# encoding: UTF-8 require 'commander' class Boxafe::Program < Commander::Runner GLOBAL_OPTIONS = [ :config, :verbose ] BACKTRACE_NOTICE = ' (use --trace to view backtrace)' include Commander::UI include Commander::UI::AskForClass def initialize argv = ARGV super argv program :name, 'boxafe' program :version, Boxafe::VERSION program :description, 'Secure your Dropbox with encfs.' global_option '-c', '--config PATH', 'Use a custom configuration file (defaults to ~/.boxafe.rb)' global_option '--verbose', 'Increase verbosity' command :status do |c| c.syntax = 'boxafe status' c.description = 'Display the current status and configuration' c.action do |args,options| to_trace_or_not_to_trace options.trace do cli.status extract(options) end end end command :mount do |c| c.syntax = 'boxafe mount' c.description = 'Mount configured boxes with EncFS' c.action do |args,options| to_trace_or_not_to_trace options.trace do cli.mount *args end end end command :unmount do |c| c.syntax = 'boxafe unmount' c.description = 'Unmount configured boxes' c.action do |args,options| to_trace_or_not_to_trace options.trace do cli.unmount *args end end end command :start do |c| c.syntax = 'boxafe start' c.description = 'Configure boxafe to run on startup' c.action do |args,options| to_trace_or_not_to_trace options.trace do cli.start *(args.push extract(options)) end end end command :stop do |c| c.syntax = 'boxafe stop' c.description = 'Stop boxafe from running on startup' c.action do |args,options| to_trace_or_not_to_trace options.trace do cli.stop *(args.push extract(options)) end end end default_command :status end private def cli Boxafe::CLI.new end def to_trace_or_not_to_trace trace = false if trace yield else begin yield rescue Boxafe::Error => e warn Paint["#{e.message}#{BACKTRACE_NOTICE}", :red] exit e.code end end end def extract *args options = args.pop (args | GLOBAL_OPTIONS).inject({}){ |memo,k| memo[k] = options.__send__(k); memo }.reject{ |k,v| v.nil? } end end