=begin Copyright 2006 Suraj N. Kurapati This file is part of Ruby-VPI. Ruby-VPI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Ruby-VPI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Ruby-VPI; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. =end require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/rdoctask' require 'tempfile' require 'rbconfig' $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib') require 'ruby-vpi/rake' PROJECT_ID = 'ruby-vpi' PROJECT_NAME = 'Ruby-VPI' PROJECT_URL = "http://#{PROJECT_ID}.rubyforge.org" PROJECT_SUMMARY = "Ruby interface to Verilog VPI." PROJECT_DETAIL = "#{PROJECT_NAME} is a #{PROJECT_SUMMARY}. It lets you create complex Verilog test benches easily and wholly in Ruby." PROJECT_SSH_URL = "snk@rubyforge.org:/var/www/gforge-projects/#{PROJECT_ID}" # Returns a temporary, unique path ready for use. No file exists at the returned path. def generate_temp_path rm_f path = Tempfile.new($$).path path end # uploads the given sources without their SVN meta-data to the given destination URL def upload_without_svn aDestUrl, *aSources tmpDir = generate_temp_path mkdir tmpDir tmpSources = aSources.map do |src| cp_r src, tmpDir, :preserve => true File.join(tmpDir, File.basename(src)) end # remove SVN meta-data from sources sh "find #{tmpDir} -name .svn | xargs rm -rf" # upload sources sh 'scp', '-Cr', *(tmpSources + [aDestUrl]) rm_rf tmpDir end task :default => :build task :clobber do |t| files = FileList['**/Rakefile'].reject {|f| File.expand_path(f) == __FILE__} files.each do |f| cd File.dirname(f) do sh 'rake', t.name end end end ## # extension # desc "Builds object files for all simulators." task :build DEFAULT_SHARED_OBJ = "#{PROJECT_ID}.so" DEFAULT_NORMAL_OBJ = "#{PROJECT_ID}.o" directory 'obj' CLOBBER.include 'obj' { :cver => ['-DPRAGMATIC_CVER', '-export-dynamic'], :ivl => ['-DICARUS_VERILOG'], :vcs => ['-DSYNOPSYS_VCS'], :vsim => ['-DMENTOR_MODELSIM'], }.each_pair do |target, (cflags, ldflags)| # object files that are needed to be built objFiles = [DEFAULT_NORMAL_OBJ, DEFAULT_SHARED_OBJ].inject({}) do |memo, src| dstName = src.sub(/#{File.extname src}$/, ".#{target}\\&") dst = File.expand_path(File.join('obj', dstName)) memo[src] = dst memo end # task to build the object files targetTask = "build_#{target}" desc "Builds object files for #{target} simulator." task targetTask => ['obj', 'ext'] do |t| unless objFiles.values.reject {|f| File.exist? f}.empty? cd t.prerequisites[1] do ENV['CFLAGS'], ENV['LDFLAGS'] = cflags, ldflags sh %w(rake clean default) objFiles.each_pair do |src, dst| mv src, dst end end end end task :build => targetTask end ## # documentation # desc 'Generate documentation.' task 'doc' => 'ref' do |t| cd t.name do sh 'rake' end end directory 'ref' CLOBBER.include 'ref' desc 'Generate reference documentation.' file 'ref' => ['ref/c', 'ref/ruby'] directory 'ref/ruby' CLOBBER.include 'ref/ruby' desc 'Generate reference for Ruby.' Rake::RDocTask.new 'ref/ruby' do |t| t.rdoc_dir = t.name t.title = "#{PROJECT_NAME}: #{PROJECT_SUMMARY}" t.options.concat %w(--charset utf-8 --line-numbers) t.rdoc_files.include '{bin,lib/**}/*.rb' t.main = 'SWIG::TYPE_p_unsigned_int' end directory 'ref/c' CLOBBER.include 'ref/c' desc 'Generate reference for C.' file 'ref/c' do |t| # doxygen outputs to this temporary destination tempDest = 'ext/html' cd File.dirname(tempDest) do sh "doxygen" end mv FileList[tempDest + '/*'].to_a, t.name rmdir tempDest end ## # distribution # DIST_INFO_HEADER = 'HEADER' distDocs = [DIST_INFO_HEADER, 'README', 'HISTORY', 'MEMO'].map do |src| dst = src.downcase << '.html' dstPartial = src.downcase << '.part.html' file dst => [DIST_INFO_HEADER, src] do sh "redcloth #{DIST_INFO_HEADER unless src == DIST_INFO_HEADER} #{src} > #{dst}" end file dstPartial => src do sh "redcloth < #{src} > #{dstPartial}" end CLOBBER.include dst, dstPartial [dst, dstPartial] end.flatten desc "Prepare distribution information." task :dist_info => distDocs desc "Prepare for distribution." task :dist => ['ext', :doc, :dist_info] do |t| cd t.prerequisites[0] do sh 'rake swig' end end desc 'Publish documentation to website.' task :web => [:web_dist, :web_ref, :web_doc] desc "Publish distribution info." task :web_dist => ['style.css', *distDocs] do |t| upload_without_svn PROJECT_SSH_URL, *t.prerequisites end desc "Publish reference documentation." task :web_ref => 'ref' do |t| upload_without_svn PROJECT_SSH_URL, *t.prerequisites end desc "Publish user documentation." task :web_doc => :doc do |t| upload_without_svn "#{PROJECT_SSH_URL}/doc/", *FileList['doc/xhtml/*'] end desc 'Connect to website FTP.' task :ftp do sh 'lftp', "sftp://#{PROJECT_SSH_URL}" end desc "Generate release packages." task :pkg => ['HISTORY', 'gem_extconf.rb'] do |t| # determine release version File.read(t.prerequisites[0]) =~ /Version\s+([\d\.]+)/ releaseVersion = $1 puts "release version is: #{releaseVersion}" mkdir tmpDir = generate_temp_path cp_r '.', tmpDir cd tmpDir do # clean up sh "svn st | awk '/^\\?/ {print $2}' | xargs rm -rf" sh "svn up" sh "find -name .svn | xargs rm -rf" sh "rake dist" # make gem package spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = s.rubyforge_project = PROJECT_ID s.summary = PROJECT_SUMMARY s.description = PROJECT_DETAIL s.homepage = PROJECT_URL s.version = releaseVersion s.add_dependency 'rspec', '>= 0.5.4' s.add_dependency 'rake', '>= 0.7.0' s.add_dependency 'rcov', '>= 0.7.0' s.requirements << "POSIX threads library" s.requirements << "C language compiler" s.files = FileList['**/*'] s.autorequire = PROJECT_ID s.executables = FileList['bin/*'].select {|f| File.executable?(f) && File.file?(f)}.map {|f| File.basename f} s.extensions << t.prerequisites[1] end Gem::manage_gems Gem::Builder.new(spec).build mv *(FileList['*.gem'] << File.dirname(__FILE__)) end rm_r tmpDir end desc "Configures the gem during installation." task :config_gem_install => 'readme.html' do |t| # makes documentation available to gem_server gemDir = File.dirname(__FILE__) gemName = File.basename(gemDir) docDir = File.join('..', '..', 'doc', gemName) mkdir_p docDir ln_s gemDir, File.join(docDir, 'rdoc') # gem_server doesn't dynamically generate directory index cp t.prerequisites[0], 'index.html' end ## # testing # desc "Ensure that examples work with $SIMULATOR" task :test => :build do FileList['samp/*/'].each do |s| cd s do sh 'rake', ENV['SIMULATOR'] || 'cver' end end end