Actions class UpdateAppIdentifierAction < Action def require 'plist' require 'xcodeproj' info_plist_key = 'INFOPLIST_FILE' identifier_key = 'PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER' # Read existing plist file info_plist_path = resolve_path(params[:plist_path], params[:xcodeproj]) UI.user_error!("Couldn't find info plist file at path '#{params[:plist_path]}'") unless File.exist?(info_plist_path) plist = Plist.parse_xml(info_plist_path) # Check if current app identifier product bundle identifier if plist['CFBundleIdentifier'] == "$(#{identifier_key})" # Load .xcodeproj project_path = params[:xcodeproj] project = # Fetch the build configuration objects configs = { |obj| obj.isa == 'XCBuildConfiguration' && !obj.build_settings[identifier_key].nil? } UI.user_error!("Info plist uses $(#{identifier_key}), but xcodeproj does not") unless configs.count > 0 configs = { |obj| obj.build_settings[info_plist_key] == params[:plist_path] } UI.user_error!("Xcodeproj doesn't have configuration with info plist #{params[:plist_path]}.") unless configs.count > 0 # For each of the build configurations, set app identifier configs.each do |c| c.build_settings[identifier_key] = params[:app_identifier] end # Write changes to the file UI.success("Updated #{params[:xcodeproj]} 💾.") else # Update plist value plist['CFBundleIdentifier'] = params[:app_identifier] # Write changes to file plist_string = Plist::Emit.dump(plist) File.write(info_plist_path, plist_string) UI.success("Updated #{params[:plist_path]} 💾.") end end def self.resolve_path(path, xcodeproj_path) project_dir = File.dirname(xcodeproj_path) # SRCROOT, SOURCE_ROOT and PROJECT_DIR are the same %w{SRCROOT SOURCE_ROOT PROJECT_DIR}.each do |variable_name| path = path.sub("$(#{variable_name})", project_dir) end path = File.absolute_path(path, project_dir) path end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios].include?(platform) end def self.description "Update the project's bundle identifier" end def self.details "Update an app identifier by either setting `CFBundleIdentifier` or `PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER`, depending on which is already in use." end def self.available_options [ :xcodeproj, env_name: "FL_UPDATE_APP_IDENTIFIER_PROJECT_PATH", description: "Path to your Xcode project", default_value: Dir['*.xcodeproj'].first, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Please pass the path to the project, not the workspace") unless value.end_with?(".xcodeproj") UI.user_error!("Could not find Xcode project") unless File.exist?(value) end), :plist_path, env_name: "FL_UPDATE_APP_IDENTIFIER_PLIST_PATH", description: "Path to info plist, relative to your Xcode project", verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Invalid plist file") unless value[-6..-1].casecmp(".plist").zero? end), :app_identifier, env_name: 'FL_UPDATE_APP_IDENTIFIER', description: 'The app Identifier you want to set', default_value: ENV['PRODUCE_APP_IDENTIFIER'] || CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:app_identifier)) ] end def self.authors ['squarefrog', 'tobiasstrebitzer'] end def self.example_code [ 'update_app_identifier( xcodeproj: "Example.xcodeproj", # Optional path to xcodeproj, will use the first .xcodeproj if not set plist_path: "Example/Info.plist", # Path to info plist file, relative to xcodeproj app_identifier: "com.test.example" # The App Identifier )' ] end def self.category :project end end end end