require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require 'mspec/utils/script' require 'mspec/runner/mspec' require 'mspec/runner/filters' require 'mspec/runner/actions/filter' require 'mspec/runner/actions/debug' require 'mspec/runner/actions/gdb' describe MSpecScript, ".config" do it "returns a Hash" do MSpecScript.config.should be_kind_of(Hash) end end describe MSpecScript, ".set" do it "sets the config hash key, value" do MSpecScript.set :a, 10 MSpecScript.config[:a].should == 10 end end describe MSpecScript, ".get" do it "gets the config hash value for a key" do MSpecScript.set :a, 10 MSpecScript.get(:a).should == 10 end end describe MSpecScript, "#config" do it "returns the MSpecScript config hash" do MSpecScript.set :b, 5[:b].should == 5 end it "returns the MSpecScript config hash from subclasses" do class MSSClass < MSpecScript; end MSpecScript.set :b, 5[:b].should == 5 end end describe MSpecScript, "#load_default" do before :all do @verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil end after :all do $VERBOSE = @verbose end before :each do @version = RUBY_VERSION if Object.const_defined? :RUBY_ENGINE @engine = Object.const_get :RUBY_ENGINE end @script = MSpecScript.stub!(:new).and_return(@script) end after :each do Object.const_set :RUBY_VERSION, @version Object.const_set :RUBY_ENGINE, @engine if @engine end it "attempts to load 'default.mspec'" do @script.should_receive(:load).with('default.mspec').and_return(true) @script.load_default end it "attempts to load a config file based on RUBY_ENGINE and RUBY_VERSION" do Object.const_set :RUBY_ENGINE, "ybur" Object.const_set :RUBY_VERSION, "1.8.9" default = "ybur.1.8.mspec" @script.should_receive(:load).with('default.mspec').and_return(false) @script.should_receive(:load).with(default) @script.load_default end end describe MSpecScript, ".main" do before :each do @script = mock("MSpecScript", :null_object => true) MSpecScript.stub!(:new).and_return(@script) end it "creates an instance of MSpecScript" do MSpecScript.should_receive(:new).and_return(@script) MSpecScript.main end it "attempts to load the default config" do @script.should_receive(:load_default) MSpecScript.main end it "attempts to load the '~/.mspecrc' script" do @script.should_receive(:load).with('~/.mspecrc') MSpecScript.main end it "calls the #options method on the script" do @script.should_receive(:options) MSpecScript.main end it "calls the #signals method on the script" do @script.should_receive(:signals) MSpecScript.main end it "calls the #register method on the script" do @script.should_receive(:register) MSpecScript.main end it "calls the #run method on the script" do @script.should_receive(:run) MSpecScript.main end end describe MSpecScript, "#initialize" do before :each do @config = end it "sets the default config values" do @config[:formatter].should == nil @config[:includes].should == [] @config[:excludes].should == [] @config[:patterns].should == [] @config[:xpatterns].should == [] @config[:tags].should == [] @config[:xtags].should == [] @config[:atags].should == [] @config[:astrings].should == [] @config[:abort].should == true @config[:config_ext].should == '.mspec' end end describe MSpecScript, "#load" do before :each do File.stub!(:exist?).and_return(false) @script = @file = "default.mspec" @base = "default" end it "attempts to locate the file through the expanded path name" do File.should_receive(:expand_path).with(@file).and_return(@file) File.should_receive(:exist?).with(@file).and_return(true) Kernel.should_receive(:load).with(@file).and_return(:loaded) @script.load(@file).should == :loaded end it "appends config[:config_ext] to the name and attempts to locate the file through the expanded path name" do File.should_receive(:expand_path).with(@base).and_return(@base) File.should_receive(:expand_path).with(@file).and_return(@file) File.should_receive(:exist?).with(@base).and_return(false) File.should_receive(:exist?).with(@file).and_return(true) Kernel.should_receive(:load).with(@file).and_return(:loaded) @script.load(@base).should == :loaded end it "attemps to locate the file in '.'" do path = File.join ".", @file File.should_receive(:exist?).with(path).and_return(true) Kernel.should_receive(:load).with(path).and_return(:loaded) @script.load(@file).should == :loaded end it "appends config[:config_ext] to the name and attempts to locate the file in '.'" do path = File.join ".", @file File.should_receive(:exist?).with(path).and_return(true) Kernel.should_receive(:load).with(path).and_return(:loaded) @script.load(@base).should == :loaded end it "attemps to locate the file in 'spec'" do path = File.join "spec", @file File.should_receive(:exist?).with(path).and_return(true) Kernel.should_receive(:load).with(path).and_return(:loaded) @script.load(@file).should == :loaded end it "appends config[:config_ext] to the name and attempts to locate the file in 'spec'" do path = File.join "spec", @file File.should_receive(:exist?).with(path).and_return(true) Kernel.should_receive(:load).with(path).and_return(:loaded) @script.load(@base).should == :loaded end end describe MSpecScript, "#custom_options" do before :each do @script = end after :each do end it "prints 'None'" do options = mock("options") options.should_receive(:doc).with(" No custom options registered") @script.custom_options options end end describe MSpecScript, "#register" do before :each do @script = @formatter = mock("formatter", :null_object => true) @script.config[:formatter] = @formatter end it "creates and registers the formatter" do @formatter.should_receive(:new).and_return(@formatter) @formatter.should_receive(:register) @script.register end it "does not register the formatter if config[:formatter] is false" do @script.config[:formatter] = false @script.register end it "calls #custom_register" do @script.should_receive(:custom_register) @script.register end it "registers :formatter with the formatter instance" do @formatter.stub!(:new).and_return(@formatter) MSpec.should_receive(:store).with(:formatter, @formatter) @script.register end it "does not register :formatter if config[:formatter] is false" do @script.config[:formatter] = false MSpec.should_not_receive(:store) @script.register end end describe MSpecScript, "#register" do before :each do @script = @formatter = mock("formatter", :null_object => true) @script.config[:formatter] = @formatter @filter = mock("filter") @filter.should_receive(:register) @ary = ["some", "spec"] end it "creates and registers a MatchFilter for include specs" do MatchFilter.should_receive(:new).with(:include, *@ary).and_return(@filter) @script.config[:includes] = @ary @script.register end it "creates and registers a MatchFilter for excluded specs" do MatchFilter.should_receive(:new).with(:exclude, *@ary).and_return(@filter) @script.config[:excludes] = @ary @script.register end it "creates and registers a RegexpFilter for include specs" do RegexpFilter.should_receive(:new).with(:include, *@ary).and_return(@filter) @script.config[:patterns] = @ary @script.register end it "creates and registers a RegexpFilter for excluded specs" do RegexpFilter.should_receive(:new).with(:exclude, *@ary).and_return(@filter) @script.config[:xpatterns] = @ary @script.register end it "creates and registers a TagFilter for include specs" do TagFilter.should_receive(:new).with(:include, *@ary).and_return(@filter) @script.config[:tags] = @ary @script.register end it "creates and registers a TagFilter for excluded specs" do TagFilter.should_receive(:new).with(:exclude, *@ary).and_return(@filter) @script.config[:xtags] = @ary @script.register end it "creates and registers a ProfileFilter for include specs" do ProfileFilter.should_receive(:new).with(:include, *@ary).and_return(@filter) @script.config[:profiles] = @ary @script.register end it "creates and registers a ProfileFilter for excluded specs" do ProfileFilter.should_receive(:new).with(:exclude, *@ary).and_return(@filter) @script.config[:xprofiles] = @ary @script.register end it "creates and registers a DebugAction for excluded specs" do @script.config[:atags] = ["some"] @script.config[:astrings] = ["string"] DebugAction.should_receive(:new).with(["some"], ["string"]).and_return(@filter) @script.config[:debugger] = true @script.register end it "creates and registers a GdbAction for excluded specs" do @script.config[:atags] = ["some"] @script.config[:astrings] = ["string"] GdbAction.should_receive(:new).with(["some"], ["string"]).and_return(@filter) @script.config[:gdb] = true @script.register end end describe MSpecScript, "#signals" do before :each do @script = @abort = @script.config[:abort] end after :each do @script.config[:abort] = @abort end it "traps the INT signal if config[:abort] is true" do Signal.should_receive(:trap).with("INT") @script.config[:abort] = true @script.signals end it "does not trap the INT signal if config[:abort] is not true" do Signal.should_not_receive(:trap).with("INT") @script.config[:abort] = false @script.signals end end describe MSpecScript, "#entries" do before :each do @script = File.stub!(:expand_path).and_return("name") File.stub!(:file?).and_return(false) File.stub!(:directory?).and_return(false) end it "returns the pattern in an array if it is a file" do File.should_receive(:expand_path).with("file").and_return("file/expanded") File.should_receive(:file?).with("file/expanded").and_return(true) @script.entries("file").should == ["file/expanded"] end it "returns Dir['pattern/**/*_spec.rb'] if pattern is a directory" do File.should_receive(:directory?).with("name").and_return(true) File.stub!(:expand_path).and_return("name","name/**/*_spec.rb") Dir.should_receive(:[]).with("name/**/*_spec.rb").and_return(["dir1", "dir2"]) @script.entries("name").should == ["dir1", "dir2"] end it "returns Dir[pattern] if pattern is neither a file nor a directory" do Dir.should_receive(:[]).with("pattern").and_return(["file1", "file2"]) @script.entries("pattern").should == ["file1", "file2"] end describe "with config[:prefix] set" do before :each do prefix = "prefix/dir" @script.config[:prefix] = prefix @name = prefix + "/name" end it "returns the pattern in an array if it is a file" do File.should_receive(:expand_path).with(@name).and_return(@name) File.should_receive(:file?).with(@name).and_return(true) @script.entries("name").should == [@name] end it "returns Dir['pattern/**/*_spec.rb'] if pattern is a directory" do File.stub!(:expand_path).and_return(@name, @name+"/**/*_spec.rb") File.should_receive(:directory?).with(@name).and_return(true) Dir.should_receive(:[]).with(@name + "/**/*_spec.rb").and_return(["dir1", "dir2"]) @script.entries("name").should == ["dir1", "dir2"] end it "returns Dir[pattern] if pattern is neither a file nor a directory" do Dir.should_receive(:[]).with("pattern").and_return(["file1", "file2"]) @script.entries("pattern").should == ["file1", "file2"] end end end describe MSpecScript, "#files" do before :each do @script = end it "accumlates the values returned by #entries" do @script.should_receive(:entries).and_return(["file1"], ["file2"]) @script.files(["a", "b"]).should == ["file1", "file2"] end it "strips a leading '^' and removes the values returned by #entries" do @script.should_receive(:entries).and_return(["file1"], ["file2"], ["file1"]) @script.files(["a", "b", "^a"]).should == ["file2"] end it "processes the array elements in order" do @script.should_receive(:entries).and_return(["file1"], ["file1"], ["file2"]) @script.files(["^a", "a", "b"]).should == ["file1", "file2"] end end describe MSpecScript, "#files" do before :each do MSpecScript.set :files, ["file1", "file2"] @script = end after :each do MSpecScript.config.delete :files end it "looks up items with leading ':' in the config object" do @script.should_receive(:entries).and_return(["file1"], ["file2"]) @script.files([":files"]).should == ["file1", "file2"] end it "returns an empty list if the config key is not set" do @script.files([":all_files"]).should == [] end end