Work in progress! ---- This is **work in progress and not usable yet**. [Readme Driven Development]( WIP docs below ---- This is a wrapper of the DebiTech SOAP API. It's intended to be API compatible with the DebiTech Java client but also supports a more developer friendly syntax :). Installing ---- gem install debitech_soap Usage ---- This is how you would have used the DebiTech Java API: include_class "com.verifyeasy.server.VEServer" veserver = VEServer.get_instance("") This is how you use DebitechSoap: require 'debitech_soap' veserver = => "merchant_name", :username => "api_user_name", :password => "api_user_password") Supported arguments ---- Java style (see DebitechSoap::API::PARAMS.keys in lib/debitech_soap.rb): veserver.refund(1234567, 23456, 100, "extra") Hash: veserver.refund(:verifyID => 1234567, :transID => 23456, :amount => 100, :extra => "extra") Custom methods ---- **valid_credentials?**: Returns **true** if the credentials work (calls "checkSwedishPersNo"). Return data ---- - An object with methods for each attribute (See DebitechSoap::RETURN_DATA). - Each attribute has serveral methods, for example "infoCode" can also be "getInfoCode" or "get_info_code". - If the return value is a number it will be converted to an integer. API docs ---- Get DIBSServerManual.pdf from the DIBS Manager. Known issues ---- - Does not work with Ruby 1.9 (does not have "soap/wsdlDriver"). We have not been able to get "savon" to work.