command 'config' do |c| c.syntax = "#{$datapimp_cli} config [OPTIONS]" c.description = "Shows the configuration options being used" c.option '--env', "Output compatible with .env files" c.action do |args, options| Datapimp.config.current.to_hash.each do |key, value| if options.env puts "#{ key.to_s.upcase }= '#{ value }'" else puts "#{key}: #{value}" end end end end command 'config set' do |c| c.syntax = "#{$datapimp_cli} config set KEY=VALUE KEY=VALUE [options]" c.description = 'manipulate configuration settings' c.option '--global', 'Set the configuration globally' c.option '--local', 'Set the configuration globally' c.example "set a bunch of config parameters", "datapimp config set DROPBOX_APP_KEY=xxx DROPBOX_APP_SECRET=yyy GITHUB_APP_SECRET=zzz" c.action do |args, _options| Datapimp::Configuration.initialize! { |pair| pair.match(/=/) } .map { |pair| pair.split('=') } .each do |group| key, value = group Datapimp.config.set(key, value, false, global: !!( end! end end