require 'huge_enumerable' # HugeCombination is a HugeEnumerable style combination. Comparable to Array#combination. # This class can be used to generate combinations of large arrays or anything else that responds to []. # It is not necessary for the enumerable to be completely mapped into memory. # It only has to be able to return the element mapped to the index given to []. # ==== Examples # # Using HugeCombination directly: # # combination ='a'..'z').to_a, 2) # combination[0..4] # => [["a", "b"], ["a", "c"], ["a", "d"], ["a", "e"], ["a", "f"]] # combination[23..27] # => [["a", "y"], ["a", "z"], ["b", "c"], ["b", "d"], ["b", "e"]] # # # Subclassing HugeCombination # # class NumberArray < HugeCollection # # def initialize(size) # @collection_size = size # super(nil) # end # # private # # def fetch(index) # index # end # # end # # class NumberCombination < HugeCombination # # def initialize(size) # enumerable = size < 10 ? (0...size).to_a : # super enumerable, 2, nil, nil # end # # private # # def fetch(index) # array = super # sum = array.inject(0) { |sum, i| sum += i } # "#{array.first} + #{array.last} = #{sum}" # end # # end # # combination =**30) # size = combination.size # => 499999999999999999999999999999500000000000000000000000000000 # combination[0] # => "0 + 1 = 1" # combination[-1] # => "999999999999999999999999999998 + 999999999999999999999999999999 = 1999999999999999999999999999997" # combination[size / 2] # => "292893218813452475599155637895 + 296085173605458049080913472356 = 588978392418910524680069110251" class HugeCombination < HugeCollection # Create a new HugeCombination # # ==== Attributes # # * +enumerable+ - Any enumerable that responds to [] # * +size+ - The number of elements per combination to use from enumerable. (Currently only size 2 is supported) # # ==== Options # # * +:max_array_size+ - The default size of arrays when #to_a is called. # * +:rng+ - The random number generator to use. def initialize(enumerable, size, max_array_size = nil, rng = nil) raise NotImplementedError, "Not yet implemented for any size != 2" if size != 2 # TODO: Extend this class to handle length N @combination_size = size super(enumerable, max_array_size, rng) end private def collection_size sum(enum_size - 1) end def fetch(index) cycle = locate_cycle(index) first_index = cycle - 1 max_cycles = enum_size - 1 used = (cycle - 1) == 0 ? 0 : sum_from(max_cycles, max_cycles - (cycle - 2)) second_index = index - used + cycle [enum[first_index], enum[second_index]] end def locate_cycle(index, min=0, max=enum_size-1) cycle = min + (max - min) / 2 check_high = sum_at_cycle(cycle) check_low = sum_at_cycle(cycle - 1) if check_high > index && check_low <= index cycle elsif check_low > index locate_cycle(index, min, cycle-1) else locate_cycle(index, cycle+1, max) end end def sum(x) x * (x + 1) / 2 end def sum_from(m, n) m, n = [n, m] if m > n (n + 1 - m)*(n + m)/2 end def sum_at_cycle(c) ec = enum_size * c (-c + 2*ec - c**2)/2 end end