= javascript_include_tag 'https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js' - stripe = subscripter_stripe_data(subscripter) - plans = subscripter_stripe_plans(subscripter) - subscripter.quantity ||= subscripter.subscribable.subscribable_quantity_used - subscripter.stripe_plan_id ||= Hash(plans.first)[:id] - if subscripter.stripe_plan_id.present? && plans.present? && plans.none? { |plan| plan[:id] == subscripter.stripe_plan_id } - closest_plan = plans.find { |plan| plan[:interval] == subscripter.plan[:interval] } - subscripter.stripe_plan_id = closest_plan[:id] if closest_plan.present? = effective_form_with(model: subscripter, url: effective_orders.subscripter_path, remote: true, data: { stripe: stripe, plans: plans }) do |f| = f.hidden_field :subscribable_global_id = f.hidden_field :stripe_token, value: nil = f.hidden_field :stripe_plan_id = f.error :stripe_token - if f.object.subscribable.subscribed? - quantity_used = f.object.subscribable.subscribable_quantity_used.to_i - quantity_purchased = f.object.subscribable.subscription.quantity .text-center %p You currently have #{pluralize(quantity_used, 'member')} in your team and have space for #{pluralize(quantity_purchased, 'member')}. - if quantity_purchased > quantity_used %p You can add #{pluralize(quantity_purchased - quantity_used, 'more member')} without updating your plan. - else %p To add more members you will need to update your plan. %p To pay for less than #{pluralize(quantity_used, 'member')}, remove some team members first. - else .text-center %p You are not currently subscribed to any plan. %br For full access, upgrade to a paid plan below. %br To upgrade with fewer people, remove some team members first. .card.mb-4 .card-body.card-subscripter %h5.card-title.subscripter-title Billing Cycle = f.radios :stripe_plan_id, plans.map { |plan| [plan[:name], plan[:id]] }, label: false, buttons: true %hr.mt-4.mb-4 - plans.each do |plan| = f.show_if(:stripe_plan_id, plan[:id]) do = render 'effective/subscripter/plan', plan: plan, f: f = f.submit(border: false, center: true) do - if f.object.token_required? = f.save('Continue to Billing', class: 'effective-orders-stripe-token-required') - else = f.save('Upgrade Now')