describe "Xruby" do # it "should compilebug3979550" do #[:action => :back] - Does not compile [{:action => :back}] end # def test_method(p) p == 1 || p == 2 end it "if with function parameters" do test = false #if test_method 1 and test_method 2 if test_method( 1 ) and test_method 2 test = true end test.should == true end # it "unary priority" do s = "123" #res = -s.to_i - it does not work res = -(s.to_i) res.should == -123 end # it "should assign hash" do test = {"1"=>"a", "2"=>"b"} attrs = test.each do |n, v| test[n] = v end #attrs is array of keys here #attrs.is_a?(Hash).should == true end =begin def elsif_test cond = 'false' res = false if cond == 'true' res = false elsif res = true end res.should == true cond = 'true' res = false if cond == 'true' res = true elsif res = false end res.should == true end =end end