# This file is generated. See the contributing guide for more information:
# https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
require 'seahorse/client/plugins/content_length.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/credentials_configuration.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/logging.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/param_converter.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/param_validator.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/user_agent.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/helpful_socket_errors.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/retry_errors.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/global_configuration.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/regional_endpoint.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/response_paging.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/stub_responses.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/idempotency_token.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/jsonvalue_converter.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/signature_v4.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/protocols/json_rpc.rb'
module Aws::CodeCommit
class Client < Seahorse::Client::Base
include Aws::ClientStubs
@identifier = :codecommit
# @option options [required, Aws::CredentialProvider] :credentials
# Your AWS credentials. This can be an instance of any one of the
# following classes:
# * `Aws::Credentials` - Used for configuring static, non-refreshing
# credentials.
# * `Aws::InstanceProfileCredentials` - Used for loading credentials
# from an EC2 IMDS on an EC2 instance.
# * `Aws::SharedCredentials` - Used for loading credentials from a
# shared file, such as `~/.aws/config`.
# * `Aws::AssumeRoleCredentials` - Used when you need to assume a role.
# When `:credentials` are not configured directly, the following
# locations will be searched for credentials:
# * `Aws.config[:credentials]`
# * The `:access_key_id`, `:secret_access_key`, and `:session_token` options.
# * `~/.aws/credentials`
# * `~/.aws/config`
# * EC2 IMDS instance profile - When used by default, the timeouts are
# very aggressive. Construct and pass an instance of
# `Aws::InstanceProfileCredentails` to enable retries and extended
# timeouts.
# @option options [required, String] :region
# The AWS region to connect to. The configured `:region` is
# used to determine the service `:endpoint`. When not passed,
# a default `:region` is search for in the following locations:
# * `Aws.config[:region]`
# * `~/.aws/credentials`
# * `~/.aws/config`
# @option options [String] :access_key_id
# @option options [Boolean] :convert_params (true)
# When `true`, an attempt is made to coerce request parameters into
# the required types.
# @option options [String] :endpoint
# The client endpoint is normally constructed from the `:region`
# option. You should only configure an `:endpoint` when connecting
# to test endpoints. This should be avalid HTTP(S) URI.
# @option options [Aws::Log::Formatter] :log_formatter (Aws::Log::Formatter.default)
# The log formatter.
# @option options [Symbol] :log_level (:info)
# The log level to send messages to the `:logger` at.
# @option options [Logger] :logger
# The Logger instance to send log messages to. If this option
# is not set, logging will be disabled.
# @option options [String] :profile ("default")
# Used when loading credentials from the shared credentials file
# at HOME/.aws/credentials. When not specified, 'default' is used.
# @option options [Integer] :retry_limit (3)
# The maximum number of times to retry failed requests. Only
# ~ 500 level server errors and certain ~ 400 level client errors
# are retried. Generally, these are throttling errors, data
# checksum errors, networking errors, timeout errors and auth
# errors from expired credentials.
# @option options [String] :secret_access_key
# @option options [String] :session_token
# @option options [Boolean] :simple_json (false)
# Disables request parameter conversion, validation, and formatting.
# Also disable response data type conversions. This option is useful
# when you want to ensure the highest level of performance by
# avoiding overhead of walking request parameters and response data
# structures.
# When `:simple_json` is enabled, the request parameters hash must
# be formatted exactly as the DynamoDB API expects.
# @option options [Boolean] :stub_responses (false)
# Causes the client to return stubbed responses. By default
# fake responses are generated and returned. You can specify
# the response data to return or errors to raise by calling
# {ClientStubs#stub_responses}. See {ClientStubs} for more information.
# ** Please note ** When response stubbing is enabled, no HTTP
# requests are made, and retries are disabled.
# @option options [Boolean] :validate_params (true)
# When `true`, request parameters are validated before
# sending the request.
def initialize(*args)
# @!group API Operations
# Returns information about one or more repositories.
# The description field for a repository accepts all HTML characters and
# all valid Unicode characters. Applications that do not HTML-encode the
# description and display it in a web page could expose users to
# potentially malicious code. Make sure that you HTML-encode the
# description field in any application that uses this API to display the
# repository description on a web page.
# @option params [required, Array] :repository_names
# The names of the repositories to get information about.
# @return [Types::BatchGetRepositoriesOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::BatchGetRepositoriesOutput#repositories #repositories} => Array<Types::RepositoryMetadata>
# * {Types::BatchGetRepositoriesOutput#repositories_not_found #repositories_not_found} => Array<String>
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.batch_get_repositories({
# repository_names: ["RepositoryName"], # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.repositories #=> Array
# resp.repositories[0].account_id #=> String
# resp.repositories[0].repository_id #=> String
# resp.repositories[0].repository_name #=> String
# resp.repositories[0].repository_description #=> String
# resp.repositories[0].default_branch #=> String
# resp.repositories[0].last_modified_date #=> Time
# resp.repositories[0].creation_date #=> Time
# resp.repositories[0].clone_url_http #=> String
# resp.repositories[0].clone_url_ssh #=> String
# resp.repositories[0].arn #=> String
# resp.repositories_not_found #=> Array
# resp.repositories_not_found[0] #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchGetRepositories AWS API Documentation
# @overload batch_get_repositories(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def batch_get_repositories(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:batch_get_repositories, params)
# Creates a new branch in a repository and points the branch to a
# commit.
# Calling the create branch operation does not set a repository's
# default branch. To do this, call the update default branch operation.
# @option params [required, String] :repository_name
# The name of the repository in which you want to create the new branch.
# @option params [required, String] :branch_name
# The name of the new branch to create.
# @option params [required, String] :commit_id
# The ID of the commit to point the new branch to.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.create_branch({
# repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
# branch_name: "BranchName", # required
# commit_id: "CommitId", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreateBranch AWS API Documentation
# @overload create_branch(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def create_branch(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_branch, params)
# Creates a new, empty repository.
# @option params [required, String] :repository_name
# The name of the new repository to be created.
# The repository name must be unique across the calling AWS account. In
# addition, repository names are limited to 100 alphanumeric, dash, and
# underscore characters, and cannot include certain characters. For a
# full description of the limits on repository names, see [Limits][1] in
# the AWS CodeCommit User Guide. The suffix ".git" is prohibited.
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/limits.html
# @option params [String] :repository_description
# A comment or description about the new repository.
# The description field for a repository accepts all HTML characters and
# all valid Unicode characters. Applications that do not HTML-encode the
# description and display it in a web page could expose users to
# potentially malicious code. Make sure that you HTML-encode the
# description field in any application that uses this API to display the
# repository description on a web page.
# @return [Types::CreateRepositoryOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::CreateRepositoryOutput#repository_metadata #repository_metadata} => Types::RepositoryMetadata
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.create_repository({
# repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
# repository_description: "RepositoryDescription",
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.repository_metadata.account_id #=> String
# resp.repository_metadata.repository_id #=> String
# resp.repository_metadata.repository_name #=> String
# resp.repository_metadata.repository_description #=> String
# resp.repository_metadata.default_branch #=> String
# resp.repository_metadata.last_modified_date #=> Time
# resp.repository_metadata.creation_date #=> Time
# resp.repository_metadata.clone_url_http #=> String
# resp.repository_metadata.clone_url_ssh #=> String
# resp.repository_metadata.arn #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreateRepository AWS API Documentation
# @overload create_repository(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def create_repository(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_repository, params)
# Deletes a repository. If a specified repository was already deleted, a
# null repository ID will be returned.
# Deleting a repository also deletes all associated objects and
# metadata. After a repository is deleted, all future push calls to the
# deleted repository will fail.
# @option params [required, String] :repository_name
# The name of the repository to delete.
# @return [Types::DeleteRepositoryOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::DeleteRepositoryOutput#repository_id #repository_id} => String
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.delete_repository({
# repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.repository_id #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeleteRepository AWS API Documentation
# @overload delete_repository(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def delete_repository(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_repository, params)
# Returns the base-64 encoded content of an individual blob within a
# repository.
# @option params [required, String] :repository_name
# The name of the repository that contains the blob.
# @option params [required, String] :blob_id
# The ID of the blob, which is its SHA-1 pointer.
# @return [Types::GetBlobOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetBlobOutput#content #content} => String
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_blob({
# repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
# blob_id: "ObjectId", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.content #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetBlob AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_blob(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_blob(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_blob, params)
# Returns information about a repository branch, including its name and
# the last commit ID.
# @option params [String] :repository_name
# The name of the repository that contains the branch for which you want
# to retrieve information.
# @option params [String] :branch_name
# The name of the branch for which you want to retrieve information.
# @return [Types::GetBranchOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetBranchOutput#branch #branch} => Types::BranchInfo
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_branch({
# repository_name: "RepositoryName",
# branch_name: "BranchName",
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.branch.branch_name #=> String
# resp.branch.commit_id #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetBranch AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_branch(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_branch(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_branch, params)
# Returns information about a commit, including commit message and
# committer information.
# @option params [required, String] :repository_name
# The name of the repository to which the commit was made.
# @option params [required, String] :commit_id
# The commit ID.
# @return [Types::GetCommitOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetCommitOutput#commit #commit} => Types::Commit
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_commit({
# repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
# commit_id: "ObjectId", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.commit.tree_id #=> String
# resp.commit.parents #=> Array
# resp.commit.parents[0] #=> String
# resp.commit.message #=> String
# resp.commit.author.name #=> String
# resp.commit.author.email #=> String
# resp.commit.author.date #=> String
# resp.commit.committer.name #=> String
# resp.commit.committer.email #=> String
# resp.commit.committer.date #=> String
# resp.commit.additional_data #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetCommit AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_commit(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_commit(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_commit, params)
# Returns information about the differences in a valid commit specifier
# (such as a branch, tag, HEAD, commit ID or other fully qualified
# reference). Results can be limited to a specified path.
# @option params [required, String] :repository_name
# The name of the repository where you want to get differences.
# @option params [String] :before_commit_specifier
# The branch, tag, HEAD, or other fully qualified reference used to
# identify a commit. For example, the full commit ID. Optional. If not
# specified, all changes prior to the `afterCommitSpecifier` value will
# be shown. If you do not use `beforeCommitSpecifier` in your request,
# consider limiting the results with `maxResults`.
# @option params [required, String] :after_commit_specifier
# The branch, tag, HEAD, or other fully qualified reference used to
# identify a commit.
# @option params [String] :before_path
# The file path in which to check for differences. Limits the results to
# this path. Can also be used to specify the previous name of a
# directory or folder. If `beforePath` and `afterPath` are not
# specified, differences will be shown for all paths.
# @option params [String] :after_path
# The file path in which to check differences. Limits the results to
# this path. Can also be used to specify the changed name of a directory
# or folder, if it has changed. If not specified, differences will be
# shown for all paths.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# A non-negative integer used to limit the number of returned results.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# An enumeration token that when provided in a request, returns the next
# batch of the results.
# @return [Types::GetDifferencesOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetDifferencesOutput#differences #differences} => Array<Types::Difference>
# * {Types::GetDifferencesOutput#next_token #next_token} => String
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_differences({
# repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
# before_commit_specifier: "CommitName",
# after_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required
# before_path: "Path",
# after_path: "Path",
# max_results: 1,
# next_token: "NextToken",
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.differences #=> Array
# resp.differences[0].before_blob.blob_id #=> String
# resp.differences[0].before_blob.path #=> String
# resp.differences[0].before_blob.mode #=> String
# resp.differences[0].after_blob.blob_id #=> String
# resp.differences[0].after_blob.path #=> String
# resp.differences[0].after_blob.mode #=> String
# resp.differences[0].change_type #=> String, one of "A", "M", "D"
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetDifferences AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_differences(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_differences(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_differences, params)
# Returns information about a repository.
# The description field for a repository accepts all HTML characters and
# all valid Unicode characters. Applications that do not HTML-encode the
# description and display it in a web page could expose users to
# potentially malicious code. Make sure that you HTML-encode the
# description field in any application that uses this API to display the
# repository description on a web page.
# @option params [required, String] :repository_name
# The name of the repository to get information about.
# @return [Types::GetRepositoryOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetRepositoryOutput#repository_metadata #repository_metadata} => Types::RepositoryMetadata
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_repository({
# repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.repository_metadata.account_id #=> String
# resp.repository_metadata.repository_id #=> String
# resp.repository_metadata.repository_name #=> String
# resp.repository_metadata.repository_description #=> String
# resp.repository_metadata.default_branch #=> String
# resp.repository_metadata.last_modified_date #=> Time
# resp.repository_metadata.creation_date #=> Time
# resp.repository_metadata.clone_url_http #=> String
# resp.repository_metadata.clone_url_ssh #=> String
# resp.repository_metadata.arn #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetRepository AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_repository(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_repository(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_repository, params)
# Gets information about triggers configured for a repository.
# @option params [required, String] :repository_name
# The name of the repository for which the trigger is configured.
# @return [Types::GetRepositoryTriggersOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetRepositoryTriggersOutput#configuration_id #configuration_id} => String
# * {Types::GetRepositoryTriggersOutput#triggers #triggers} => Array<Types::RepositoryTrigger>
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_repository_triggers({
# repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.configuration_id #=> String
# resp.triggers #=> Array
# resp.triggers[0].name #=> String
# resp.triggers[0].destination_arn #=> String
# resp.triggers[0].custom_data #=> String
# resp.triggers[0].branches #=> Array
# resp.triggers[0].branches[0] #=> String
# resp.triggers[0].events #=> Array
# resp.triggers[0].events[0] #=> String, one of "all", "updateReference", "createReference", "deleteReference"
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetRepositoryTriggers AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_repository_triggers(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_repository_triggers(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_repository_triggers, params)
# Gets information about one or more branches in a repository.
# @option params [required, String] :repository_name
# The name of the repository that contains the branches.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# An enumeration token that allows the operation to batch the results.
# @return [Types::ListBranchesOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListBranchesOutput#branches #branches} => Array<String>
# * {Types::ListBranchesOutput#next_token #next_token} => String
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_branches({
# repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
# next_token: "NextToken",
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.branches #=> Array
# resp.branches[0] #=> String
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListBranches AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_branches(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_branches(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_branches, params)
# Gets information about one or more repositories.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# An enumeration token that allows the operation to batch the results of
# the operation. Batch sizes are 1,000 for list repository operations.
# When the client sends the token back to AWS CodeCommit, another page
# of 1,000 records is retrieved.
# @option params [String] :sort_by
# The criteria used to sort the results of a list repositories
# operation.
# @option params [String] :order
# The order in which to sort the results of a list repositories
# operation.
# @return [Types::ListRepositoriesOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListRepositoriesOutput#repositories #repositories} => Array<Types::RepositoryNameIdPair>
# * {Types::ListRepositoriesOutput#next_token #next_token} => String
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_repositories({
# next_token: "NextToken",
# sort_by: "repositoryName", # accepts repositoryName, lastModifiedDate
# order: "ascending", # accepts ascending, descending
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.repositories #=> Array
# resp.repositories[0].repository_name #=> String
# resp.repositories[0].repository_id #=> String
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListRepositories AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_repositories(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_repositories(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_repositories, params)
# Replaces all triggers for a repository. This can be used to create or
# delete triggers.
# @option params [required, String] :repository_name
# The name of the repository where you want to create or update the
# trigger.
# @option params [required, Array] :triggers
# The JSON block of configuration information for each trigger.
# @return [Types::PutRepositoryTriggersOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::PutRepositoryTriggersOutput#configuration_id #configuration_id} => String
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.put_repository_triggers({
# repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
# triggers: [ # required
# {
# name: "RepositoryTriggerName", # required
# destination_arn: "Arn", # required
# custom_data: "RepositoryTriggerCustomData",
# branches: ["BranchName"],
# events: ["all"], # required, accepts all, updateReference, createReference, deleteReference
# },
# ],
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.configuration_id #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PutRepositoryTriggers AWS API Documentation
# @overload put_repository_triggers(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def put_repository_triggers(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:put_repository_triggers, params)
# Tests the functionality of repository triggers by sending information
# to the trigger target. If real data is available in the repository,
# the test will send data from the last commit. If no data is available,
# sample data will be generated.
# @option params [required, String] :repository_name
# The name of the repository in which to test the triggers.
# @option params [required, Array] :triggers
# The list of triggers to test.
# @return [Types::TestRepositoryTriggersOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::TestRepositoryTriggersOutput#successful_executions #successful_executions} => Array<String>
# * {Types::TestRepositoryTriggersOutput#failed_executions #failed_executions} => Array<Types::RepositoryTriggerExecutionFailure>
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.test_repository_triggers({
# repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
# triggers: [ # required
# {
# name: "RepositoryTriggerName", # required
# destination_arn: "Arn", # required
# custom_data: "RepositoryTriggerCustomData",
# branches: ["BranchName"],
# events: ["all"], # required, accepts all, updateReference, createReference, deleteReference
# },
# ],
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.successful_executions #=> Array
# resp.successful_executions[0] #=> String
# resp.failed_executions #=> Array
# resp.failed_executions[0].trigger #=> String
# resp.failed_executions[0].failure_message #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/TestRepositoryTriggers AWS API Documentation
# @overload test_repository_triggers(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def test_repository_triggers(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:test_repository_triggers, params)
# Sets or changes the default branch name for the specified repository.
# If you use this operation to change the default branch name to the
# current default branch name, a success message is returned even though
# the default branch did not change.
# @option params [required, String] :repository_name
# The name of the repository to set or change the default branch for.
# @option params [required, String] :default_branch_name
# The name of the branch to set as the default.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.update_default_branch({
# repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
# default_branch_name: "BranchName", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateDefaultBranch AWS API Documentation
# @overload update_default_branch(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def update_default_branch(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:update_default_branch, params)
# Sets or changes the comment or description for a repository.
# The description field for a repository accepts all HTML characters and
# all valid Unicode characters. Applications that do not HTML-encode the
# description and display it in a web page could expose users to
# potentially malicious code. Make sure that you HTML-encode the
# description field in any application that uses this API to display the
# repository description on a web page.
# @option params [required, String] :repository_name
# The name of the repository to set or change the comment or description
# for.
# @option params [String] :repository_description
# The new comment or description for the specified repository.
# Repository descriptions are limited to 1,000 characters.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.update_repository_description({
# repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required
# repository_description: "RepositoryDescription",
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateRepositoryDescription AWS API Documentation
# @overload update_repository_description(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def update_repository_description(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:update_repository_description, params)
# Renames a repository. The repository name must be unique across the
# calling AWS account. In addition, repository names are limited to 100
# alphanumeric, dash, and underscore characters, and cannot include
# certain characters. The suffix ".git" is prohibited. For a full
# description of the limits on repository names, see [Limits][1] in the
# AWS CodeCommit User Guide.
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/limits.html
# @option params [required, String] :old_name
# The existing name of the repository.
# @option params [required, String] :new_name
# The new name for the repository.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.update_repository_name({
# old_name: "RepositoryName", # required
# new_name: "RepositoryName", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateRepositoryName AWS API Documentation
# @overload update_repository_name(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def update_repository_name(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:update_repository_name, params)
# @!endgroup
# @param params ({})
# @api private
def build_request(operation_name, params = {})
handlers = @handlers.for(operation_name)
context = Seahorse::Client::RequestContext.new(
operation_name: operation_name,
operation: config.api.operation(operation_name),
client: self,
params: params,
config: config)
context[:gem_name] = 'aws-sdk-codecommit'
context[:gem_version] = '1.0.0'
Seahorse::Client::Request.new(handlers, context)
# @api private
# @deprecated
def waiter_names
class << self
# @api private
attr_reader :identifier
# @api private
def errors_module