# frozen_string_literal: true module Spree # Adapts ActiveStorage interface to make it compliant with Solidus' # Paperclip-oriented attachment support. module ActiveStorageAdapter extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Spree::ActiveStorageAdapter::Normalization included do next if Rails.gem_version >= Gem::Version.new('6.1.0.alpha') raise <<~MESSAGE Configuration Error: Solidus ActiveStorage attachment adpater requires Rails >= 6.1.0. Spree::Config.image_attachment_module preference is set to #{Spree::Config.image_attachment_module} Spree::Config.taxon_attachment_module preference is set to #{Spree::Config.taxon_attachment_module} Rails version is #{Rails.gem_version} To solve the problem you can upgrade to a Rails version greater than or equal to 6.1.0 or use legacy Paperclip attachment adapter by editing `config/initialiers/spree/rb`: config.image_attachment_module = 'Spree::Image::PaperclipAttachment' config.taxon_attachment_module = 'Spree::Taxon::PaperclipAttachment' MESSAGE end class_methods do attr_reader :attachment_name attr_reader :attachment_definition # Specifies the relation between a single attachment and the model def has_attachment(name, definition) @attachment_name = name.to_sym @attachment_definition = definition has_one_attached attachment_name override_reader override_writer define_image_validation define_presence_reader end def attachment_definitions { attachment_name => attachment_definition } end private def override_reader method_name = attachment_name override = Module.new do define_method method_name do |*args| attachment = Attachment.new(super(), styles: styles) if args.empty? attachment else style = args.first || default_style attachment.url(style) end end end prepend override alias_method :attachment, method_name if method_name != :attachment end def override_writer method_name = :"#{attachment_name}=" override = Module.new do define_method method_name do |attachable| no_other_changes = persisted? && !changed? super(normalize_attachable(attachable)) save if no_other_changes end end prepend override end def define_image_validation define_method :"#{attachment_name}_is_an_image" do return unless attachment.attached? return if attachment.image? errors.add(self.class.attachment_name, 'is not an image') end end def define_presence_reader define_method :"#{attachment_name}_present?" do attachment.attached? end end end def styles self.class.attachment_definition[:styles] end def default_style self.class.attachment_definition[:default_style] end def filename attachment.filename end def url(style = default_style) attachment.url(style) rescue ActiveStorage::FileNotFoundError "noimage/#{style}.png" end def destroy_attachment(_name) attachment.destroy end end end