require 'coderunner' require 'text-data-tools' class CodeRunner # This is a customised subclass of the CodeRunner::Run class which allows CodeRunner to run and analyse the multiscale gyrokinetic turbulent transport solver Trinity. # # It generates the Trinity input file, and both analyses the results and allows easy plotting of them. It also interfaces with the GS2 CodeRunner module to allow analysis of the individual GS2 results if GS2 is being used as the flux code. class Trinity < Run::FortranNamelist #include CodeRunner::SYSTEM_MODULE # class FluxOptionError < StandardError; end # Where this file is @code_module_folder = folder = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) # i.e. the directory this file is in # Use the Run::FortranNamelist tools to process the variable database setup_namelists(@code_module_folder) @variables += [:flux_pars] require 'trinitycrmod/output_files' require 'trinitycrmod/graphs' require 'trinitycrmod/trinity_gs2' require 'trinitycrmod/check_parameters' require 'trinitycrmod/actual_parameter_values' # Setup gs2 in case people are using it CodeRunner.setup_run_class('gs2') ################################################ # Quantities that are read or determined by CodeRunner # after the simulation has ended ################################################### @results = [ :pfus, :fusionQ, :pnet, :alpha_power, :aux_power, :rad_power, :ne0, :ne95, :ti0, :ti95, :te0, :te95, :omega0, :omega95, :wth ] @code_long="Trinity Turbulent Transport Solver" @run_info=[:time, :is_a_restart, :restart_id, :restart_run_name, :completed_timesteps, :percent_complete] @uses_mpi = true @modlet_required = false @naming_pars = [] # Any folders which are a number will contain the results from flux simulations. @excluded_sub_folders = (1...1000){|i| "flux_tube_" + i.to_s} # A hook which gets called when printing the standard run information to the screen using the status command. def print_out_line #p ['id', id, 'ctd', ctd] #p{|r| send(r)}) name = @run_name name += " (res: #@restart_id)" if @restart_id name += " real_id: #@real_id" if @real_id beginning = sprintf("%2d:%d %-60s %1s:%2.1f(%s) %3s%1s", @id, @job_no, name, @status.to_s[0,1], @run_time.to_f / 60.0, @nprocs.to_s, percent_complete, "%") if ctd beginning += sprintf("Q:%f, Pfusion:%f MW, Ti0:%f keV, Te0:%f keV, n0:%f x10^20", fusionQ, pfus, ti0, te0, ne0) end beginning += " ---#{@comment}" if @comment beginning end #def self.load(dir, runner) #run = super(dir, runner) #grun_list = run.instance_variable_get(:@gs2_run_list) #grun_list.values.each{|r| r.runner=runner} if grun_list.kind_of? Hash #run #end # This is a hook which gets called just before submitting a simulation. It sets up the folder and generates any necessary input files. def generate_input_file @run_name += "_t" check_parameters write_input_file generate_gs2_input_files if @flux_option == "gs2" end # Update submission parameters in the normal way then deal with parameters # for the flux code. Each flux code will behave differently. # # * Gs2 # flux_pars: {nx: 43, delt: {1=> 0.01, 2=>0.05}} # will set nx for all runs to be 43, and delt for run 1 to 0.01, delt # for run 2 to be 0.05 def update_submission_parameters(parameters, start_from_defaults=true) super(parameters, start_from_defaults) if @flux_pars @flux_pars.each do |par, val| if @flux_option == "gs2" if val.kind_of? Hash val.each{|n,v| gs2_runs[n].set(par, v)} else gs2_runs.each{|r| r.set(par, val)} end end end end self end # Override CodeRunner::Run method to deal with flux_pars properly # when generating run_name def generate_run_name @run_name = %[v#@version] + @naming_pars.inject("") do |str, par| case par when :flux_pars str+="_flx_#{send(par).map{|k,v| "#{k}_#{v.to_s[0..8]}"}.join("_")}}" else str+="_#{par}_#{send(par).to_s[0...8]}" end end @run_name = @run_name.gsub(/\s+/, "_").gsub(/[\/{}]/, '') + "_id_#@id" end # The number of separate flux tube results needed for the jacobian def n_flux_tubes d1 = dflx_stencil_actual - 1 ngrads =d1 * case @grad_option when "tigrad", "ngrad", "lgrad" 1 when "tgrads" 2 when "ltgrads", "ntgrads" 3 when "all" 4 else raise "unknown grad_option: #@grad_option" end if evolve_grads_only_actual.fortran_true? njac = ngrads + 1 else njac = 2*ngrads+1 end #p 'nraaad', @nrad (@nrad-1) * njac end # Writes the gs2 input files, creating separate subfolders # for them if @subfolders is .true. def generate_gs2_input_files # At the moment we must use subfolders for i in 0...n_flux_tubes #gs2run = gs2_run(:base).dup #gs2_run(i).instance_variables.each do |var| #gs2run.instance_variable_set(var, gs2_run(i).instance_variable_get(var)) #end gs2run = gs2_runs[i] #p ['i',i] if @subfolders and @subfolders.fortran_true? = @directory + "/flux_tube_#{i+1}" FileUtils.makedirs( gs2run.relative_directory = @relative_directory + "/flux_tube_#{i+1}" gs2run.restart_dir = + "/nc" else = @directory gs2run.relative_directory = @relative_directory end gs2run.run_name = @run_name + (i+1).to_s gs2run.nprocs = @nprocs if i==0 block ={ingen} else block ={} end Dir.chdir({gs2run.generate_input_file(&block); gs2run.write_info} ### Hack the input file so that gs2 gets the location of # the restart dir correctly within trinity if @subfolders and @subfolders.fortran_true? infile = + "/" + gs2run.run_name + ".in" text =, 'w'){|f| f.puts text.sub(/restart_dir\s*=\s*"nc"/, "restart_dir = \"flux_tube_#{i+1}/nc\"")} end end end def vim_output system "vim -Ro #{output_file} #{error_file} #@directory/#@run_name.error #@directory/#@run_name.out " end alias :vo :vim_output # This command uses the infrastructure provided by Run::FortranNamelist, provided by CodeRunner itself. def write_input_file + ".trin", 'w'){|file| file.puts input_file_text} end # Parameters which follow the Trinity executable, in this case just the input file. def parameter_string @run_name + ".trin" end def parameter_transition end def generate_component_runs #puts "HERE" @component_runs ||= [] if @flux_option == "gs2" #puts "HERE" for i in 0...n_flux_tubes component = @component_runs[i] #p [i, '9,', component, '4', !@component_runs[i]]; STDIN.gets if not component #p "HEELO" #p [i, '3,', component, '4', @component_runs.size] component = @component_runs[i] = #p [i, '3,', component, '4', @component_runs.size] if i > 0 and @component_runs[i-1] component.rcp.variables.each do |var| val = @component_runs[i-1].send(var) component.set(var, val) if val end end end #p [i,'1', component, '2', @component_runs.size]; STDIN.gets component = @component_runs[i] #p [i,'1', component, '2']; STDIN.gets component.component_runs = [] #component.runner = nil #pp component; STDIN.gets #component.instance_variables.each{|var| puts var; pp var; puts Marshal.dump(component.instance_variable_get(var)); STDIN.gets} #puts Marshal.dump(component); STDIN.gets #pp component; STDIN.gets #p component.class component.job_no = @job_no #component.status = @status #p ["HERE2", @component_runs.size, @component_runs[i]] #Dir.chdir(@directory) { compdir = "flux_tube_#{i+1}" Dir.chdir(compdir){component.process_directory} if FileTest.exist? compdir #} component.component_runs = [] #@component_runs.push component component.real_id = @id #@gs2_run_list[i] = component #pp component; STDIN.gets #component.runner = nil #puts Marshal.dump(component); STDIN.gets #pp component; STDIN.gets #component.component_runs = [] end end end def save #@gs2_run_list.values.each{|r| r.runner = nil; r.component_runs = []} if @gs2_run_list.kind_of? Hash super #@gs2_run_list.values.each{|r| r.runner = @runner} if @gs2_run_list.kind_of? Hash #logf(:save) #raise"Something has gone horribly wrong: runner.class is #{@runner.class} instead of CodeRunner") unless @runner.class.to_s == "CodeRunner" #runner, @runner = @runner, nil #@system_triers, old_triers = nil, @system_triers #@component_runs.each{|run| run.runner = nil; run.component_runs = []} if @component_runs ##@component_runs.each{|run| run.runner = nil} if @component_runs ## logi(self) ##pp self ##@component_runs.each{|ph| ph.instance_variables.each{|var| puts var; pp ph.instance_variable_get(var); STDIN.gets; puts ph.Marshal.dump(instance_variable_get(var))}} if @component_runs ##instance_variables.each{|var| puts var; instance_variable_get(var); puts Marshal.dump(instance_variable_get(var)); STDIN.gets} #Dir.chdir(@directory){".code_runner_run_data", 'w'){|file| file.puts Marshal.dump(self)}} #@runner = runner #@component_runs.each{|run| run.runner = runner} if @component_runs #@system_triers = old_triers end @source_code_subfolders = [] # This method, as its name suggests, is called whenever CodeRunner is asked to analyse a run directory. This happens if the run status is not :Complete, or if the user has specified recalc_all(-A on the command line) or reprocess_all (-a on the command line). # def process_directory_code_specific get_status #p ['id is', id, 'ctd is ', ctd] if ctd get_global_results end #p ['fusionQ is ', fusionQ] @percent_complete = completed_timesteps.to_f / ntstep.to_f * 100.0 end def get_status if @running get_completed_timesteps if completed_timesteps == 0 @status = :NotStarted else @status = :Incomplete end else get_completed_timesteps if =~/trinity\s+finished/i @status = :Complete else @status = :Failed end end end def get_completed_timesteps Dir.chdir(@directory) do @completed_timesteps = time_outfile.exists? ? time_outfile.get_1d_array_integer(/itstep/).max : 0 end end def get_global_results @fusionQ = info_outfile.get_variable_value('Q').to_f @pfus = info_outfile.get_variable_value(/fusion\s+power/i).to_f @pnet = info_outfile.get_variable_value(/net\s+power/i).to_f @aux_power = info_outfile.get_variable_value(/aux.*\s+power/i).to_f @alpha_power = info_outfile.get_variable_value(/alpha\s+power/i).to_f @rad_power = info_outfile.get_variable_value(/radiated\s+power/i).to_f @ne0 = info_outfile.get_variable_value(/core\s+density/i).to_f @ti0 = info_outfile.get_variable_value(/core\s+T_i/i).to_f @te0 = info_outfile.get_variable_value(/core\s+T_e/i).to_f @omega0 = info_outfile.get_variable_value(/core\s+omega/i).to_f #p 'send(fusionQ)', send(:fusionQ) end def self.get_input_help_from_source_code(source_folder) source = get_aggregated_source_code_text(source_folder) rcp.namelists.each do |nmlst, hash| hash[:variables].each do |var, var_hash| # next unless var == :w_antenna var = var_hash[:code_name] || var values_text = source.scan("\\W#{var}\\s*=\\s*.+")).join("\n") ep values_text values = scan_text_for_variables(values_text).map{|(v,val)| val} values.uniq! # ep values if var == :nbeta values.delete_if{|val| val.kind_of? String} if values.find{|val| val.kind_of? Numeric} values.delete_if{|val| val.kind_of? String and not String::FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? val} if values.find{|val| val.kind_of? String and String::FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? val} # values.sort! # ep var # ep values sample_val = values[0] p sample_val help = values_text.scan(/ !(.*)/).flatten[0] p help #gets var_hash[:help] = help var_hash[:description] = help save_namelists end end end def input_file_header <