require 'rake' require 'rake/testtask' task :default => [:java_compile, :test] def java_classpath_arg # myriad of ways to discover JRuby classpath begin jruby_cpath = Java::java.lang.System.getProperty('java.class.path') rescue => e end unless jruby_cpath jruby_cpath = ENV['JRUBY_PARENT_CLASSPATH'] || ENV['JRUBY_HOME'] && FileList["#{ENV['JRUBY_HOME']}/lib/*.jar"].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end jruby_cpath ? "-cp #{jruby_cpath}" : "" end desc "Compile the native Java code." task :java_compile do pkg_classes = File.join(*%w(pkg classes)) jar_name = File.join(*%w(lib jdbc_adapter jdbc_adapter_internal.jar)) mkdir_p pkg_classes sh "javac -target 1.4 -source 1.4 -d pkg/classes #{java_classpath_arg} #{FileList['src/java/**/*.java'].join(' ')}" sh "jar cf #{jar_name} -C #{pkg_classes} ." end file "lib/jdbc_adapter/jdbc_adapter_internal.jar" => :java_compile task :more_clean do rm_rf FileList['derby*'] rm_rf FileList['test.db.*'] rm_rf "test/reports" rm_f FileList['lib/**/*.jar'] rm_f "" end task :clean => :more_clean task :filelist do puts FileList['pkg/**/*'].inspect end if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ # TODO: add more databases into the standard tests here. task :test => [:test_mysql, :test_jdbc, :test_derby, :test_hsqldb, :test_h2] else task :test => [:test_mysql] end FileList['drivers/*'].each do |d| next unless driver = File.basename(d)"test_#{driver}") do |t| files = FileList["test/#{driver}*test.rb"] if driver == "derby" files << 'test/activerecord/connection_adapters/type_conversion_test.rb' end t.ruby_opts << "-rjdbc/#{driver}" t.test_files = files t.libs << "test" << "#{d}/lib" end end do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/generic_jdbc_connection_test.rb'] t.libs << 'test' << 'drivers/mysql/lib' end do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/jndi_test.rb'] t.libs << 'test' << 'drivers/derby/lib' end task :test_postgresql => [:test_postgres] task :test_pgsql => [:test_postgres] # Ensure oracle driver is on your classpath before launching rake do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/oracle_simple_test.rb'] t.libs << 'test' end # Ensure DB2 driver is on your classpath before launching rake do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/db2_simple_test.rb'] t.libs << 'test' end MANIFEST = FileList["History.txt", "Manifest.txt", "README.txt", "Rakefile", "LICENSE", "lib/**/*.rb", "lib/jdbc_adapter/jdbc_adapter_internal.jar", "test/**/*.rb", "lib/**/*.rake", "src/**/*.java"] file "Manifest.txt" => :manifest task :manifest do"Manifest.txt", "w") {|f| MANIFEST.each {|n| f << "#{n}\n"} } end Rake::Task['manifest'].invoke # Always regen manifest, so Hoe has up-to-date list of files require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib/jdbc_adapter/version" begin require 'hoe'"activerecord-jdbc-adapter", JdbcAdapter::Version::VERSION) do |p| p.rubyforge_name = "jruby-extras" p.url = "" = "Nick Sieger, Ola Bini and JRuby contributors" = "," p.summary = "JDBC adapter for ActiveRecord, for use within JRuby on Rails." p.changes = p.paragraphs_of('History.txt', 0..1).join("\n\n") p.description = p.paragraphs_of('README.txt', 0...1).join("\n\n") end.spec.dependencies.delete_if { |dep| == "hoe" } rescue LoadError puts "You really need Hoe installed to be able to package this gem" rescue => e puts "ignoring error while loading hoe: #{e.to_s}" end def rake(*args) ruby "-S", "rake", *args end %w(test package install_gem release clean).each do |task| desc "Run rake #{task} on all available adapters and drivers" task "all:#{task}" => task end (Dir["drivers/*/Rakefile"] + Dir["adapters/*/Rakefile"]).each do |rakefile| dir = File.dirname(rakefile) prefix = dir.sub(%r{/}, ':') tasks = %w(package install_gem debug_gem clean) tasks << "test" if, "test")) tasks.each do |task| desc "Run rake #{task} on #{dir}" task "#{prefix}:#{task}" do Dir.chdir(dir) do rake task end end task "#{File.dirname(dir)}:#{task}" => "#{prefix}:#{task}" task "all:#{task}" => "#{prefix}:#{task}" end desc "Run rake release on #{dir}" task "#{prefix}:release" do Dir.chdir(dir) do version = nil if dir =~ /adapters/ version = ENV['VERSION'] else Dir["lib/**/*.rb"].each do |file| version ||= {|f| =~ /VERSION = "([^"]+)"/ && $1} end end rake "release", "VERSION=#{version}" end end # Only release adapters synchronously with main release. Drivers are versioned # according to their JDBC driver versions. if dir =~ /adapters/ task "adapters:release" => "#{prefix}:release" task "all:release" => "#{prefix}:release" end end