module Hobo module Model class ViewHints def self.setter(name, default=nil, &block) ivname = name.to_s.remove(/\?$/) metaclass.send :define_method, name do |*args| if args.empty? val = instance_variable_get("@#{ivname}") if val.nil? val = default.is_a?(Proc) ? instance_eval(&default) : default instance_variable_set("@#{ivname}", val) end val else arg = if block instance_exec(*args, &block) else args.first end instance_variable_set("@#{ivname}", arg) end end end setter :children, [] do |*args| # Setting children also gives a default parent using the reverse association child_model = model.reflections[args.first].klass if child_model.view_hints.parent.nil? and !child_model.view_hints.parent_defined parent = model.reverse_reflection(args.first) child_model.view_hints.parent(, :undefined => true) if parent end args end setter :parent, nil do |*args| options = args.extract_options! parent_defined(true) unless options[:undefined] args.first end setter :parent_defined, nil setter :paginate?, proc { !sortable? } setter :sortable?, proc { defined?(ActiveRecord::Acts::List::InstanceMethods) && model < ActiveRecord::Acts::List::InstanceMethods && == "1 = 1" } setter :inline_booleans, [] do |*args| if args[0] == true { |c| c.type == :boolean }.*.name else args.*.to_s end end # Accessors class << self def _name @_name ||= name.sub(/Hints$/, '') end def model @model ||= _name.constantize end def primary_children children.first end def secondary_children end ##### LEGACY METHODS TO REMOVE ##### def model_name(*) raise NotImplementedError, "ViewHints.model_name is no longer supported, please use model.model_name.human and set a the activerecord.models. key in a locale file" end def model_name_plural(*) raise NotImplementedError, "ViewHints.model_name_plural is no longer supported, please use model.model_name.human(:count => n) and set a the activerecord.models. key in a locale file" end def field_name(*) raise NotImplementedError, "ViewHints.field_name is no longer supported, please use model..human_attribute_name and set a the activerecord.attributes.. key in a locale file" end def field_names(*) raise NotImplementedError, "ViewHints.field_names is no longer supported, please set the activerecord.attributes.. keys in a locale file" end end end end end