# ViewComponent
A view component framework for Rails.
**Current Status**: Used in production at GitHub. Because of this, all changes will be thoroughly vetted, which could slow down the process of contributing. We will do our best to actively communicate status of pull requests with any contributors. If you have any substantial changes that you would like to make, it would be great to first [open an issue](http://github.com/github/view_component/issues/new) to discuss them with us.
## Migration from ActionView::Component
This gem used to be called `ActionView::Component`.
See [issue #206] for some background on the name change.
Learn more about what changed and how to migrate [here][migration-info].
[issue #206]: https://github.com/github/view_component/issues/206
[migration-info]: https://github.com/github/view_component/blob/v2.0.0/README.md#migration-in-progress
## Roadmap
Support for third-party component frameworks was merged into Rails `6.1.0.alpha` in https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/36388 and https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/37919. Our goal with this project is to provide a first-class component framework for this new capability in Rails.
This gem includes a backport of those changes for Rails `5.0.0` through `6.1.0.alpha`.
## Design philosophy
This library is designed to integrate as seamlessly as possible with Rails, with the [least surprise](https://www.artima.com/intv/ruby4.html).
## Compatibility
`view_component` is tested for compatibility with combinations of Ruby `2.4`/`2.5`/`2.6`/`2.7` and Rails `5.0.0`/`5.2.3`/`6.0.0`/`master`.
## Installation
In `Gemfile`, add:
gem "view_component"
In `config/application.rb`, add:
require "view_component/engine"
## Guide
### What are components?
`ViewComponent`s are Ruby classes that are used to render views. They take data as input and return output-safe HTML. Think of them as an evolution of the presenter/decorator/view model pattern, inspired by [React Components](https://reactjs.org/docs/react-component.html).
Components are most effective in cases where view code is reused or benefits from being tested directly.
### Why should I use components?
#### Testing
Rails encourages testing views with integration tests. This discourages us from testing views thoroughly, due to the overhead of exercising the routing and controller layers in addition to the view.
For partials, this means being tested for each view they are included in, reducing the benefit of reusing them.
`ViewComponent`s can be unit-tested. In the GitHub codebase, our component unit tests run in around 25 milliseconds, compared to about six seconds for integration tests.
#### Data Flow
Unlike a method declaration on an object, views do not declare the values they are expected to receive, making it hard to figure out what context is necessary to render them. This often leads to subtle bugs when reusing a view in different contexts.
By clearly defining the context necessary to render a `ViewComponent`, they're easier to reuse than partials.
#### Standards
Views often fail basic Ruby code quality standards: long methods, deep conditional nesting, and mystery guests abound.
`ViewComponent`s are Ruby objects, making it easy to follow code quality standards.
#### Code Coverage
Many common Ruby code coverage tools cannot properly handle coverage of views, making it difficult to audit how thorough tests are and leading to missing coverage in test suites.
`ViewComponent` is at least partially compatible with code coverage tools, such as SimpleCov.
### Building components
#### Conventions
Components are subclasses of `ViewComponent::Base` and live in `app/components`. It's recommended to create an `ApplicationComponent` that is a subclass of `ViewComponent::Base` and inherit from that instead.
Component class names end in -`Component`.
Component module names are plural, as they are for controllers. (`Users::AvatarComponent`)
Content passed to a `ViewComponent` as a block is captured and assigned to the `content` accessor.
#### Quick start
Use the component generator to create a new `ViewComponent`.
The generator accepts the component name and the list of accepted properties as arguments:
bin/rails generate component Example title content
invoke test_unit
create test/components/example_component_test.rb
create app/components/example_component.rb
create app/components/example_component.html.erb
`ViewComponent` includes template generators for the `erb`, `haml`, and `slim` template engines and will use the template engine specified in the Rails configuration (`config.generators.template_engine`) by default.
The template engine can also be passed as an option to the generator:
bin/rails generate component Example title content --template-engine slim
#### Implementation
A `ViewComponent` is a Ruby file and corresponding template file with the same base name:
class TestComponent < ViewComponent::Base
def initialize(title:)
@title = title
<%= content %>
Which is rendered in a view as:
<%= render(TestComponent.new(title: "my title")) do %>
Hello, World!
<% end %>
Which returns:
Hello, World!
#### Content Areas
A component can declare additional content areas to be rendered in the component. For example:
class ModalComponent < ViewComponent::Base
with_content_areas :header, :body
<%= header %>
<%= body %>
Which is rendered in a view as:
<%= render(ModalComponent.new) do |component| %>
<% component.with(:header) do %>
Hello Jane
<% end %>
<% component.with(:body) do %>
Have a great day.
<% end %>
<% end %>
Which returns:
Hello Jane
Have a great day.
### Inline Component
A component can be rendered without any template file as well.
class InlineComponent < ViewComponent::Base
def call
if active?
link_to "Cancel integration", integration_path, method: :delete
link_to "Integrate now!", integration_path
It is also possible to render variants inline by creating additional `call_` methods.
class InlineVariantComponent < ViewComponent::Base
def call
link_to "Default", default_path
def call_phone
link_to "Phone", phone_path
Using a mixture of templates and inline render methods in a component is supported, however only one should be provided per component (or variant).
### Conditional Rendering
Components can implement a `#render?` method to determine if they should be rendered.
For example, given a component that displays a banner to users who haven't confirmed their email address, the logic for whether to render the banner would need to go in either the component template:
<% if user.requires_confirmation? %>
Please confirm your email address.
<% end %>
or the view that renders the component:
<% if current_user.requires_confirmation? %>
<%= render(ConfirmEmailComponent.new(user: current_user)) %>
<% end %>
Instead, the `#render?` hook expresses this logic in the Ruby class, simplifying the view:
class ConfirmEmailComponent < ViewComponent::Base
def initialize(user:)
@user = user
def render?
Please confirm your email address.
<%= render(ConfirmEmailComponent.new(user: current_user)) %>
To assert that a component has not been rendered, use `refute_component_rendered` from `ViewComponent::TestHelpers`.
### Rendering collections
It's possible to render collections with components:
``` erb
<%= render(ProductComponent.with_collection(@products)) %>
Where the `ProductComponent` and associated template might look something like the following. Notice that the constructor must take a `product` and the name of that parameter matches the name of the component.
``` ruby
class ProductComponent < ViewComponent::Base
def initialize(product:)
@product = product
``` erb
<%= @product.name %>
Additionally, extra arguments can be passed to the component and the name of the parameter can be changed:
``` erb
<%= render(ProductComponent.with_collection(@products, notice: "hi")) %>
``` ruby
class ProductComponent < ViewComponent::Base
with_collection_parameter :item
def initialize(item:, notice:)
@item = item
@notice = notice
``` erb
<%= @item.name %>
<%= @notice %>
### Sidecar assets (experimental)
We're experimenting with including Javascript and CSS alongside components, sometimes called "sidecar" assets or files.
To use the Webpacker gem to compile sidecar assets located in `app/components`:
1. 1. In `config/webpacker.yml`, add `"app/components"` to the `resolved_paths` array (e.g. `resolved_paths: ["app/components"]`).
2. In the Webpack entry file (often `app/javascript/packs/application.js`), add an import statement to a helper file, and in the helper file, import the components' Javascript:
Near the top the entry file, add:
import "../components"
Then add the following to a new file `app/javascript/components.js`:
function importAll(r) {
importAll(require.context("../components", true, /_component.js$/))
Any file with the `_component.js` suffix, for example `app/components/widget_component.js`, will get compiled into the Webpack bundle. If that file itself imports another file, for example `app/components/widget_component.css`, that will also get compiled and bundled into Webpack's output stylesheet if Webpack is being used for styles.
#### Encapsulating sidecar assets
Ideally, sidecar Javascript/CSS should not "leak" out of the context of its associated component.
One approach is to use Web Components, which contain all Javascript functionality, internal markup, and styles within the shadow root of the Web Component.
For example:
class CommentComponent < ViewComponent::Base
def initialize(comment:)
@comment = comment
def commenter
def commenter_name
def avatar
def formatted_body
attr_reader :comment
customElements.define('my-comment', Comment)
##### Stimulus
In Stimulus, create a 1:1 mapping between a Stimulus controller and a component. In order to load in Stimulus controllers from the `app/components` tree, amend the Stimulus boot code in `app/javascript/packs/application.js`:
const application = Application.start()
const context = require.context("controllers", true, /.js$/)
const context_components = require.context("../../components", true, /_controller.js$/)
This will allow you to create files such as `app/components/widget_controller.js`, where the controller identifier matches the `data-controller` attribute in the component's HTML template.
### Testing
Unit test components directly, using the `render_inline` test helper and Capybara matchers:
require "view_component/test_case"
class MyComponentTest < ViewComponent::TestCase
test "render component" do
render_inline(TestComponent.new(title: "my title")) { "Hello, World!" }
assert_selector("span[title='my title']", "Hello, World!")
#### Action Pack Variants
Use the `with_variant` helper to test specific variants:
test "render component for tablet" do
with_variant :tablet do
render_inline(TestComponent.new(title: "my title")) { "Hello, tablets!" }
assert_selector("span[title='my title']", "Hello, tablets!")
### Previewing Components
`ViewComponent::Preview`, like `ActionMailer::Preview`, provides a way to preview components in isolation:
class TestComponentPreview < ViewComponent::Preview
def with_default_title
render(TestComponent.new(title: "Test component default"))
def with_long_title
render(TestComponent.new(title: "This is a really long title to see how the component renders this"))
def with_content_block
render(TestComponent.new(title: "This component accepts a block of content") do
tag.div do
content_tag(:span, "Hello")
Which generates ,
and .
The `ViewComponent::Preview` base class includes
[`ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper`][tag-helper], which provides the [`tag`][tag]
and [`content_tag`][content_tag] view helper methods.
[tag-helper]: https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/TagHelper.html
[tag]: https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/TagHelper.html#method-i-tag
[content_tag]: https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/TagHelper.html#method-i-content_tag
Previews default to the application layout, but can be overridden:
class TestComponentPreview < ViewComponent::Preview
layout "admin"
Preview classes live in `test/components/previews`, can be configured using the `preview_path` option.
To use `lib/component_previews`:
config.view_component.preview_path = "#{Rails.root}/lib/component_previews"
#### Configuring TestController
Component tests and previews assume the existence of an `ApplicationController` class, be can be configured using the `test_controller` option:
config.view_component.test_controller = "BaseController"
### Setting up RSpec
To use RSpec, add the following:
require "view_component/test_helpers"
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include ViewComponent::TestHelpers, type: :component
Specs created by the generator have access to test helpers like `render_inline`.
To use component previews:
config.view_component.preview_path = "#{Rails.root}/spec/components/previews"
## Frequently Asked Questions
### Can I use other templating languages besides ERB?
Yes. This gem is tested against ERB, Haml, and Slim, but it should support most Rails template handlers.
### What happened to inline templates?
Inline templates have been removed (for now) due to concerns raised by [@soutaro](https://github.com/soutaro) regarding compatibility with the type systems being developed for Ruby 3.
### Isn't this just like X library?
`ViewComponent` is far from a novel idea! Popular implementations of view components in Ruby include, but are not limited to:
- [trailblazer/cells](https://github.com/trailblazer/cells)
- [dry-rb/dry-view](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-view)
- [komposable/komponent](https://github.com/komposable/komponent)
- [activeadmin/arbre](https://github.com/activeadmin/arbre)
## Resources
- [Components, HAML vs ERB, and Design Systems](https://the-ruby-blend.fireside.fm/4)
- [Choosing the Right Tech Stack with Dave Paola](https://5by5.tv/rubyonrails/307)
- [Rethinking the View Layer with Components, RailsConf 2019](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5Z5a6QdA-M)
- [Introducing ActionView::Component with Joel Hawksley, Ruby on Rails Podcast](http://5by5.tv/rubyonrails/276)
- [Rails to Introduce View Components, Dev.to](https://dev.to/andy/rails-to-introduce-view-components-3ome)
- [ActionView::Components in Rails 6.1, Drifting Ruby](https://www.driftingruby.com/episodes/actionview-components-in-rails-6-1)
- [Demo repository, view-component-demo](https://github.com/joelhawksley/view-component-demo)
## Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/github/view_component. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. We recommend reading the [contributing guide](./CONTRIBUTING.md) as well.
## Contributors
`view_component` is built by:
|London|Copenhagen|Russia, Kirov|Berkeley, CA|Denmark|
|Los Angeles|Edmonton|Odense, Denmark|Brazil|Minneapolis|
|Milan||United Kingdom||Berlin|
|Spring Hill, TN|Buenos Aires|São Paulo||Gambrills, MD|
|Boston, MA|New York, NY|San Francisco, CA|Minsk|Portland, OR|
|Dublin, Ireland|
## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).