Apitome.setup do |config| # This determines where the Apitome routes will be mounted. Changing this to '/api/documentation' for instance would # allow you to browse to http://localhost:3000/api/documentation to see your api documentation. Set to nil and mount # it yourself if you need to. config.mount_at = '/api/docs' # This defaults to Rails.root if left nil. If you're providing documentation for an engine using a dummy application # it can be useful to set this to your engines root.. E.g. Application::Engine.root config.root = nil # This is where rspec_api_documentation outputs the JSON files. This is configurable within RAD, and so is # configurable here. config.doc_path = 'docs/api' # The title of the documentation -- If your project has a name, you'll want to put it here. config.title = 'API Documentation' # The main layout view for all documentation pages. By default this is pretty basic, but you may want to use your own # application layout. config.layout = 'apitome/application' # We're using highlight.js (https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js) for code highlighting, and it comes with some # great themes. You can check http://softwaremaniacs.org/media/soft/highlight/test.html for themes, and enter the # theme as lowercase/underscore. config.code_theme = 'monokai' # This allows you to override the css manually. You typically want to require `apitome/application` within the # override, but if you want to override it entirely you can do so. config.css_override = nil # This allows you to override the javascript manually. You typically want to require `apitome/application` within the # override, but if you want to override it entirely you can do so. config.js_override = nil # You can provide a 'README' style markdown file for the documentation, which is a useful place to include general # information. This path is relative to your doc_path configuration. config.readme = '../api.md' # Apitome can render the documentation into a single page that uses scrollspy, or it can render the documentation on # individual pages on demand. This allows you to specify which one you want, as a single page may impact performance. config.single_page = true end