require 'spec_helper' describe Roadie::Inliner do def use_css(css); @css = css; end def rendering(html, options = {}) Nokogiri::HTML.parse, html, options.fetch(:url_options, {:host => ''})).execute end describe "inlining styles" do before(:each) do # Make sure to have some css even when we don't specify any # We have specific tests for when this is nil use_css '' end it "should inline simple attributes" do use_css 'p { color: green }' rendering('

').should have_styling('color' => 'green').at_selector('p') end it "should combine multiple selectors into one" do use_css "p { color: green; } .tip { float: right; }" rendering('

').should have_styling('color' => 'green', 'float' => 'right').at_selector('p') end it "should use the ones attributes with the highest specificality when conflicts arises" do use_css "p { color: red; } .safe { color: green; border: 1px solid black; }" rendering('

').should have_styling('color' => 'green', 'border' => '1px solid black').at_selector('p') end it "should support multiple selectors for the same rules" do use_css 'p, a { color: green; }' rendering('

').tap do |document| document.should have_styling('color' => 'green').at_selector('p') document.should have_styling('color' => 'green').at_selector('a') end end it "should respect !important properties" do use_css "a { text-decoration: underline !important; } a.hard-to-spot { text-decoration: none; }" rendering('').should have_styling('text-decoration' => 'underline').at_selector('a') end it "should combine with already present inline styles" do use_css "p { color: green }" rendering('

').should have_styling('color' => 'green', 'font-size' => '1.1em').at_selector('p') end it "should not overwrite already present inline styles" do use_css "p { color: red }" rendering('

').should have_styling('color' => 'green').at_selector('p') end it "should ignore selectors with :psuedo-classes" do use_css 'p:hover { color: red }' rendering('

').should_not have_styling('color' => 'red').at_selector('p') end describe "inline

Hello World

HTML end it "should be removed" do rendering(<<-HTML).should_not have_selector('style') HTML end it "should not be touched when data-immutable=true" do document = rendering <<-HTML

HTML document.should have_selector('style[data-immutable=true]') document.should_not have_styling('color' => 'red').at_selector('p') end it "should not be touched when media=print" do document = rendering <<-HTML

HTML document.should have_selector('style[media=print]') document.should_not have_styling('color' => 'red').at_selector('p') end it "should still be inlined when no external css rules are defined" do use_css nil rendering(<<-HTML).should have_styling('color' => 'green').at_selector('p')

Hello World

HTML end end end describe "making urls absolute" do it "should work on image sources" do rendering('').should have_attribute('src' => '').at_selector('img') rendering('').should have_attribute('src' => '').at_selector('img') rendering('').should have_attribute('src' => '').at_selector('img') end it "should not touch image sources that are already absolute" do rendering('').should have_attribute('src' => '').at_selector('img') end it "should work on inlined style attributes" do rendering('

').should have_styling('background' => 'url(').at_selector('p') rendering('

').should have_styling('background' => 'url("")').at_selector('p') end it "should work on external style declarations" do use_css "p { background-image: url(/paper.png); } table { background-image: url('/paper.png'); } div { background-image: url(\"/paper.png\"); }" rendering('

').should have_styling('background-image' => 'url(').at_selector('p') rendering('
').should have_styling('background-image' => "url('')").at_selector('table') rendering('
').should have_styling('background-image' => 'url("")').at_selector('div') end it "should not touch style urls that are already absolute" do external_url = 'url(' use_css "p { background-image: #{external_url}; }" rendering('

').should have_styling('background-image' => external_url).at_selector('p') rendering(%(
)).should have_styling('background-image' => external_url).at_selector('div') end it "should not touch the urls when no url options are defined" do use_css "img { background: url(/a.jpg); }" rendering('', :url_options => nil).tap do |document| document.should have_attribute('src' => '/b.jpg').at_selector('img') document.should have_styling('background' => 'url(/a.jpg)').at_selector('img') end end it "should support port and protocol settings" do use_css "img { background: url(/a.jpg); }" rendering('', :url_options => {:host => '', :protocol => 'https', :port => '8080'}).tap do |document| document.should have_attribute('src' => '').at_selector('img') document.should have_styling('background' => 'url(').at_selector('img') end end it "should not touch data: URIs" do use_css "div { background: url(data:abcdef); }" rendering('
').should have_styling('background' => 'url(data:abcdef)').at_selector('div') end end describe "inserting tags" do it "should insert a doctype if not present" do rendering('').to_xml.should include('').to_xml.should_not match(/(DOCTYPE.*?){2}/) end it "should set xmlns of to that of XHTML" do rendering('').should have_selector('html[xmlns=""]') end it "should insert basic html structure if not present" do rendering('


').should have_selector('html > head + body > h1') end it "should insert if not present" do rendering('').should have_selector('html > head + body') end it "should insert meta tag describing content-type" do rendering('').should have_selector('head meta[http-equiv="Content-Type"][content="text/html; charset=utf-8"]') end it "should not insert duplicate meta tags describing content-type" do rendering(<<-HTML).to_html.scan('meta').should have(1).item HTML end end describe "css url regex" do it "should parse css urls" do { 'url(/foo.jpg)' => '/foo.jpg', 'url("/foo.jpg")' => '/foo.jpg', "url('/foo.jpg')" => '/foo.jpg', 'url(http://localhost/foo.jpg)' => 'http://localhost/foo.jpg', 'url("http://localhost/foo.jpg")' => 'http://localhost/foo.jpg', "url('http://localhost/foo.jpg')" => 'http://localhost/foo.jpg', 'url(/andromeda_(galaxy).jpg)' => '/andromeda_(galaxy).jpg', }.each do |raw, expected| raw =~ Roadie::Inliner::CSS_URL_REGEXP $2.should == expected end end end end