module GraphQLDocs module Helpers SLUGIFY_PRETTY_REGEXP ="[^[:alnum:]._~!$&'()+,;=@]+").freeze attr_accessor :templates def slugify(str) slug = str.gsub(SLUGIFY_PRETTY_REGEXP, '-') slug.gsub!(%r!^\-|\-$!i, '') slug.downcase end def include(filename, opts = {}) template = fetch_include(filename) opts = { base_url: @options[:base_url], classes: @options[:classes] }.merge(opts) template.result( { binding }) end def markdownify(string) return '' if string.nil? ::CommonMarker.render_html(string, :DEFAULT).strip end def graphql_operation_types @parsed_schema[:operation_types] || [] end def graphql_mutation_types @parsed_schema[:mutation_types] || [] end def graphql_object_types @parsed_schema[:object_types] || [] end def graphql_interface_types @parsed_schema[:interface_types] || [] end def graphql_enum_types @parsed_schema[:enum_types] || [] end def graphql_union_types @parsed_schema[:union_types] || [] end def graphql_input_object_types @parsed_schema[:input_object_types] || [] end def graphql_scalar_types @parsed_schema[:scalar_types] || [] end def split_into_metadata_and_contents(contents) opts = {} pieces = yaml_split(contents) if pieces.size < 4 raise "The file '#{content_filename}' appears to start with a metadata section (three or five dashes at the top) but it does not seem to be in the correct format.", ) end # Parse begin meta = YAML.load(pieces[2]) || {} rescue Exception => e # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException raise "Could not parse YAML for #{name}: #{e.message}" end [meta, pieces[4]] end def has_yaml?(contents) contents =~ /\A-{3,5}\s*$/ end def yaml_split(contents) contents.split(/^(-{5}|-{3})[ \t]*\r?\n?/, 3) end private def fetch_include(filename) @templates ||= {} return @templates[filename] unless @templates[filename].nil? contents =[:templates][:includes], filename)) @templates[filename] = end def helper_methods return @helper_methods if defined?(@helper_methods) @helper_methods = {} Helpers.instance_methods.each do |name| next if name == :helper_methods @helper_methods[name] = method(name) end @helper_methods end end end