module OrigenTesters module SmartestBasedTester class V93K_SMT8 require 'origen_testers/smartest_based_tester/base/flow' class Flow < Base::Flow TEMPLATE = "#{Origen.root!}/lib/origen_testers/smartest_based_tester/v93k_smt8/templates/template.flow.erb" IN_IDENTIFIER = '_AUTOIN' def on_test(node) test_suite = node.find(:object).to_a[0] if test_suite.is_a?(String) name = test_suite else name = test_method = test_suite.test_method if test_method.respond_to?(:test_name) && test_method.test_name == '' && n = node.find(:name) test_method.test_name = n.value end end if node.children.any? { |n| t = n.try(:type); t == :on_fail || t == :on_pass } || !stack[:on_pass].empty? || !stack[:on_fail].empty? line "#{name}.execute();" @open_test_names << name @post_test_lines << [] process_all(node.to_a.reject { |n| t = n.try(:type); t == :on_fail || t == :on_pass }) on_pass = node.find(:on_pass) on_fail = node.find(:on_fail) if on_fail && on_fail.find(:continue) && tester.force_pass_on_continue if test_method.respond_to?(:force_pass) test_method.force_pass = 1 else Origen.log.error 'Force pass on continue has been enabled, but the test method does not have a force_pass attribute!' Origen.log.error " #{node.source}" exit 1 end @open_test_methods << test_method else if test_method.respond_to?(:force_pass) test_method.force_pass = 0 end @open_test_methods << nil end pass_lines = capture_lines do @indent += 1 pass_branch do process_all(on_pass) if on_pass stack[:on_pass].each { |n| process_all(n) } end @indent -= 1 end fail_lines = capture_lines do @indent += 1 fail_branch do process_all(on_fail) if on_fail stack[:on_fail].each { |n| process_all(n) } end @indent -= 1 end if !pass_lines.empty? && fail_lines.empty? line "if (#{name}.pass) {" pass_lines.each { |l| line l, already_indented: true } line '}' elsif pass_lines.empty? && !fail_lines.empty? line "if (!#{name}.pass) {" fail_lines.each { |l| line l, already_indented: true } line '}' elsif !pass_lines.empty? && !fail_lines.empty? line "if (#{name}.pass) {" pass_lines.each { |l| line l, already_indented: true } line '} else {' fail_lines.each { |l| line l, already_indented: true } line '}' end @open_test_methods.pop @open_test_names.pop @post_test_lines.pop.each { |l| line(l) } else line "#{name}.execute();" end end def on_sub_flow(node) sub_flow = sub_flow_from(node) @sub_flows ||= {} path = name = path.basename('.*').to_s path = Origen.interface.sub_flow_path_overwrite(path) if Origen.interface.respond_to? :sub_flow_path_overwrite @sub_flows[name] = "#{path.dirname}.#{name}".gsub(/(\/|\\)/, '.') # Pass down all input variables before executing if sub_flow.input_variables.size > 0 && tester.flow_variable_grouping line "// #{name} sub-flow input variables" line '{' @indent += 1 end sub_flow.input_variables.each do |var| # Handle the inout variables # Get the main value into the temporary input variable if sub_flow.inout_variables.keys.include?(var) var = var[0] if var.is_a?(Array) line "#{name}.#{var} = #{sub_flow.inout_variables[var]};" else var = var[0] if var.is_a?(Array) line "#{name}.#{var} = #{var};" end end if sub_flow.input_variables.size > 0 && tester.flow_variable_grouping @indent -= 1 line '}' end line "#{name}.execute();" # And then retrieve all common output variables if (output_variables & sub_flow.output_variables).size > 0 && tester.flow_variable_grouping line "// #{name} sub-flow output variables" line '{' @indent += 1 end (output_variables & sub_flow.output_variables).sort.each do |var| var = var[0] if var.is_a?(Array) line "#{var} = #{name}.#{var};" end if (output_variables & sub_flow.output_variables).size > 0 && tester.flow_variable_grouping @indent -= 1 line '}' end if on_pass = node.find(:on_pass) pass_lines = capture_lines do @indent += 1 pass_branch do process_all(on_pass) if on_pass end @indent -= 1 end on_pass = nil if pass_lines.empty? end if on_fail = node.find(:on_fail) fail_lines = capture_lines do @indent += 1 fail_branch do process_all(on_fail) if on_fail end @indent -= 1 end on_fail = nil if fail_lines.empty? end if on_pass && !on_fail line "if (#{name}.pass) {" pass_lines.each { |l| line l, already_indented: true } line '}' elsif !on_pass && on_fail line "if (!#{name}.pass) {" fail_lines.each { |l| line l, already_indented: true } line '}' elsif on_pass && on_fail line "if (#{name}.pass) {" pass_lines.each { |l| line l, already_indented: true } line '} else {' fail_lines.each { |l| line l, already_indented: true } line '}' end end def on_auxiliary_flow(node) @auxiliary_flows ||= {} path = node.find(:path).value name = node.find(:name).value @auxiliary_flows[name] = "#{path}" line "#{name}.execute();" end def sub_flows @sub_flows || {} end def auxiliary_flows @auxiliary_flows || {} end def inout_variables @inout_variables || {} end # Variables which should be defined as an input to the current flow def input_variables vars = flow_variables # Jobs and enables flow into a sub-flow in_var_array = (vars[:all][:jobs] + vars[:all][:referenced_enables] + vars[:all][:set_enables] + # As do any flags which are referenced by it but which are not set within it (vars[:all][:referenced_flags] - vars[:all][:set_flags] - vars[:all][:unset_flags])).uniq identified_inout_variables = { |e| output_variables.include?(e) } result = in_var_array.reject { |e| output_variables.include?(e) } @inout_variables = {} # create inout variables with unique ids to reduce user conflicts identified_inout_variables.each do |var| unique_id = 0 var.each_byte { |n| unique_id += n } identifier = IN_IDENTIFIER + "_#{unique_id.to_s[0..4]}" @inout_variables[:"#{var}#{identifier}"] = var end result += @inout_variables.keys result.uniq.sort do |x, y| x = x[0] if x.is_a?(Array) y = y[0] if y.is_a?(Array) x.to_s <=> y.to_s end end # Variables which should be defined as an output of the current flow def output_variables vars = flow_variables # Flags that are set by this flow flow out of it (vars[:this_flow][:set_flags] + # As do any flags set by its children which are marked as external vars[:all][:set_flags_extern] + # Other test methods are setting the flags vars[:this_flow][:add_flags] + # Other test methods are set in the children vars[:all][:add_flags_extern] + # And any flags which are set by a child and referenced in this flow (vars[:this_flow][:referenced_flags] & vars[:sub_flows][:set_flags]) + # And also intermediate flags, those are flags which are set by a child and referenced # by a parent of the current flow intermediate_variables).uniq.sort do |x, y| x = x[0] if x.is_a?(Array) y = y[0] if y.is_a?(Array) x <=> y end end # Output variables which are not directly referenced by this flow, but which are referenced by a parent # flow and set by the given child flow and therefore must pass through the current flow. # By calling this method with no argument it will consider variables set by any child flow, alternatively # pass in the variables for the child flow in question and only that will be considered. def intermediate_variables(*sub_flows) set_flags = [] all_sub_flows.each { |f| set_flags += f.flow_variables[:all][:set_flags] } if set_flags.empty? [] else upstream_referenced_flags = [] p = parent while p upstream_referenced_flags += p.flow_variables[:this_flow][:referenced_flags] p = p.parent end upstream_referenced_flags.uniq set_flags & upstream_referenced_flags end end def flow_header h = [] if add_flow_enable && top_level? h << " if (#{flow_enable_var_name} == 1) {" i = ' ' else i = ' ' end flow_variables[:this_flow][:set_flags].each do |var| if var.is_a?(Array) h << i + "#{var[0]} = #{var[1].is_a?(String) || var[1].is_a?(Symbol) ? '"' + var[1].to_s + '"' : var[1]};" else h << i + "#{var} = -1;" end end # Handle the inout variables # Use the original variable name and get the value out of the temporary input variable inout_variables.each do |inout_var, orig_var| h << i + "#{orig_var} = #{inout_var};" end h << '' unless flow_variables[:this_flow][:set_flags].empty? h end def flow_footer f = [] if add_flow_enable && top_level? f << ' }' end f end end end end end