module Puppet::Pops module Types # Pcore variant of the Adaptable::Adapter. Uses a Pcore Object type instead of a Class class Annotation < Adaptable::Adapter include Types::PuppetObject CLEAR = 'clear'.freeze # Register the Annotation type. This is the type that all custom Annotations will inherit from. def self.register_ptype(loader, ir) @type = Pcore::create_object_type(loader, ir, self, 'Annotation', nil, EMPTY_HASH) end def self._pcore_type @type end # Finds an existing annotation for the given object and returns it. # If no annotation was found, and a block is given, a new annotation is created from the # initializer hash that must be returned from the block. # If no annotation was found and no block is given, this method returns `nil` # # @param o [Object] object to annotate # @param block [Proc] optional, evaluated when a new annotation must be created. Should return the i12n hash # @return [Annotation<self>] an annotation of the same class as the receiver of the call # def self.annotate(o) adapter = get(o) if adapter.nil? if o.is_a?(Annotatable) i12n = o.annotations[_pcore_type] i12n = yield if i12n.nil? && block_given? else i12n = yield if block_given? end adapter = associate_adapter(_pcore_type.from_hash(i12n), o) unless i12n.nil? end adapter end # Forces the creation or removal of an annotation of this type. # If `i21n` is a hash, a new annotation is created and returned # If `i12n` is `nil`, then the annotation is cleared and the previous annotation is returned. # # @param o [Object] object to annotate # @param i12n [Hash{String,Object},nil] the initializer for the annotation or `nil` to clear the annotation # @return [Annotation<self>] an annotation of the same class as the receiver of the call # def self.annotate_new(o, init_hash) if o.is_a?(Annotatable) && o.annotations.include?(_pcore_type) # Prevent clear or redefine of annotations declared on type action = init_hash == CLEAR ? 'clear' : 'redefine' raise ArgumentError, "attempt to #{action} #{type_name} annotation declared on #{o.label}" end if init_hash == CLEAR clear(o) else associate_adapter(_pcore_type.from_hash(init_hash), o) end end # Uses name of type instead of name of the class (the class is likely dynamically generated and as such, # has no name) # @return [String] the name of the type def self.type_name end end end end