require 'spec_helper' require 'support/features/feature_helpers' feature 'visit password edit screen' do scenario 'with valid token in url, redirects to the edit page with the token removed from the url' do user = create(:user, :with_password_reset_token_and_timestamp) visit_password_reset_page_for(user) expect(current_path).to eq edit_users_password_path(user) expect(current_path).to_not have_content('token') end scenario 'with an invalid token in url, failure and prompt to request a password reset' do user = create(:user, :with_password_reset_token_and_timestamp) visit_password_reset_page_for(user, 'this is an invalid token') expect_forbidden_failure end scenario 'with a valid token, but an expired timestamp' do user = create(:user, :with_password_reset_token_and_timestamp, password_reset_sent_at: 20.years.ago) visit_password_reset_page_for(user) expect_token_expired_failure end scenario 'with a nil token' do user = create(:user) visit_password_reset_page_for(user, token: nil) expect_forbidden_failure end end feature 'visitor updates password' do before(:each) do @user = create(:user, :with_password_reset_token_and_timestamp) end scenario 'with valid password, signs in user' do update_password @user, 'newpassword' expect_user_to_be_signed_in end scenario 'with a valid password, password is updated' do old_pw = @user.encrypted_password update_password @user, 'newpassword' expect_password_was_updated(old_pw) end scenario 'password change signs in user' do update_password @user, 'newpassword' sign_out sign_in_with, 'newpassword' expect_user_to_be_signed_in end scenario 'signs in, redirects user' do update_password @user, 'newpassword' expect_path_is_redirect_url end end feature 'visitor updates password with invalid password' do before(:each) do @user = create(:user, :with_password_reset_token_and_timestamp) end scenario 'with a blank password, signs out user' do update_password @user, '' expect_invalid_password expect_user_to_be_signed_out end scenario 'with a short password, flashes invalid password' do update_password @user, 'short' expect_invalid_password expect_user_to_be_signed_out end end def update_password(user, password) visit_password_reset_page_for user fill_in 'password_reset_password', with: password click_button 'Save this password' end def visit_password_reset_page_for(user, token = user.password_reset_token) visit edit_users_password_path(id: user, token: token) end def expect_invalid_password expect(page).to have_content I18n.t('flashes.failure_after_update') end def expect_forbidden_failure expect(page).to have_content I18n.t('') expect(page).to have_content I18n.t('flashes.failure_when_forbidden') end def expect_token_expired_failure expect(page).to have_content 'Sign in' expect(page).to have_content I18n.t('flashes.failure_token_expired') end # def expect_path_is_redirect_url # expect(current_path).to eq(Authenticate.configuration.redirect_url) # end def expect_password_was_updated(old_password) expect(@user.reload.encrypted_password).not_to eq old_password end