require "watirspec_helper" describe "Browser" do describe "#exists?" do after do browser.window(index: 0).use[1..-1].each(&:close) end it "returns true if we are at a page" do browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for("non_control_elements.html")) expect(browser).to exist end bug "", :firefox do not_compliant_on :headless do it "returns false if window is closed" do browser.goto WatirSpec.url_for("window_switching.html") browser.a(id: "open").click Watir::Wait.until { == 2 } browser.window(title: "closeable window").use browser.a(id: "close").click Watir::Wait.until { == 1 } expect(browser.exists?).to be false end end end bug "", :firefox do it "returns false after Browser#close" do browser.close expect(browser).to_not exist $browser = WatirSpec.new_browser end end end # this should be rewritten - the actual string returned varies a lot between implementations describe "#html" do it "returns the DOM of the page as an HTML string" do browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for("right_click.html")) html = browser.html.downcase # varies between browsers expect(html).to match(/^ Content -> Advanced -> Change status bar text # # for IE9, this needs to be enabled in # View => Toolbars -> Status bar it "returns the current value of window.status" do browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for("non_control_elements.html")) browser.execute_script "window.status = 'All done!';" expect(browser.status).to eq "All done!" end end bug "Capitalization bug fixed in upcoming release", %i(remote firefox) do describe "#name" do it "returns browser name" do expect( eq(WatirSpec.implementation.browser_args.first) end end end describe "#text" do it "returns the text of the page" do browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for("non_control_elements.html")) expect(browser.text).to include("Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum.") end it "returns the text also if the content-type is text/plain" do # more specs for text/plain? what happens if we call other methods? browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for("plain_text")) expect(browser.text.strip).to eq 'This is text/plain' end bug "Safari does not strip text", :safari do it "returns text of top most browsing context" do browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for("nested_iframes.html")) browser.iframe(id: 'two').h3.exists? expect(browser.text).to eq 'Top Layer' end end end describe "#url" do it "returns the current url" do browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for("non_control_elements.html")) expect(browser.url.casecmp(WatirSpec.url_for("non_control_elements.html"))).to eq 0 end it "always returns top url" do browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for("frames.html")) browser.frame.body.exists? # switches to frame expect(browser.url.casecmp(WatirSpec.url_for("frames.html"))).to eq 0 end end describe "#title" do it "returns the current title" do browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for("non_control_elements.html")) expect(browser.title).to eq "Non-control elements" end it "always returns top title" do browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for("frames.html")) browser.element(tag_name: 'title').text browser.frame.body.exists? # switches to frame expect(browser.title).to eq "Frames" end end describe ".start" do bug "", :firefox do it "goes to the given URL and return an instance of itself" do browser.close driver, args = WatirSpec.implementation.browser_args b = Watir::Browser.start(WatirSpec.url_for("non_control_elements.html"), driver, args.dup) expect(b).to be_instance_of(Watir::Browser) expect(b.title).to eq "Non-control elements" b.close $browser = WatirSpec.new_browser end end end describe "#goto" do not_compliant_on :internet_explorer do it "adds http:// to URLs with no URL scheme specified" do url =[%r{http://(.*)}, 1] expect(url).to_not be_nil browser.goto(url) expect(browser.url).to match(%r[http://#{url}/?]) end end it "goes to the given url without raising errors" do expect { browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for("non_control_elements.html")) }.to_not raise_error end it "goes to the url 'about:blank' without raising errors" do expect { browser.goto("about:blank") }.to_not raise_error end not_compliant_on :internet_explorer do it "goes to a data URL scheme address without raising errors" do expect { browser.goto("data:text/html;content-type=utf-8,foobar") }.to_not raise_error end end compliant_on :chrome do it "goes to internal Chrome URL 'chrome://settings/browser' without raising errors" do expect { browser.goto("chrome://settings/browser") }.to_not raise_error end end it "updates the page when location is changed with setTimeout + window.location" do browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for("timeout_window_location.html")) Watir::Wait.while { browser.url.include? 'timeout_window_location.html' } expect(browser.url).to include("non_control_elements.html") end end not_compliant_on :headless do describe "#refresh" do it "refreshes the page" do browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for("non_control_elements.html")) browser.span(class: 'footer').click expect(browser.span(class: 'footer').text).to include('Javascript') browser.refresh browser.span(class: 'footer').wait_until_present expect(browser.span(class: 'footer').text).to_not include('Javascript') end end end describe "#execute_script" do before { browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for("non_control_elements.html")) } it "executes the given JavaScript on the current page" do expect(browser.pre(id: 'rspec').text).to_not eq "javascript text" browser.execute_script("document.getElementById('rspec').innerHTML = 'javascript text'") expect(browser.pre(id: 'rspec').text).to eq "javascript text" end it "executes the given JavaScript in the context of an anonymous function" do expect(browser.execute_script("1 + 1")).to be_nil expect(browser.execute_script("return 1 + 1")).to eq 2 end it "returns correct Ruby objects" do expect(browser.execute_script("return {a: 1, \"b\": 2}")).to eq Hash["a" => 1, "b" => 2] expect(browser.execute_script("return [1, 2, \"3\"]")).to match_array([1, 2, "3"]) expect(browser.execute_script("return 1.2 + 1.3")).to eq 2.5 expect(browser.execute_script("return 2 + 2")).to eq 4 expect(browser.execute_script("return \"hello\"")).to eq "hello" expect(browser.execute_script("return")).to be_nil expect(browser.execute_script("return null")).to be_nil expect(browser.execute_script("return undefined")).to be_nil expect(browser.execute_script("return true")).to be true expect(browser.execute_script("return false")).to be false end it "works correctly with multi-line strings and special characters" do expect(browser.execute_script("//multiline rocks! var a = 22; // comment on same line /* more comments */ var b = '33'; var c = \"44\"; return a + b + c")).to eq "223344" end end describe "#back and #forward" do it "goes to the previous page" do browser.goto WatirSpec.url_for("non_control_elements.html") orig_url = browser.url browser.goto WatirSpec.url_for("tables.html") new_url = browser.url expect(orig_url).to_not eq new_url browser.back expect(orig_url).to eq browser.url end it "goes to the next page" do urls = [] browser.goto WatirSpec.url_for("non_control_elements.html") urls << browser.url browser.goto WatirSpec.url_for("tables.html") urls << browser.url browser.back expect(browser.url).to eq urls.first browser.forward expect(browser.url).to eq urls.last end it "navigates between several history items" do urls = ["non_control_elements.html", "tables.html", "forms_with_input_elements.html", "definition_lists.html" ].map do |page| browser.goto WatirSpec.url_for(page) browser.url end 3.times { browser.back } expect(browser.url).to eq urls.first 2.times { browser.forward } expect(browser.url).to eq urls[2] end end it "raises UnknownObjectException when trying to access DOM elements on plain/text-page" do browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for("plain_text")) expect { browser.div(id: 'foo').id }.to raise_unknown_object_exception end end