# # Like a Stuct, but automatically casts assignments to specific types. # # Example: # # class SomeRecord < TypedStruct["some_id:int amount:float name:string a,b,c:bool untyped_var"] # end # # record = SomeRecord.new(69, 12348.871, "stringy", true, 1, "no", Object.new) # # another_record = SomeRecord.new :amount=>"1.5", :name=>"Steve", :c=>"true", :a=>"disable", :untyped_var=>Ratio.new(1/2) # record.amount *= 3.141592653589793238462643383279 # # Recognized types, and what they get converted into: # # <no type given> => Don't enforce a type -- any ruby object is allowed. # ["str", "string"] => String # ["sym", "symbol"] => Symbol # ["int", "integer"] => Integer # ["float"] => Float # ["bigdecimal"] => BigDecimal # ["hex"] => Integer # ["date", "time", "datetime"] => DateTime (using DateTime.parse) # ["timestamp", "unixtime"] => Time (using Time.at) # ["bool", "boolean"] => Boolean, using the following rules: # false when: false, nil, 0, "0", "off", "no", # "false", "disabled", "disable" # true when: true, 1, "1", "on", "yes", # "true", "enabled", "enable" # class TypedStruct < Struct ## TODO: Compact syntax: "a,b,c:int x:string y:date" ## TODO: Optional commas separating fields: "a, b, c:int, d:bool" ## TODO: booleans fields add "field?" methods ## TODO: default values: "a:int(default=50)" or "b:int(50)" # # A perhaps-too-clever table of { "typename" => convert_proc } mappings. # CONVERTERS = Hash[ *{ [:passthru] => :passthru, ["str", "string"] => proc { |me| me.to_s }, ["sym", "symbol"] => proc { |me| me.to_sym }, ["int", "integer"] => proc { |me| me.to_i }, ["float"] => proc { |me| me.to_f }, ["bigdecimal"] => proc { |me| BigDecimal.new me }, ["hex"] => proc { |me| me.to_i(16) }, ["date", "time", "datetime"] => proc { |me| DateTime.parse me }, ["timestamp", "unixtime"] => proc { |me| Time.at me }, ["bool", "boolean"] => proc do |me| case me when false, nil, 0, /^(0|off|no|false|disabled?)$/ false when true, 1, /^(1|on|yes|true|enabled?)$/ true else raise "Invalid boolean type: #{me.inspect}" end end }.map { |names, converter| names.map { |n| [n, converter] } }.flatten ] # # Initialize a new struct. # def self.[](specs) wildcard = false drop_unknown = false # create [name,type] pairs pairs = specs.split.map do |spec| case spec when "*" wildcard = true next when "-" drop_unknown = true next end names, type = spec.split(":") names.split(",").map do |name| type ||= :passthru raise "Unknown type: #{type}" unless converter = CONVERTERS[type] [name.to_sym, converter] end end.compact.flatten(1) raise "Error: Can't specify both wildcard ('*') and drop unknown ('-')" if wildcard and drop_unknown # initialize the Struct struct = new(*pairs.transpose.first) # overload setter methods to call the proc pairs.each do |field, converter| next if converter == :passthru struct.send(:define_method, "#{field}=") do |val| self[field] = ( val and converter.call val ) end end if wildcard struct.class_eval do def method_missing(name, val=nil) if name =~ /^(.+)=$/ @extra_slots ||= {} @extra_slots[$1.to_sym] = val else @extra_slots && @extra_slots[name] end end end end struct.class_eval do @@drop_unknown = drop_unknown end struct end def initialize(*args) if args.size == 1 and args.first.is_a? Hash opts = args.first else opts = members.zip(args) end if @@drop_unknown opts.each { |key,value| send "#{key}=", value if respond_to? "#{key}=" } else opts.each { |key,value| send "#{key}=", value } end end end def TypedStruct(schema) TypedStruct[schema] end