require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__) ruby_version_is "1.9" do class IO alias getc_orig getc def getc s = getc_orig s ? s.ord : s end end end if System.get_property('platform') != 'ANDROID' describe "IO#ungetc" do before :each do @io = IOSpecs.io_fixture "lines.txt" @empty = tmp('empty.txt') end after :each do @io.close unless @io.closed? rm_r @empty end it "pushes back one character onto stream" do @io.getc.should == 86 @io.ungetc(86) @io.getc.should == 86 @io.ungetc(10) @io.getc.should == 10 @io.getc.should == 111 @io.getc.should == 105 # read the rest of line @io.readline.should == "ci la ligne une.\n" @io.getc.should == 81 @io.ungetc(99) @io.getc.should == 99 end it "pushes back one character when invoked at the end of the stream" do # read entire content @io.ungetc(100) @io.getc.should == 100 end it "pushes back one character when invoked at the start of the stream" do @io.ungetc(100) @io.getc.should == 100 end it "pushes back one character when invoked on empty stream" do touch(@empty) { |empty| empty.getc().should == nil empty.ungetc(10) empty.getc.should == 10 } end it "affects EOF state" do touch(@empty) { |empty| empty.eof?.should == true empty.getc.should == nil empty.ungetc(100) empty.eof?.should == false } end it "adjusts the stream position" do @io.pos.should == 0 # read one char c = @io.getc @io.pos.should == 1 @io.ungetc(c) #@io.pos.should == 0 # read all pos = @io.pos @io.ungetc(98) #@io.pos.should == pos - 1 end # TODO: file MRI bug # Another specified behavior that MRI doesn't follow: # "Has no effect with unbuffered reads (such as IO#sysread)." # #it "has no effect with unbuffered reads" do # length = File.size(@io_name) # content = @io.sysread(length) # @io.rewind # @io.ungetc(100) # @io.sysread(length).should == content #end it "makes subsequent unbuffered operations to raise IOError" do @io.getc @io.ungetc(100) lambda { @io.sysread(1) }.should raise_error(IOError) end ruby_version_is "" ... "1.9" do it "raises IOError when invoked on stream that was not yet read" do lambda { @io.ungetc(100) }.should raise_error(IOError) end end ruby_version_is "1.9" do it "returns nil when invoked on stream that was not yet read" do @io.ungetc(100).should be_nil end end it "raises IOError on closed stream" do @io.getc @io.close lambda { @io.ungetc(100) }.should raise_error(IOError) end end end