DEBUG_SLOW=4 class Movements < Entities attr_reader :check_state, :check_progress def setup_data @default_type = :SQLiteAC @data_field_id = :id value_int :index value_entity_account :account_src_id value_entity_account :account_dst_id value_float :value value_str :desc value_date :date value_int :revision value_str :global_id value_int :rev_index end def migration_1(m) dputs(1) { "Migrating #{}" } m.rev_index = end def self.from_json(str) self.from_s(ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(str)['str']) end def self.get_accounts(src, dst) [Accounts.match_by_global_id(src), Accounts.match_by_global_id(dst)] end def self.mbgi(global_id) self.match_by_global_id(global_id) end def self.from_s(str) str.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) dputs(3) { "Getting movement from #{str.inspect}" } desc, str = str.split("\r") global_id, value, date, src, dst = str.split("\t") #date = Time.parse(date).to_ss date = Date.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d') value = value.to_f a_src, a_dst = self.get_accounts(src, dst) if not a_src or not a_dst dputs(0) { "Couldn't parse #{str.inspect}: " + (a_src ? '' : "account #{src} not found. ") + (a_dst ? '' : "account #{dst} not found") } return nil end # Does the movement already exist? dputs(DEBUG_SLOW) { 'from_s 1' } our_m = nil if not (our_m = self.mbgi(global_id)) dputs(3) { 'New movement' } our_m = self.create(desc, date, value, a_src, a_dst) dputs(DEBUG_SLOW) { 'from_s 2' } our_m.global_id = global_id else dputs(1) { "Overwriting movement\n#{our_m.to_json.inspect} with" } # And update it our_m.set(desc, date, value,, dputs(1) { "#{our_m.to_json.inspect}" } dputs(2) { "Now we're #{our_m.rev_index}:#{} -> #{global_id}" } end dputs(DEBUG_SLOW) { 'from_s 3' } return our_m end def create(desc, date, value, source, dest) return nil if source == dest dputs(DEBUG_SLOW) { 'create - 1' } if date.class == String date = Date.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d') end t = super(:desc => desc, :date => date, :value => 0, :account_src_id =>, :account_dst_id => dputs(DEBUG_SLOW) { 'create - 2' } t.value = value dputs(DEBUG_SLOW) { 'create - 3' } t.global_id = Users.match_by_name('local').full + '-' + dputs(DEBUG_SLOW) { 'create - 4' } dputs(1) { "Created #{t.to_json.inspect}" } t end def search_index_range(from, to) { |k, v| v._rev_index && v._rev_index >= from && v._rev_index <= to }.map { |k, v| get_data_instance(k) } end def get_account(db, id) db.execute("select * from compta_accounts where id=#{id}").first[4] end def check_against_db(file) # First build # in_db - content of 'file' in .to_s format # in_local - content available locally in .to_s format in_db, diff, in_local = [], [], [] dputs(3) { 'Searching all movements' } @check_state = 'Collect local' @check_progress = 0.0 in_local = Movements.search_all_.reject { |m| m.value.to_f.round(3) == 0.0 } progress_step = 1.0 / (in_local.size + 1) dputs(3) { "Movements total: #{in_local.size}" } @check_state = 'Collect local' in_local = in_local.collect { |a| @check_progress += progress_step a.to_s } dputs(3) { 'Going to check all movements' } @check_state = 'Collect file-DB' @check_progress = 0.0 do |db| db.execute('select id, desc, global_id, value, date, account_src_id, account_dst_id '+ 'from compta_movements').each do |row| @check_progress += progress_step #dputs(3) { "Looking at #{row}" } id_, desc_, gid_, value_, date_, src_, dst_ = row if value_.to_f.round(3) != 0.0 in_db.push "#{desc_}\r#{gid_}\t" + "#{sprintf('%.3f', value_.to_f.round(3))}\t#{date_.to_s}\t"+ "#{get_account(db, src_)}\t#{get_account(db, dst_)}" end end end # Now compare what is available only in db and what is available only locally dputs(3) { 'Verifying movements on one side only' } @check_state = 'On one side' @check_progress = 0.0 in_db.delete_if { |a| @check_progress += progress_step in_local.delete(a) } # And search for accounts with same global-id but different content dputs(3) { 'Verifying mixed-up movements' } (in_db + in_local).sort_by { |a| a.match(/\r(.*?)\t/)[1] } @check_state = 'Mixed-up' @check_progress = 0.0 progress_step = 1.0 / (in_db.size + 1) in_db.delete_if { |a| @check_progress += progress_step gid = a.match(/\r(.*?)\t/)[1] if c = in_local.find { |b| b =~ /\r#{gid}\t/ } diff.push [a, c] in_local.delete c end } @check_state = 'Done' [in_db, diff, in_local] end end class Movement < Entity def init_instance end def data_set(f, v) if f != :_rev_index dputs(3){"Updating index for field #{f.inspect}"} new_index end super(f, v) end def new_index u_l = Users.match_by_name('local') self.rev_index = u_l.movement_index.to_i u_l.movement_index = self.rev_index + 1 dputs(3) { "index is #{self.rev_index} and date is --#{}--" } dputs(3) { "User('local').rev_index is: " + Users.match_by_name('local').movement_index.to_s } end def get_index return self.rev_index end def is_in_account(a) return (a == account_src or a == account_dst) end def value=(v) if account_src and account_dst dputs(3) { 'value=' + v.to_s + ':' + } diff = value.to_f - v.to_f = + (diff * account_src.multiplier) = - (diff * account_dst.multiplier) end data_set(:_value, v) end def get_value(account) account_side = (account_src == account ? -1 : 1) dputs(5) { "account_src #{account_src.inspect} == account #{account.inspect}" } dputs(5) { "Account_side = #{account_side}" } value.to_f * account.multiplier.to_f * account_side end def get_other_account(account) account_src == account ? account_dst : account_src end def move_from_to(from, to) v = self.value self.value = 0 if account_src_id == from self.account_src_id = to end if account_dst_id == from self.account_dst_id = to end self.value = v end def set(desc, date, value, source, dest) dputs(3) { 'self.value ' + self.value.to_s + ' - ' + value.to_s } self.value = 0 self.account_src_id, self.account_dst_id = source, dest if false # Do some date-magic, so that we can give either the day, day and month or # a complete date. The rest is filled up with todays date. date = date.split('/') da = d = [, da.month, da.year] date += d.last(3 - date.size) if date[2].to_s.size > 2 = Date.strptime(date.join('/'), '%d/%m/%Y') else = Date.strptime(date.join('/'), '%d/%m/%y') end else = Date.from_s(date.to_s) end self.desc, self.value = desc, value dputs(DEBUG_SLOW) { 'Getting new index' } self.new_index dputs(DEBUG_SLOW) { 'Date ' + } end def to_s dputs(5) { "I am: #{to_hash.inspect} - my id is: #{global_id}" } "#{desc}\r#{global_id}\t" + "#{sprintf('%.3f', value.to_f.round(3))}\t#{date.to_s}\t" + account_src.global_id.to_s + "\t" + account_dst.global_id.to_s end def to_json ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(:str => to_s) end # Copying over data from old AfriCompta def account_src account_src_id end def account_dst account_dst_id end def delete dputs(DEBUG_SLOW) { "Deleting movement #{desc}" } src, dst = account_src, account_dst dputs(3) { "totals before: #{src.get_path}=#{}, " + "#{dst.get_path}=#{}" } self.value = 0 dputs(3) { "totals after: #{src.get_path}=#{}, " + "#{dst.get_path}=#{}" } super end def value_form Account.total_form(value) end end