## Features ### Feature <-> DSL GPTs https://chat.openai.com/g/g-AyFi0UOXn-code-simplifier **Global Configuration** Access and apply global configuration settings for video asset management and state consistency. **Project Configuration** Access and apply video or episode settings and state. Infers project settings from existing project folders and files. **CLI Project Commands** Efficiently execute and manage video project commands using a command-line interface, enhancing control and flexibility in project handling. **FileWatch Processor** Utilize a FileWatch processor to automate file event responses, directing new recordings to designated folders for efficient content management. **Create Project** Setup a new video project for standalone YouTube video or Podcast. **Add Episode** Add a new episode to an existing podcast project. **Switch Video Focus** Easily switch between different video projects or episodes to accommodate changing content priorities. **Move eCamm File** Seamlessly transfer eCamm recordings to the current focused video or podcast episode recordings subfolder. **Project Path** Construct and manage project paths dynamically using configurable values and existing folder name segments. **Episode Path** Construct and manage episode paths dynamically using configurable values and existing folder name segments. **Recording Namer** Dynamically generate and update video recording filenames, incorporating chapter and part sequences, chapter names, and tags, with capabilities to modify chapter sequences and tags for improved organization and content identification. **Change Chapter Name** Alter the name of a chapter based on its sequence in the project, facilitating better organization and identification of video content. **Trash** Moves suboptimal video takes to a designated 'trash' or 'archive' folder, optimizing storage and maintaining project clarity by segregating lesser-quality content. **Trash Undo** Retrieves video takes from the '.trash' folder and moves them back into the target project folder, allowing for reconsideration or re-evaluation of previously discarded content. **Clean Trash** Permanently deletes video takes from the 'trash' or 'archive' folder, freeing up storage space and ensuring project clarity. **Open in Finder** Quickly access video project and episode folders within the Finder, streamlining file navigation. **Create Chapter Video** Combine and review video chapter segments independently, facilitating content evaluation and editing. **Text to Speech** Transcribe spoken content to text and store transcriptions folder in multiple transcription formats. Create a DSL using the interactor pattern for: **Transcript Data Store** Builds a JSON datastore of transcripts for an entire project based on existing transcript folders found within project, episode, recording, chapter and post-produced folders. **Project Meta Data Store** Build a JSON datastore of files for an entire project based on existing project, episode, recording, chapter and post-produced folders and infer metadata based on KEYWORDS, transcripts or other useful data. ## Future Ideas **Web Command Interface for Video Project Management** Introduce a streamlined, web-based interface for managing video project commands, enabling efficient control and organization of project components through simple browser interactions. **Project Meta Report** Generate a detailed report for a specific video project, including the episodes, chapters, recordings, a list of recording IDs (chapter sequence + part sequence), and the name for the next video recording, file sizes. This should be extracted to an AstroJS Website or HTML template servered by a local webserver and provide viewing and navigation for all my video projects.