# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: strict # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/rexml/all/rexml.rbi # # rexml-3.2.4 module REXML end module REXML::Security def self.entity_expansion_limit; end def self.entity_expansion_limit=(val); end def self.entity_expansion_text_limit; end def self.entity_expansion_text_limit=(val); end end class REXML::ParseException < RuntimeError def context; end def continued_exception; end def continued_exception=(arg0); end def initialize(message, source = nil, parser = nil, exception = nil); end def line; end def parser; end def parser=(arg0); end def position; end def source; end def source=(arg0); end def to_s; end end module REXML::Formatters end class REXML::Formatters::Default def initialize(ie_hack = nil); end def write(node, output); end def write_cdata(node, output); end def write_comment(node, output); end def write_document(node, output); end def write_element(node, output); end def write_instruction(node, output); end def write_text(node, output); end end class REXML::Formatters::Pretty < REXML::Formatters::Default def compact; end def compact=(arg0); end def indent_text(string, level = nil, style = nil, indentfirstline = nil); end def initialize(indentation = nil, ie_hack = nil); end def width; end def width=(arg0); end def wrap(string, width); end def write_cdata(node, output); end def write_comment(node, output); end def write_document(node, output); end def write_element(node, output); end def write_text(node, output); end end module REXML::Node def each_recursive(&block); end def find_first_recursive(&block); end def indent(to, ind); end def index_in_parent; end def next_sibling_node; end def parent?; end def previous_sibling_node; end def to_s(indent = nil); end end class REXML::Child def bytes; end def document; end def initialize(parent = nil); end def next_sibling; end def next_sibling=(other); end def parent; end def parent=(other); end def previous_sibling; end def previous_sibling=(other); end def remove; end def replace_with(child); end include REXML::Node end class REXML::Parent < REXML::Child def <<(object); end def [](index); end def []=(*args); end def add(object); end def children; end def deep_clone; end def delete(object); end def delete_at(index); end def delete_if(&block); end def each(&block); end def each_child(&block); end def each_index(&block); end def index(child); end def initialize(parent = nil); end def insert_after(child1, child2); end def insert_before(child1, child2); end def length; end def parent?; end def push(object); end def replace_child(to_replace, replacement); end def size; end def to_a; end def unshift(object); end include Enumerable end module REXML::XMLTokens end module REXML::Namespace def expanded_name; end def fully_expanded_name; end def has_name?(other, ns = nil); end def local_name; end def name; end def name=(name); end def prefix; end def prefix=(arg0); end include REXML::XMLTokens end module REXML::Encoding def decode(string); end def encode(string); end def encoding; end def encoding=(encoding); end def find_encoding(name); end end class REXML::SourceFactory def self.create_from(arg); end end class REXML::Source def buffer; end def consume(pattern); end def current_line; end def detect_encoding; end def empty?; end def encoding; end def encoding=(enc); end def encoding_updated; end def initialize(arg, encoding = nil); end def line; end def match(pattern, cons = nil); end def match_to(char, pattern); end def match_to_consume(char, pattern); end def position; end def read; end def scan(pattern, cons = nil); end include REXML::Encoding end class REXML::IOSource < REXML::Source def consume(pattern); end def current_line; end def empty?; end def encoding_updated; end def initialize(arg, block_size = nil, encoding = nil); end def match(pattern, cons = nil); end def position; end def read; end def readline; end def scan(pattern, cons = nil); end end class REXML::Entity < REXML::Child def external; end def initialize(stream, value = nil, parent = nil, reference = nil); end def name; end def ndata; end def normalized; end def pubid; end def ref; end def self.matches?(string); end def to_s; end def unnormalized; end def value; end def write(out, indent = nil); end include REXML::XMLTokens end module REXML::EntityConst end class REXML::AttlistDecl < REXML::Child def [](key); end def each(&block); end def element_name; end def include?(key); end def initialize(source); end def node_type; end def write(out, indent = nil); end include Enumerable end class REXML::DocType < REXML::Parent def add(child); end def attribute_of(element, attribute); end def attributes_of(element); end def clone; end def context; end def entities; end def entity(name); end def external_id; end def initialize(first, parent = nil); end def name; end def namespaces; end def node_type; end def notation(name); end def notations; end def public; end def strip_quotes(quoted_string); end def system; end def write(output, indent = nil, transitive = nil, ie_hack = nil); end include REXML::XMLTokens end class REXML::Declaration < REXML::Child def initialize(src); end def to_s; end def write(output, indent); end end class REXML::ElementDecl < REXML::Declaration def initialize(src); end end class REXML::ExternalEntity < REXML::Child def initialize(src); end def to_s; end def write(output, indent); end end class REXML::NotationDecl < REXML::Child def initialize(name, middle, pub, sys); end def name; end def public; end def public=(arg0); end def system; end def system=(arg0); end def to_s; end def write(output, indent = nil); end end class REXML::Text < REXML::Child def <<(to_append); end def <=>(other); end def clear_cache; end def clone; end def doctype; end def empty?; end def indent_text(string, level = nil, style = nil, indentfirstline = nil); end def initialize(arg, respect_whitespace = nil, parent = nil, raw = nil, entity_filter = nil, illegal = nil); end def inspect; end def node_type; end def parent=(parent); end def raw; end def raw=(arg0); end def self.check(string, pattern, doctype); end def self.expand(ref, doctype, filter); end def self.normalize(input, doctype = nil, entity_filter = nil); end def self.read_with_substitution(input, illegal = nil); end def self.unnormalize(string, doctype = nil, filter = nil, illegal = nil); end def to_s; end def value; end def value=(val); end def wrap(string, width, addnewline = nil); end def write(writer, indent = nil, transitive = nil, ie_hack = nil); end def write_with_substitution(out, input); end def xpath; end include Comparable end class REXML::Attribute def ==(other); end def clone; end def doctype; end def element; end def element=(element); end def hash; end def initialize(first, second = nil, parent = nil); end def inspect; end def namespace(arg = nil); end def node_type; end def normalized=(arg0); end def prefix; end def remove; end def to_s; end def to_string; end def value; end def write(output, indent = nil); end def xpath; end include REXML::Namespace include REXML::Node end class REXML::CData < REXML::Text def clone; end def initialize(first, whitespace = nil, parent = nil); end def to_s; end def value; end def write(output = nil, indent = nil, transitive = nil, ie_hack = nil); end end module REXML::Functions end module REXML::Parsers end class REXML::Parsers::XPathParser def AdditiveExpr(path, parsed); end def AndExpr(path, parsed); end def EqualityExpr(path, parsed); end def FilterExpr(path, parsed); end def FunctionCall(rest, parsed); end def LocationPath(path, parsed); end def MultiplicativeExpr(path, parsed); end def NodeTest(path, parsed); end def OrExpr(path, parsed); end def PathExpr(path, parsed); end def Predicate(path, parsed); end def PrimaryExpr(path, parsed); end def RelationalExpr(path, parsed); end def RelativeLocationPath(path, parsed); end def UnaryExpr(path, parsed); end def UnionExpr(path, parsed); end def abbreviate(path); end def expand(path); end def get_group(string); end def namespaces=(namespaces); end def parse(path); end def parse_args(string); end def predicate(path); end def predicate_to_string(path, &block); end include REXML::XMLTokens end class Object < BasicObject def dclone; end end class Symbol def dclone; end end class Integer < Numeric def dclone; end end class Float < Numeric def dclone; end end class Array def dclone; end end class REXML::XPathParser def []=(variable_name, value); end def child(nodeset); end def compare(a, operator, b); end def descendant(nodeset, include_self); end def descendant_recursive(raw_node, new_nodeset, new_nodes, include_self); end def each_unnode(nodeset); end def enter(tag, *args); end def equality_relational_compare(set1, op, set2); end def evaluate_predicate(expression, nodesets); end def expr(path_stack, nodeset, context = nil); end def filter_nodeset(nodeset); end def first(path_stack, node); end def following(node); end def following_node_of(node); end def get_first(path, nodeset); end def get_namespace(node, prefix); end def initialize(strict: nil); end def leave(tag, *args); end def match(path_stack, nodeset); end def namespaces=(namespaces = nil); end def next_sibling_node(node); end def node_test(path_stack, nodesets, any_type: nil); end def norm(b); end def normalize_compare_values(a, operator, b); end def parse(path, nodeset); end def preceding(node); end def preceding_node_of(node); end def predicate(path, nodeset); end def sort(array_of_nodes, order); end def step(path_stack, any_type: nil, order: nil); end def strict?; end def trace(*args); end def unnode(nodeset); end def value_type(value); end def variables=(vars = nil); end include REXML::XMLTokens end class REXML::XPathNode def context; end def initialize(node, context = nil); end def position; end def raw_node; end end class REXML::XPath def self.each(element, path = nil, namespaces = nil, variables = nil, options = nil, &block); end def self.first(element, path = nil, namespaces = nil, variables = nil, options = nil); end def self.match(element, path = nil, namespaces = nil, variables = nil, options = nil); end include REXML::Functions end class REXML::Element < REXML::Parent def [](name_or_index); end def __to_xpath_helper(node); end def add_attribute(key, value = nil); end def add_attributes(hash); end def add_element(element, attrs = nil); end def add_namespace(prefix, uri = nil); end def add_text(text); end def attribute(name, namespace = nil); end def attributes; end def cdatas; end def clone; end def comments; end def context; end def context=(arg0); end def delete_attribute(key); end def delete_element(element); end def delete_namespace(namespace = nil); end def document; end def each_element(xpath = nil, &block); end def each_element_with_attribute(key, value = nil, max = nil, name = nil, &block); end def each_element_with_text(text = nil, max = nil, name = nil, &block); end def each_with_something(test, max = nil, name = nil); end def elements; end def get_elements(xpath); end def get_text(path = nil); end def has_attributes?; end def has_elements?; end def has_text?; end def ignore_whitespace_nodes; end def initialize(arg = nil, parent = nil, context = nil); end def inspect; end def instructions; end def namespace(prefix = nil); end def namespaces; end def next_element; end def node_type; end def prefixes; end def previous_element; end def raw; end def root; end def root_node; end def text(path = nil); end def text=(text); end def texts; end def whitespace; end def write(output = nil, indent = nil, transitive = nil, ie_hack = nil); end def xpath; end include REXML::Namespace end class REXML::Elements def <<(element = nil); end def [](index, name = nil); end def []=(index, element); end def add(element = nil); end def collect(xpath = nil); end def delete(element); end def delete_all(xpath); end def each(xpath = nil); end def empty?; end def index(element); end def initialize(parent); end def inject(xpath = nil, initial = nil); end def literalize(name); end def size; end def to_a(xpath = nil); end include Enumerable end class REXML::Attributes < Hash def <<(attribute); end def [](name); end def []=(name, value); end def add(attribute); end def delete(attribute); end def delete_all(name); end def each; end def each_attribute; end def get_attribute(name); end def get_attribute_ns(namespace, name); end def initialize(element); end def length; end def namespaces; end def prefixes; end def size; end def to_a; end end class REXML::XMLDecl < REXML::Child def ==(other); end def clone; end def content(enc); end def dowrite; end def encoding=(enc); end def initialize(version = nil, encoding = nil, standalone = nil); end def inspect; end def node_type; end def nowrite; end def old_enc=(encoding); end def self.default; end def stand_alone?; end def standalone; end def standalone=(arg0); end def version; end def version=(arg0); end def write(writer, indent = nil, transitive = nil, ie_hack = nil); end def writeencoding; end def writethis; end def xmldecl(version, encoding, standalone); end include REXML::Encoding end class REXML::Comment < REXML::Child def <=>(other); end def ==(other); end def clone; end def initialize(first, second = nil); end def node_type; end def string; end def string=(arg0); end def to_s; end def write(output, indent = nil, transitive = nil, ie_hack = nil); end include Comparable end class REXML::Instruction < REXML::Child def ==(other); end def clone; end def content; end def content=(arg0); end def initialize(target, content = nil); end def inspect; end def node_type; end def target; end def target=(arg0); end def write(writer, indent = nil, transitive = nil, ie_hack = nil); end end class REXML::Output def <<(content); end def encoding; end def initialize(real_IO, encd = nil); end def to_s; end include REXML::Encoding end class REXML::UndefinedNamespaceException < REXML::ParseException def initialize(prefix, source, parser); end end class REXML::Parsers::BaseParser def add_listener(listener); end def empty?; end def entity(reference, entities); end def has_next?; end def initialize(source); end def need_source_encoding_update?(xml_declaration_encoding); end def normalize(input, entities = nil, entity_filter = nil); end def parse_attributes(prefixes, curr_ns); end def peek(depth = nil); end def position; end def process_instruction; end def pull; end def pull_event; end def source; end def stream=(source); end def unnormalize(string, entities = nil, filter = nil); end def unshift(token); end end class REXML::Parsers::StreamParser def add_listener(listener); end def initialize(source, listener); end def parse; end end module REXML::Validation end class REXML::Validation::ValidationException < RuntimeError def initialize(msg); end end class REXML::Parsers::TreeParser def add_listener(listener); end def initialize(source, build_context = nil); end def parse; end end class REXML::Document < REXML::Element def <<(child); end def add(child); end def add_element(arg = nil, arg2 = nil); end def build(source); end def clone; end def doctype; end def document; end def encoding; end def entity_expansion_count; end def expanded_name; end def initialize(source = nil, context = nil); end def name; end def node_type; end def record_entity_expansion; end def root; end def self.entity_expansion_limit; end def self.entity_expansion_limit=(val); end def self.entity_expansion_text_limit; end def self.entity_expansion_text_limit=(val); end def self.parse_stream(source, listener); end def stand_alone?; end def version; end def write(*arguments); end def xml_decl; end end module REXML::StreamListener def attlistdecl(element_name, attributes, raw_content); end def cdata(content); end def comment(comment); end def doctype(name, pub_sys, long_name, uri); end def doctype_end; end def elementdecl(content); end def entity(content); end def entitydecl(content); end def instruction(name, instruction); end def notationdecl(content); end def tag_end(name); end def tag_start(name, attrs); end def text(text); end def xmldecl(version, encoding, standalone); end end