# ProtoLink - Access your ProtoNet ProtoLink is a library for interfacing with ProtoNet, the next-gen internet infrastructure. Truly social and people-powered. Version: 0.2.1 Sorry, there are no tests at all yet... ## Dependencies httparty crack ## Usage # CHANNELS # simple message require 'rubygems' require 'protolink' protonet = Protolink::Protonet.open('HTTP://SUBDOMAIN.DOMAIN.DE', 'USERLOGIN', 'PASSWORD') channel = protonet.channels.first channel.speak 'Hello world!' # post message in specific channel require 'rubygems' require 'protolink' protonet = Protolink::Protonet.open('HTTP://SUBDOMAIN.DOMAIN.DE', 'USERLOGIN', 'PASSWORD') channel = protonet.find_channel_by_name("test") channel.speak 'Hello world!' # create a channel require 'rubygems' require 'protolink' protonet = Protolink::Protonet.open('HTTP://SUBDOMAIN.DOMAIN.DE', 'USERLOGIN', 'PASSWORD') channel = protonet.create_channel(:name => "test", :description => "This is the description... woah", :skip_autosubscribe => true) channel.speak 'Hello world!' # find channel by id require 'rubygems' require 'protolink' protonet = Protolink::Protonet.open('HTTP://SUBDOMAIN.DOMAIN.DE', 'USERLOGIN', 'PASSWORD') channel = protonet.find_channel(117) channel.speak 'Hello world!' # find or create a channel require 'rubygems' require 'protolink' protonet = Protolink::Protonet.open('HTTP://SUBDOMAIN.DOMAIN.DE', 'USERLOGIN', 'PASSWORD') channel = protonet.find_or_create_channel_by_name("test", :description => "This is the description... woah") channel.speak 'Hello world!' # USERS # find user by login require 'rubygems' require 'protolink' protonet = Protolink::Protonet.open('HTTP://SUBDOMAIN.DOMAIN.DE', 'USERLOGIN', 'PASSWORD') user = protonet.find_user_by_login("bjoern.dorra") # find user by id require 'rubygems' require 'protolink' protonet = Protolink::Protonet.open('HTTP://SUBDOMAIN.DOMAIN.DE', 'USERLOGIN', 'PASSWORD') user = protonet.find_user(117) # create a user require 'rubygems' require 'protolink' protonet = Protolink::Protonet.open('HTTP://SUBDOMAIN.DOMAIN.DE', 'USERLOGIN', 'PASSWORD') user = protonet.create_user(:login => "testuser", :password => "userpassword", :name => "Test-User", :email => "test@test.de") # find or create a user require 'rubygems' require 'protolink' protonet = Protolink::Protonet.open('HTTP://SUBDOMAIN.DOMAIN.DE', 'USERLOGIN', 'PASSWORD') user = protonet.find_or_create_user_by_login("testuser", :password => "mymassword", :name => "Test-User", :email => "test@test.de") # get users auth_token for auto-login require 'rubygems' require 'protolink' protonet = Protolink::Protonet.open('HTTP://SUBDOMAIN.DOMAIN.DE', 'USERLOGIN', 'PASSWORD') user = protonet.find_user_by_name("bjoern.dorra") user.auth_token => "A19zNgCzgv4RGDGPc2mL" # LISTENS # create a listen require 'rubygems' require 'protolink' protonet = Protolink::Protonet.open('HTTP://SUBDOMAIN.DOMAIN.DE', 'USERLOGIN', 'PASSWORD') user = protonet.find_user_by_login("bjoern.dorra") channel = protonet.find_channel_by_name("test") protonet.create_listen(user.id, channel.id) # destroy a listen require 'rubygems' require 'protolink' protonet = Protolink::Protonet.open('HTTP://SUBDOMAIN.DOMAIN.DE', 'USERLOGIN', 'PASSWORD') user = protonet.find_user_by_login("bjoern.dorra") channel = protonet.find_channel_by_name("test") protonet.destroy_listen(user.id, channel.id) # CREATE AND SUBSCRIBE require 'rubygems' require 'protolink' protonet = Protolink::Protonet.open('localhost:3000', 'bjoern.dorra', 'geheim') user = protonet.find_or_create_user_by_login("johndoe", "password", "JohnDoe", "john@doe.com") auth_token = user.auth_token channel = protonet.find_or_create_channel_by_name("test", "This is a test channel!") protonet.create_listen(user.id, channel.id) "\nhttp://localhost:3000/?auth_token=#{auth_token}" ## Installation gem install protolink ## How to contribute If you find what looks like a bug: 1. Check the GitHub issue tracker to see if anyone else has had the same issue. http://github.com/protonet/protolink/issues/ 2. If you don't see anything, create an issue with information on how to reproduce it. If you want to contribute an enhancement or a fix: 1. Fork the project on github. http://github.com/protonet/protolink 2. Make your changes with tests. 3. Commit the changes without making changes to the Rakefile, VERSION, or any other files that aren't related to your enhancement or fix 4. Send a pull request.