#!/usr/local/ruby-current/bin/ruby # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module MU # Routines for use management and configuration on the Mu Master. class Master require 'date' require 'colorize' require 'fileutils' autoload :Chef, 'mu/master/chef' autoload :LDAP, 'mu/master/ldap' # @param users [Hash]: User metadata of the type returned by listUsers def self.printUsersToTerminal(users = MU::Master.listUsers) labeled = false users.keys.sort.each { |username| data = users[username] if data['admin'] if !labeled labeled = true puts "Administrators".light_cyan.on_black.bold end append = "" append = " (Chef and local system ONLY)".bold if data['non_ldap'] append = append + "(" + data['uid'] + ")" if data.has_key?('uid') puts "#{username.bold} - #{data['realname']} <#{data['email']}>"+append end } labeled = false users.keys.sort.each { |username| data = users[username] if !data['admin'] if !labeled labeled = true puts "Regular users".light_cyan.on_black.bold end puts "#{username.bold} - #{data['realname']} <#{data['email']}>" end } end # @param user [String]: The account name to display def self.printUserDetails(user) cur_users = listUsers if cur_users.has_key?(user) data = cur_users[user] puts "#{user.bold} - #{data['realname']} <#{data['email']}>" cur_users[user].each_pair { |key, val| puts "#{key}: #{val}" } end end # Create and/or update a user as appropriate (Chef, LDAP, et al). # @param username [String]: The canonical username to modify. # @param chef_username [String]: The Chef username, if different # @param name [String]: Real name (Given Surname). Required for new accounts. # @param email [String]: Email address of the user. Required for new accounts. # @param password [String]: A password to set. Required for new accounts. # @param admin [Boolean]: Whether or not the user should be a Mu admin. # @param orgs [Array]: Extra Chef organizations to which to add the user. # @param remove_orgs [Array]: Chef organizations from which to remove the user. def self.manageUser( username, chef_username: nil, name: nil, email: nil, password: nil, admin: false, change_uid: -1, orgs: [], remove_orgs: [] ) create = false cur_users = listUsers create = true if !cur_users.has_key?(username) if !MU::Master::LDAP.manageUser(username, name: name, email: email, password: password, admin: admin, change_uid: change_uid) deleteUser(username) if create return false end %x{sh -x /etc/init.d/oddjobd start 2>&1 > /dev/null} # oddjobd dies, like a lot begin Etc.getpwnam(username) rescue ArgumentError return false end chef_username ||= username.dup %x{/bin/su - #{username} -c "ls > /dev/null"} if !MU::Master::Chef.manageUser(chef_username, ldap_user: username, name: name, email: email, admin: admin, orgs: orgs, remove_orgs: remove_orgs) and create deleteUser(username) if create return false end %x{/bin/su - #{username} -c "/opt/chef/bin/knife ssl fetch 2>&1 > /dev/null"} setLocalDataPerms(username) if create home = Etc.getpwnam(username).dir FileUtils.mkdir_p home+"/.mu/var" FileUtils.chown_R(username, username+".mu-user", Etc.getpwnam(username).dir) %x{/bin/su - #{username} -c "ls > /dev/null"} vars = { "home" => home, "installdir" => $MU_CFG['installdir'] } File.open(home+"/.murc", "w+", 0640){ |f| f.puts Erubis::Eruby.new(File.read("#{$MU_CFG['libdir']}/install/user-dot-murc.erb")).result(vars) } File.open(home+"/.bashrc", "a"){ |f| f.puts "source #{home}/.murc" } FileUtils.chown_R(username, username+".mu-user", Etc.getpwnam(username).dir) %x{/sbin/restorecon -r /home} end true end # Remove a user from Chef, LDAP, and archive their home directory and # metadata. # @param user [String] def self.deleteUser(user) deletia = [] begin home = Etc.getpwnam(user).dir if Dir.exist?(home) archive = "/home/#{user}.home.#{Time.now.to_i.to_s}.tar.gz" %x{/bin/tar -czpf #{archive} #{home}} MU.log "Archived #{user}'s home directory to #{archive}" deletia << home end end rescue ArgumentError if Dir.exist?("#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/users/#{user}") archive = "#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/#{user}.metadata.#{Time.now.to_i.to_s}.tar.gz" %x{/bin/tar -czpf #{archive} #{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/users/#{user}} MU.log "Archived #{user}'s Mu metadata cache to #{archive}" deletia << "#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/users/#{user}" end MU::Master::Chef.deleteUser(user) MU::Master::LDAP.deleteUser(user) FileUtils.rm_rf(deletia) end @scratchpad_semaphore = Mutex.new # Store a secret for end-user retrieval via MommaCat's public interface. # @param text [String]: def self.storeScratchPadSecret(text) raise MuError, "Cannot store an empty secret in scratchpad" if text.nil? or text.empty? @scratchpad_semaphore.synchronize { itemname = nil data = { "secret" => Base64.urlsafe_encode64(text), "timestamp" => Time.now.to_i.to_s } begin itemname = Password.pronounceable(32) # Make sure this itemname isn't already in use MU::Groomer::Chef.getSecret(vault: "scratchpad", item: itemname) rescue MU::Groomer::Chef::MuNoSuchSecret MU::Groomer::Chef.saveSecret(vault: "scratchpad", item: itemname, data: data) return itemname end while true } end # Create and mount a disk local to the Mu master, optionally using luks to # encrypt it. This makes a few assumptions: that mu-master::init has been # run, and that utilities like mkfs.xfs exist. # TODO add parameters to use filesystems other than XFS, alternate paths, etc # @param device [String]: The disk device, by the name we want to see from the OS side # @param path [String]: The path where we'll mount the device # @param size [Integer]: The size of the disk, in GB # @param cryptfile [String]: The name of a luks encryption key, which we'll look for in MU.adminBucketName # @param ramdisk [String]: The name of a ramdisk to use when mounting encrypted disks def self.disk(device, path, size = 50, cryptfile = nil, ramdisk = "ram7") temp_dev = "/dev/#{ramdisk}" if !File.open("/etc/mtab").read.match(/ #{path} /) realdevice = device.dup if MU::Cloud::Google.hosted realdevice = "/dev/disk/by-id/google-"+device.gsub(/.*?\/([^\/]+)$/, '\1') end alias_device = cryptfile ? "/dev/mapper/"+path.gsub(/[^0-9a-z_\-]/i, "_") : realdevice if !File.exists?(realdevice) MU.log "Creating #{path} volume" if MU::Cloud::AWS.hosted dummy_svr = MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.new( mu_name: "MU-MASTER", cloud_id: MU.myInstanceId, kitten_cfg: {} ) dummy_svr.addVolume(device, size) MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.tagVolumes( MU.myInstanceId, device: device, tag_name: "Name", tag_value: "#{$MU_CFG['hostname']} #{path}" ) elsif MU::Cloud::Google.hosted dummy_svr = MU::Cloud::Google::Server.new( mu_name: "MU-MASTER", cloud_id: MU.myInstanceId, kitten_cfg: { 'project' => MU::Cloud::Google.myProject, 'availability_zone' => MU.myAZ } ) dummy_svr.addVolume(device, size) # This will tag itself sensibly else raise MuError, "Not in a familiar cloud, so I don't know how to create volumes for myself" end end if cryptfile body = nil if MU::Cloud::AWS.hosted begin resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.s3.get_object(bucket: MU.adminBucketName, key: cryptfile) body = resp.body rescue Exception => e MU.log "Failed to fetch #{cryptfile} from S3 bucket #{MU.adminBucketName}", MU::ERR, details: e.inspect %x{/bin/dd if=/dev/urandom of=#{temp_dev} bs=1M count=1 > /dev/null 2>&1} raise e end elsif MU::Cloud::Google.hosted begin body = MU::Cloud::Google.storage.get_object(MU.adminBucketName, cryptfile) rescue Exception => e MU.log "Failed to fetch #{cryptfile} from Cloud Storage bucket #{MU.adminBucketName}", MU::ERR, details: e.inspect %x{/bin/dd if=/dev/urandom of=#{temp_dev} bs=1M count=1 > /dev/null 2>&1} raise e end else raise MuError, "Not in a familiar cloud, so I don't know where to get my luks crypt key (#{cryptfile})" end keyfile = Tempfile.new(cryptfile) keyfile.puts body keyfile.close # we can assume that mu-master::init installed cryptsetup-luks if !File.exists?(alias_device) MU.log "Initializing crypto on #{alias_device}", MU::NOTICE %x{/sbin/cryptsetup luksFormat #{realdevice} #{keyfile.path} --batch-mode} %x{/sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen #{realdevice} #{alias_device.gsub(/.*?\/([^\/]+)$/, '\1')} --key-file #{keyfile.path}} end keyfile.unlink end %x{/usr/sbin/xfs_admin -l "#{alias_device}" > /dev/null 2>&1} if $?.exitstatus != 0 MU.log "Formatting #{alias_device}", MU::NOTICE %x{/sbin/mkfs.xfs "#{alias_device}"} %x{/usr/sbin/xfs_admin -L "#{path.gsub(/[^0-9a-z_\-]/i, "_")}" "#{alias_device}"} end Dir.mkdir(path, 0700) if !Dir.exists?(path) # XXX recursive %x{/usr/sbin/xfs_info "#{alias_device}" > /dev/null 2>&1} if $?.exitstatus != 0 MU.log "Mounting #{alias_device} to #{path}" %x{/bin/mount "#{alias_device}" "#{path}"} end if cryptfile %x{/bin/dd if=/dev/urandom of=#{temp_dev} bs=1M count=1 > /dev/null 2>&1} end end end # Retrieve a secret stored by #storeScratchPadSecret, then delete it. # @param itemname [String]: The identifier of the scratchpad secret. def self.fetchScratchPadSecret(itemname) @scratchpad_semaphore.synchronize { data = MU::Groomer::Chef.getSecret(vault: "scratchpad", item: itemname) raise MuError, "Malformed scratchpad secret #{itemname}" if !data.has_key?("secret") MU::Groomer::Chef.deleteSecret(vault: "scratchpad", item: itemname) return Base64.urlsafe_decode64(data["secret"]) } end # Remove Scratchpad entries which have exceeded their maximum age. def self.cleanExpiredScratchpads return if !$MU_CFG['scratchpad'].has_key?('max_age') or $MU_CFG['scratchpad']['max_age'] < 1 @scratchpad_semaphore.synchronize { entries = MU::Groomer::Chef.getSecret(vault: "scratchpad") entries.each { |pad| data = MU::Groomer::Chef.getSecret(vault: "scratchpad", item: pad) if data["timestamp"].to_i < (Time.now.to_i - $MU_CFG['scratchpad']['max_age']) MU.log "Deleting expired Scratchpad entry #{pad}", MU::NOTICE MU::Groomer::Chef.deleteSecret(vault: "scratchpad", item: pad) end } } end # @return [Array]: List of all Mu users, with pertinent metadata. def self.listUsers # Handle running in standalone/library mode, sans LDAP, gracefully if !$MU_CFG['multiuser'] stub_user_data = { "mu" => { "email" => $MU_CFG['mu_admin_email'], "monitoring_email" => $MU_CFG['mu_admin_email'], "realname" => $MU_CFG['banner'], "admin" => true, "non_ldap" => true, } } if Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).name != "root" stub_user_data[Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).name] = stub_user_data["mu"].dup end return stub_user_data end if Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).name != "root" or !Dir.exist?(MU.dataDir+"/users") username = Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).name MU.log "Running without LDAP permissions to list users (#{username}), relying on Mu local cache", MU::DEBUG userdir = MU.mainDataDir+"/users/#{username}" all_user_data = {} all_user_data[username] = {} ["non_ldap", "email", "monitoring_email", "realname", "chef_user", "admin"].each { |field| if File.exist?(userdir+"/"+field) all_user_data[username][field] = File.read(userdir+"/"+field).chomp elsif ["email", "realname"].include?(field) MU.log "Required user field '#{field}' for '#{username}' not set in LDAP or in Mu's disk cache.", MU::WARN end } return all_user_data end # LDAP is canonical. Everything else is required to be in sync with it. ldap_users = MU::Master::LDAP.listUsers all_user_data = {} ldap_users['mu'] = {} ldap_users['mu']['admin'] = true ldap_users['mu']['non_ldap'] = true ldap_users.each_pair { |username, data| key = username.to_s all_user_data[key] = {} userdir = $MU_CFG['installdir']+"/var/users/#{key}" if !Dir.exist?(userdir) MU.log "No metadata exists for user #{key}, creating stub directory #{userdir}", MU::WARN Dir.mkdir(userdir, 0755) end ["non_ldap", "email", "monitoring_email", "realname", "chef_user", "admin"].each { |field| if data.has_key?(field) all_user_data[key][field] = data[field] elsif File.exist?(userdir+"/"+field) all_user_data[key][field] = File.read(userdir+"/"+field).chomp elsif ["email", "realname"].include?(field) MU.log "Required user field '#{field}' for '#{key}' not set in LDAP or in Mu's disk cache.", MU::WARN end } } all_user_data end # Update Mu's local cache/metadata for the given user, fixing permissions # and updating stored values. Create a single-user group for the user, as # well. # @param user [String]: The user to update # @return [Integer]: The gid of the user's default group def self.setLocalDataPerms(user) userdir = $MU_CFG['datadir']+"/users/#{user}" retries = 0 user = "root" if user == "mu" begin group = user == "root" ? Etc.getgrgid(0) : "#{user}.mu-user" if user != "root" MU.log "/usr/sbin/usermod -a -G '#{group}' '#{user}'", MU::DEBUG %x{/usr/sbin/usermod -a -G "#{group}" "#{user}"} end Dir.mkdir(userdir, 2750) if !Dir.exist?(userdir) # XXX mkdir gets the perms wrong for some reason MU.log "/bin/chmod 2750 #{userdir}", MU::DEBUG %x{/bin/chmod 2750 #{userdir}} gid = user == "root" ? 0 : Etc.getgrnam(group).gid Dir.foreach(userdir) { |file| next if file == ".." File.chown(nil, gid, userdir+"/"+file) if File.file?(userdir+"/"+file) File.chmod(0640, userdir+"/"+file) end } return gid rescue ArgumentError => e if $MU_CFG["ldap"]["type"] == "Active Directory" puts %x{/usr/sbin/groupadd "#{user}.mu-user"} else MU.log "Got '#{e.message}' trying to set permissions on local files, will retry", MU::WARN end sleep 5 if retries <= 5 retries = retries + 1 retry end end end end end