# HISTORY This is the manual changelog, managed before switching to github_changelog_generator. ## [0.2.00] - 2018-09-18 ### Added - This change log - [Namespaces] - [Slider component] - [Rich text component] - [Map component] - [Chip as input] - [Tagged Input] - [Grid Padding] - [Grid Wide/Table scrolling] - [Overline Text Style] - [Blank lines] - [Page separator] - [Clear action] - Floating content blocks - Request logging ### Removed - Autocomplete event ### Changed - Text field - draw with outlined style by default - Text field - support for leading or trailing icons - Text field - disabled support - Text area - can specify cols to control width - Select options - can pass the option text as the first parameter, or in the block. - List - component action blocks are now actions - List - color and border - Content blocks - icons support - Events - aliases focus and blur (maps to focusin and focusout) - Typography - available in menu items, including markdown - Typography - removed trailing line breaks - Rails helper table_for helper - accepts timezone for auto time formatting - Date time - default format changed - Webclient FAB button - shifted up and out to make room for list actions ### Fixed - Text field - Removed excessive trailing spacing - Context is no longer copied and it is not included in the pom json - List - selected lists can render selected with the checked option [Unreleased]: https://github.com/rx/presenters/compare/v0.1.14...HEAD [0.1.14]: https://github.com/rx/presenters/compare/v0.1.14...v0.1.13 [Namespaces]: https://powerful-bastion-96181.herokuapp.com/namespaces [Stepper]: https://powerful-bastion-96181.herokuapp.com/steppers [Rich text component]: https://powerful-bastion-96181.herokuapp.com/text_areas [Slider component]: https://powerful-bastion-96181.herokuapp.com/sliders [Tagged Input]: https://powerful-bastion-96181.herokuapp.com/tagged_input [Overline Text Style]: https://powerful-bastion-96181.herokuapp.com/styles [Page separator]: https://powerful-bastion-96181.herokuapp.com/separator [Blank lines]: https://powerful-bastion-96181.herokuapp.com/styles [Grid Padding]: https://powerful-bastion-96181.herokuapp.com/layouts [Map component]: https://powerful-bastion-96181.herokuapp.com/maps [Clear action]: https://powerful-bastion-96181.herokuapp.com/clear_action [Chip as input]: https://powerful-bastion-96181.herokuapp.com/chips#input_chips [Floating content blocks]:https://powerful-bastion-96181.herokuapp.com/content#floating [Grid Wide/Table scrolling]:https://powerful-bastion-96181.herokuapp.com/tables