require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ".." ,"spec_helper" ) module Elus include ElusTest describe Piece do context "creating" do it "should raise error if new method is called" do CODES.each_key do |code| lambda{}.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end WRONG_CODES.each do |code| lambda{}.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end end it "should return nil for a wrong code" do WRONG_CODES.each do |code| Piece.create(code).should == nil end Piece.create(nil).should == nil Piece.create('').should == nil Piece.create(1).should == nil Piece.create(3.14).should == nil Piece.create(:byd).should == nil Piece.create([]).should == nil Piece.create([1,2,3]).should == nil Piece.create({:symb=>'something'}).should == nil end it "should have code and name consistent with an input code" do CODES.each do |code, name| Piece.create(code).name.should == name Piece.create(code).code.should == Piece.convert_code(code) end end it "should drop irrelevant characters from code" do Piece.create('b y d ').name.should == BYD Piece.create('yfdzb').name.should == BYD Piece.create('AEFHIJKLMNOPQTUVWXZaefhijklmnopqtuvwxz byd').name.should == BYD Piece.create('byd23456789~@#$%^&*()_+-?><{}[],|/`').name.should == BYD end it "should drop duplicate characters from code" do Piece.create('byyd').name.should == BYD Piece.create('DDyb').name.should == BYD Piece.create('AEFHIJbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbyd').name.should == BYD Piece.create('byddd').name.should == BYD Piece.create('byrd').name.should == BYD Piece.create('bydrrdrrrrdr').name.should == BYD end it "should sort code letter if they are given in wrong order" do Piece.create('ydb').name.should == BYD Piece.create('ybd').name.should == BYD Piece.create('dBy').name.should == BYD Piece.create('Dby').name.should == BYD Piece.create('dyb').name.should == BYD Piece.create('Bdy').name.should == BYD end it "should not sort code letter mixed with numbers or specials but return nil" do Piece.create('1dy').should == nil Piece.create('d1b').should == nil Piece.create('yb0').should == nil Piece.create('!dy').should == nil Piece.create('d=b').should == nil Piece.create('yb.').should == nil end it "should create Pieces from codes with special meaning" do SPECIAL_CODES.each do |code, name| Piece.create(code).name.should == name end end end context 'comparing' do it 'should match its code, self and Piece with the same code' do (CODES.merge SPECIAL_CODES).each do |code, name| piece1 = Piece.create(code) piece2 = Piece.create(code) should_be_equal(piece1, code) should_be_equal(piece1, piece1) should_be_equal(piece1, piece2) end end it 'should be reciprocal' do all_chars_twice do |code1, code2| piece1 = Piece.create(code1) piece2 = Piece.create(code2) should_be_equal(piece2, piece1) if piece1 == piece2 should_be_equal(piece1, piece2) if piece2 == piece1 end end it 'should match dots in all positions' do all_chars do |code| c1,c2,c3 = code.split(//) piece = Piece.create(c1+c2+c3) should_be_equal(piece, '.'+c2+c3) should_be_equal(piece, Piece.create('.'+c2+c3)) should_be_equal(Piece.create('.'+c2+c3), piece) should_be_equal(piece, c1+'.'+c3) should_be_equal(piece, Piece.create(c1+'.'+c3)) should_be_equal(Piece.create(c1+'.'+c3), piece) should_be_equal(piece, c1+c2+'.') should_be_equal(piece, Piece.create(c1+c2+'.')) should_be_equal(Piece.create(c1+c2+'.'), piece) end end it 'should support eql? comparison (based on code)' do all_chars_twice do |code1, code2| piece1 = Piece.create(code1) piece2 = Piece.create(code2) (piece1.eql? piece2).should be_true if piece1.code == piece2.code (piece2.eql? piece1).should be_true if piece1.code == piece2.code end end it "should be bigger than nil" do all_chars('01=!.') do |code| (Piece.create(code) > nil).should be_true end end end context 'multiplying Piece by mask (finding next Piece)' do it 'should copy mask if the mask contains only numbers OR dots' do all_chars_twice('01.=!', '01.') do |code1, code2| piece = Piece.create(code1) mask = Piece.create(code2) should_be_equal(piece * mask, mask) end end it 'should convert mask if mask contains special chars' do all_chars_twice do |orig_code, mask_code| expected = [] mask_code.split(//).each_with_index do |char,i| expected[i] = case char when '0' then '0' when '1' then '1' when '.' then '.' when '=' then orig_code[i] when '!' then Piece.different(orig_code[i]) end end expected_code = expected.join('') piece = Piece.create(orig_code) mask = Piece.create(mask_code) should_be_equal(piece * mask, expected_code) should_be_equal(piece * mask, Piece.create(expected_code)) end end end context 'assorted class methods' do it 'should be able to return universal (Any) Piece' do any = Piece.any == 'Any' all_chars do |code| piece = Piece.create(code) should_be_equal(piece, any) (piece * any).name.should == 'Any' end end it 'should be able to convert code to different (opposite)' do all_chars do |code| expected = [] code.split(//).each_with_index do |char,i| expected[i] = case char when '0' then '1' when '1' then '0' when '.' then '.' when '=' then '!' when '!' then '=' end end expected_code = expected.join('') Piece.different(code).should == expected_code end end end end end