class ActiveRecord.$Resource extends Module @include AngularInjectableModel constructor: (@$promise,callback,error,@_options) -> @$activeRecord = true @_options ||= {} @$resolved = false @$inject('$paramSerializer','$http','$q','$timeout','$rootScope') @$promise?.then(@$processResponse.bind(@)).then(callback,error) # $updatingKeys: [] $activeRecord: true @initialize: (resource,options) -> record = new @(null,null,null,options) record.$processResponse(data: resource) return record @_resourcify: (obj,klass,options) -> return if obj.$activeRecord options ||= {} options.klass = klass record = @initialize(obj,options) obj[key] = val for key,val of record $deferProcessResponse: (response) -> promise = @$timeout => @$processResponse.bind(@)(response,true) return promise $processResponse: (response,apply) -> @$resolved = true for key,val of @[key] = val if angular.equals(@[key],@['$' + key + '_was'])# || key in @$updatingKeys @['$' + key + '_was'] = angular.copy(val) unless key[0] in ['$','_'] # @$updatingKeys = [] return @ _defaultWrap: -> @_options.klass.underscore() _defaultPath: -> '/' + @_options.klass.tableize() + '/:id' $updateUrl: -> path = @_options.update_url || @_defaultPath() path = path.replace(':id', || '').replace(/\/$/,'') path += '.json' unless path.match(/\.json$/) path $destroyUrl: -> path = @_options.destroy_url || @_defaultPath() path = path.replace(':id', path += '.json' unless path.match(/\.json$/) path $save: (callback,error)-> if @$promise @$promise = @$promise.then(@_save.bind(@)).then(callback,error) if (@$promise.$$state.status != 0 || !@$resolved) else @$promise = @_save.bind(@)().then(callback,error) return @$promise $reload: (callback,error)-> if @$promise @$promise = @$promise.then(@_reload.bind(@)).then(callback,error) if (@$promise.$$state.status != 0 || !@$resolved) else @$promise = @_reload.bind(@)().then(callback,error) return @$promise _reload: -> return unless @id res = @$paramSerializer.create(@) @["$" + key + "_was"] = val for key,val of res return @$http.get(@$updateUrl()).then(@$deferProcessResponse.bind(@)) _save: -> if @id res = @$paramSerializer.update(@) unless Object.keys(res).length > 0 defer = @$q.defer() defer.resolve(@) return defer.promise else res = @$paramSerializer.create(@) # @$updatingKeys = Object.keys(res) method = if then 'put' else 'post' params = {} params[@_options.paramWrapper || @_defaultWrap()] = if then @$paramSerializer.update(@) else @$paramSerializer.create(@) @$beforeSave?(params) @["$" + key + "_was"] = val for key,val of res return @$http[method](@$updateUrl(),params).then(@$deferProcessResponse.bind(@)) $destroy: (callback,error)-> @$promise?.$$state.status = 0 @$promise = @_destroy().then(callback,error) _destroy: -> return @$http.delete(@$destroyUrl()).then(@$processResponse.bind(@))