require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_plugins/webserver' class MyResource < PoolParty::Resources::Resource # Just to give some options for the test class def options(h={}) @options ||= {:a => 1,:b => 2,:c => 3} end end describe "Resource" do before(:each) do @resource ={:a => 10}) do b "90" end end it "should set a from the hash" do @resource.a.should == 10 end it "should set b from within the block" do @resource.b.should == "90" end it "should not wipe out the rest of the default options" do @resource.c.should == 3 end describe "to_s" do it "should be able to coalesce the instances" do @resource.to_string.should =~ /resource \{\n/ end describe "with resources" do before(:each) do self.stub!(:options).and_return(:name => "cook") @obj = @obj.stub!(:name).and_return "cook" @resource2 = do file(:name => "shulie") end end it "should call classpackage_with_self when it has resources" do @resource2.should_receive(:classpackage_with_self).and_return @obj @resource2.to_string end it "should call to_string on the class package" do @obj.should_receive(:to_string).and_return "wee" @resource2.should_receive(:classpackage_with_self).and_return @obj @resource2.to_string end end end describe "class methods" do it "should have an array of available resources" do PoolParty::Resources::Resource.available_resources.class.should == Array end it "should not be empty" do PoolParty::Resources::Resource.available_resources.should_not be_empty end end describe "instance methods" do before(:each) do @resource = end %w(requires ensures is_present is_absent ifnot).each do |method| eval <<-EOE it "should have the method #{method} available" do; @resource.respond_to?(:#{method}).should == true; end EOE end it "should be able to take requires method" do @resource.respond_to?(:requires).should == true end it "should push require onto the options" do @resource.options.has_key?(:require).should == false @resource.requires("nibbles") @resource.options.has_key?(:require).should == true end it "should be able to call ensures method on the resource" do @resource.respond_to?(:ensures).should == true end it "should push the option ensure onto the options" do @resource.options.has_key?(:ensure).should == false @resource.ensures("nibbles") @resource.options.has_key?(:ensure).should == true end it "should write the option ensures as present with is_present" do @resource.options.has_key?(:ensure).should == false @resource.is_present @resource.options[:ensure].should == "present" end it "should write the option ensures as absent with is_absent" do @resource.options.has_key?(:ensure).should == false @resource.is_absent @resource.options[:ensure].should == "absent" end it "should write the option unless for ifnot" do @resource.options.has_key?(:unless).should == false @resource.ifnot "str" @resource.options[:unless].should == "str" end describe "templating" do before(:each) do FileUtils.stub!(:cp).and_return true end it "should have the method template" do @resource.respond_to?(:template).should == true end it "should raise an exception if no file is given" do lambda { @resource.template }.should raise_error end it "should raise an excepton if the file cannot be found" do lambda { @resource.template("radar") }.should raise_error end it "should not raise an exception if there is a file passed and the file is found" do File.should_receive(:file?).with("radar").and_return true lambda { @resource.template("radar") }.should_not raise_error end # it "should push the template option on to the options" do # File.stub!(:file?).with("radar").and_return true # @resource.options.has_key?(:template).should == false # @resource.template("radar") # @resource.options.has_key?(:template).should == true # end end end describe "command" do include PoolParty::Resources before(:each) do reset_resources! end it "should create the new 'resource' as a resource" do resource(:file).class.should == Array end it "should receive << when adding a new one" do resource(:file).should_receive(:<<).once file({:name => "pop"}) end it "should contain 3 instances after calling resource 3 times" do file({:name => "red"}) file({:name => "hot"}) file({:name => "summer"}) resource(:file).size.should == 3 end describe "adding" do before(:each) do @a = file({:name => "red"}) @b = file({:name => "hot"}) @c = file({:name => "summer"}) end it "should contain file named with 'red'" do resource(:file).include?(@a).should == true end end describe "method_missing" do before(:each) do file({:name => "red"}) file({:name => "hot"}) file({:name => "summer"}) end it "should be able to pick out methods with the phrase has_" do lambda { has_file }.should_not raise_error end it "should not have a method prepended with crabs_" do lambda { crabs_file }.should raise_error end it "should pick out methods with the phrase does_not_" do lambda { does_not_have_file({:name => "red"}) }.should_not raise_error end it "should set the has_file to present ensure" do has_file({:name => "redface"}) resource(:file).get_named("redface").first.options[:ensure].should == "present" end it "should set the does_not_have_file to absent ensure" do does_not_have_file({:name => "net"}) resource(:file).get_named("net").first.options[:ensure].should == "absent" end it "should be able to have_service as well" do has_service({:name => "apache"}) resource(:service).get_named("apache").first.options[:ensure].should == "running" end end describe "get_resource" do before(:each) do @red = file(:name => "red") @hot = file(:name => "hot") @tamales = file(:name => "tamales") end it "should return a type of resource when looking for a resource that exists" do get_resource(:file, "hot").class.should == PoolParty::Resources::File end it "should return the resource of the name requested" do get_resource(:file, "hot").should == @hot end it "should return nil if the resource requested is not there" do get_resource(:file, "smarties").should be_nil end end describe "parent" do before(:each) do @cloud = cloud :app do tangerine "orange" file(:name => "file.txt") end @file = @cloud.resources[:file].first end it "should take the options of the parent" do @file.parent.tangerine.should_not == nil end it "should set the option as the same from the parent" do @file.parent.tangerine.should == "orange" end end end end