#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w # encoding: UTF-8 # # = ProjectServer.rb -- The TaskJuggler III Project Management Software # # Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 # by Chris Schlaeger # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # require 'drb' require 'drb/acl' require 'monitor' require 'taskjuggler/daemon/ProcessIntercom' require 'taskjuggler/daemon/ReportServer' require 'taskjuggler/MessageHandler' require 'taskjuggler/TaskJuggler' require 'taskjuggler/TjTime' class TaskJuggler # The ProjectServer objects are created from the ProjectBroker to handle the # data of a particular project. Each ProjectServer runs in a separate # process that is forked-off in the constructor. Any action such as adding # more files or generating a report will cause the process to fork again, # creating a ReportServer object. This way the initially loaded project can # be modified but the original version is always preserved for subsequent # calls. Each ProjectServer process has a unique secret authentication key # that only the ProjectBroker knows. It will pass it with the URI of the # ProjectServer to the client to permit direct access to the ProjectServer. class ProjectServer include ProcessIntercom attr_reader :authKey, :uri def initialize(daemonAuthKey, projectData = nil, logConsole = false) @daemonAuthKey = daemonAuthKey @projectData = projectData # Since we are still in the ProjectBroker process, the current DRb # server is still the ProjectBroker DRb server. @daemonURI = DRb.current_server.uri # Used later to store the DRbObject of the ProjectBroker. @daemon = nil initIntercom @logConsole = logConsole @pid = nil @uri = nil # A reference to the TaskJuggler object that holds the project data. @tj = nil # The current state of the project. @state = :new # A time stamp when the last @state update happened. @stateUpdated = TjTime.new # A lock to protect access to @state @stateLock = Monitor.new # A Queue to asynchronously generate new ReportServer objects. @reportServerRequests = Queue.new # A list of active ReportServer objects @reportServers = [] @reportServers.extend(MonitorMixin) @lastPing = TjTime.new # We've started a DRb server before. This will continue to live somewhat # in the child. All attempts to create a DRb connection from the child # to the parent will end up in the child again. So we use a Pipe to # communicate the URI of the child DRb server to the parent. The # communication from the parent to the child is not affected by the # zombie DRb server in the child process. rd, wr = IO.pipe if (@pid = fork) == -1 fatal('ps_fork_failed', 'ProjectServer fork failed') elsif @pid.nil? # This is the child if @logConsole # If the Broker wasn't daemonized, log stdout and stderr to PID # specific files. $stderr.reopen("tj3d.ps.#{$$}.stderr", 'w') $stdout.reopen("tj3d.ps.#{$$}.stdout", 'w') end begin $SAFE = 1 DRb.install_acl(ACL.new(%w[ deny all allow ])) iFace = ProjectServerIface.new(self) begin @uri = DRb.start_service('druby://', iFace).uri debug('', "Project server is listening on #{@uri}") rescue error('ps_cannot_start_drb', "ProjectServer can't start DRb: #{$!}") end # Send the URI of the newly started DRb server to the parent process. rd.close wr.write @uri wr.close # Start a Thread that waits for the @terminate flag to be set and does # other background tasks. startTerminator # Start another Thread that will be used to fork-off ReportServer # processes. startHousekeeping # Cleanup the DRb threads DRb.thread.join debug('', 'Project server terminated') exit 0 rescue => exception # TjRuntimeError exceptions are simply passed through. if exception.is_a?(TjRuntimeError) raise TjRuntimeError, $! end error('ps_cannot_start_drb', "ProjectServer can't start DRb: #{$!}") end else # This is the parent Process.detach(@pid) wr.close @uri = rd.read rd.close end end # Wait until the project load has been finished. The result is true if the # project scheduled without errors. Otherwise the result is false. # _args_ is an Array of Strings. The first element is the working # directory. The second one is the master project file (.tjp file). # Additionally a list of optional .tji files can be provided. def loadProject(args) dirAndFiles = args.dup.untaint # The first argument is the working directory Dir.chdir(args.shift.untaint) # Save a time stamp of when the project file loading started. @modifiedCheck = TjTime.new updateState(:loading, dirAndFiles, false) begin @tj = TaskJuggler.new # Make sure that trace reports get CSV formats included so there # reports can be generated on request. @tj.generateTraces = true # Parse all project files unless @tj.parse(args, true) warning('parse_failed', "Parsing of #{args.join(' ')} failed") updateState(:failed, nil, false) @terminate = true return false end # Then schedule the project unless @tj.schedule warning('schedule_failed', "Scheduling of project #{@tj.projectId} failed") updateState(:failed, @tj.projectId, false) @terminate = true return false end rescue TjRuntimeError updateState(:failed, nil, false) @terminate = true return false end # Great, everything went fine. We've got a project to work with. updateState(:ready, @tj.projectId, false) debug('', "Project #{@tj.projectId} loaded") restartTimer true end # Return the name of the loaded project or nil. def getProjectName return nil unless @tj restartTimer @tj.projectName end # Return a list of the HTML reports defined for the project. def getReportList return [] unless @tj && (project = @tj.project) list = [] project.reports.each do |report| unless report.get('formats').empty? list << [ report.fullId, report.name ] end end restartTimer list end # This function triggers the creation of a new ReportServer process. It # will return the URI and the authentication key of this new server. def getReportServer # ReportServer objects only make sense for successfully scheduled # projects. return [ nil, nil ] unless @state == :ready # The ReportServer will be created asynchronously in another Thread. To # find it in the @reportServers list, we create a unique tag to identify # it. tag = rand(99999999999999) debug('', "Pushing #{tag} onto report server request queue") @reportServerRequests.push(tag) # Now wait until the new ReportServer shows up in the list. reportServer = nil while reportServer.nil? @reportServers.synchronize do @reportServers.each do |rs| reportServer = rs if rs.tag == tag end end # It should not take that long, so we use a short idle time here. sleep 0.1 if reportServer.nil? end debug('', "Got report server with URI #{reportServer.uri} for " + "tag #{tag}") restartTimer [ reportServer.uri, reportServer.authKey ] end # This function is called regularly by the ProjectBroker process to check # that the ProjectServer is still operating properly. def ping # Store the time stamp. If we don't get the ping for some time, we # assume the ProjectBroker has died. @lastPing = TjTime.new # Now also check our ReportServers if they are still there. If not, we # can remove them from the @reportServers list. @reportServers.synchronize do deadServers = [] @reportServers.each do |rs| unless rs.ping deadServers << rs end end @reportServers.delete_if { |rs| deadServers.include?(rs) } end end private # Update the _state_, _id_ and _modified_ state of the project locally and # remotely. def updateState(state, filesOrId, modified) begin @daemon = DRbObject.new(nil, @daemonURI) unless @daemon @daemon.updateState(@daemonAuthKey, @authKey, filesOrId, state, modified) rescue => exception # TjRuntimeError exceptions are simply passed through. if exception.is_a?(TjRuntimeError) raise TjRuntimeError, $! end error('cannot_update_daemon_state', "Can't update state with daemon: #{$!}") end @stateLock.synchronize do @state = state @stateUpdated = TjTime.new @modified = modified @modifiedCheck = TjTime.new end end def startHousekeeping Thread.new do begin loop do # Exit this thread if the @terminate flag is set. break if @terminate # Was the project data provided during object creation? # Then we load the data here. if @projectData loadProject(@projectData) @projectData = nil end # Check every 60 seconds if the input files have been modified. # Don't check if we already know it has been modified. if @stateLock.synchronize { @state == :ready && !@modified && @modifiedCheck + 60 < TjTime.new } # Reset the timer @stateLock.synchronize { @modifiedCheck = TjTime.new } if @tj.project.inputFiles.modified? debug('', "Project #{@tj.projectId} has been modified") updateState(:ready, @tj.projectId, true) end end # Check for pending requests for new ReportServers. unless @reportServerRequests.empty? tag = @reportServerRequests.pop debug('', "Popped #{tag}") # Create an new entry for the @reportServers list. rsr = ReportServerRecord.new(tag) debug('', "RSR created") # Create a new ReportServer object that runs as a separate # process. The constructor will tell us the URI and authentication # key of the new ReportServer. rs = ReportServer.new(@tj, @logConsole) rsr.uri = rs.uri rsr.authKey = rs.authKey debug('', "Adding ReportServer with URI #{rsr.uri} to list") # Add the new ReportServer to our list. @reportServers.synchronize do @reportServers << rsr end end # Some state changing operations are not atomic. Since the client # can die during the transaction, the server might hang in some # states. Here we define timeout for each state. If the timeout is # not 0 and exceeded, we immediately terminate the process. timeouts = { :new => 30, :loading => 15 * 60, :failed => 60, :ready => 0 } if timeouts[@state] > 0 && TjTime.new - @stateUpdated > timeouts[@state] error('state_timeout', "Reached timeout for state #{@state}. Terminating.") end # If we have not received a ping from the ProjectBroker for 2 # minutes, we assume it has died and terminate as well. if TjTime.new - @lastPing > 180 # Since the abort via error() is not thread safe, we issue a # warning and abort manually. warning('daemon_heartbeat_lost', 'Heartbeat from daemon lost. Terminating.') exit 1 end sleep 1 end rescue => exception # TjRuntimeError exceptions are simply passed through. if exception.is_a?(TjRuntimeError) raise TjRuntimeError, $! end # Make sure we get a backtrace for this thread. fatal('ps_housekeeping_error', "ProjectServer housekeeping error: #{$!}") end end end end # This is the DRb call interface of the ProjectServer class. All functions # must be authenticated with the proper key. class ProjectServerIface include ProcessIntercomIface def initialize(server) @server = server end def loadProject(authKey, args) return false unless @server.checkKey(authKey, 'loadProject') trap { @server.loadProject(args) } end def getProjectName(authKey) return false unless @server.checkKey(authKey, 'getReportServer') trap { @server.getProjectName } end def getReportList(authKey) return false unless @server.checkKey(authKey, 'getReportServer') trap { @server.getReportList } end def getReportServer(authKey) return false unless @server.checkKey(authKey, 'getReportServer') trap { @server.getReportServer } end def ping(authKey) return false unless @server.checkKey(authKey, 'ping') trap { @server.ping } true end end # This class stores the information about a ReportServer that was created by # the ProjectServer. class ReportServerRecord include MessageHandler attr_reader :tag attr_accessor :uri, :authKey def initialize(tag) # A random tag to uniquely identify the entry. @tag = tag # The URI of the ReportServer process. @uri = nil # The authentication key of the ReportServer. @authKey = nil # The DRbObject of the ReportServer. @reportServer = nil end # Send a ping to the ReportServer process to check that it is still # functioning properly. If not, it has probably terminated and we can # remove it from the list of active ReportServers. def ping return true unless @uri debug('', "Sending ping to ReportServer #{@uri}") begin @reportServer = DRbObject.new(nil, @uri) unless @reportServer @reportServer.ping(@authKey) rescue => exception # TjRuntimeError exceptions are simply passed through. if exception.is_a?(TjRuntimeError) raise TjRuntimeError, $! end # ReportServer processes terminate on request of their clients. Not # responding to a ping is a normal event. debug('', "ReportServer (#{@uri}) has terminated") return false end true end end end