# # Author:: Daniel DeLeo (<dan@getchef.com>) # Copyright:: Copyright 2014 Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'spec_helper' require 'chef/policy_builder' describe Chef::PolicyBuilder::ExpandNodeObject do let(:node_name) { "joe_node" } let(:ohai_data) { {"platform" => "ubuntu", "platform_version" => "13.04", "fqdn" => "joenode.example.com"} } let(:json_attribs) { {"run_list" => []} } let(:override_runlist) { "recipe[foo::default]" } let(:events) { Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new } let(:policy_builder) { Chef::PolicyBuilder::ExpandNodeObject.new(node_name, ohai_data, json_attribs, override_runlist, events) } # All methods that Chef::Client calls on this class. describe "Public API" do it "implements a node method" do expect(policy_builder).to respond_to(:node) end it "implements a load_node method" do expect(policy_builder).to respond_to(:load_node) end it "implements a build_node method" do expect(policy_builder).to respond_to(:build_node) end it "implements a setup_run_context method that accepts a list of recipe files to run" do expect(policy_builder).to respond_to(:setup_run_context) expect(policy_builder.method(:setup_run_context).arity).to eq(-1) #optional argument end it "implements a run_context method" do expect(policy_builder).to respond_to(:run_context) end it "implements an expand_run_list method" do expect(policy_builder).to respond_to(:expand_run_list) end it "implements a sync_cookbooks method" do expect(policy_builder).to respond_to(:sync_cookbooks) end it "implements a temporary_policy? method" do expect(policy_builder).to respond_to(:temporary_policy?) end describe "loading the node" do context "on chef-solo" do before do Chef::Config[:solo] = true end it "creates a new in-memory node object with the given name" do policy_builder.load_node policy_builder.node.name.should == node_name end end context "on chef-client" do let(:node) { Chef::Node.new.tap { |n| n.name(node_name) } } it "loads or creates a node on the server" do Chef::Node.should_receive(:find_or_create).with(node_name).and_return(node) policy_builder.load_node policy_builder.node.should == node end end end describe "building the node" do # XXX: Chef::Client just needs to be able to call this, it doesn't depend on the return value. it "builds the node and returns the updated node object" do pending end end end # Implementation specific tests describe "when first created" do it "has a node_name" do expect(policy_builder.node_name).to eq(node_name) end it "has ohai data" do expect(policy_builder.ohai_data).to eq(ohai_data) end it "has a set of attributes from command line option" do expect(policy_builder.json_attribs).to eq(json_attribs) end it "has an override_runlist" do expect(policy_builder.override_runlist).to eq(override_runlist) end end context "once the node has been loaded" do let(:node) do node = Chef::Node.new node.name(node_name) node.run_list(["recipe[a::default]", "recipe[b::server]"]) node end before do Chef::Node.should_receive(:find_or_create).with(node_name).and_return(node) policy_builder.load_node end it "expands the run_list" do expect(policy_builder.expand_run_list).to be_a(Chef::RunList::RunListExpansion) expect(policy_builder.run_list_expansion).to be_a(Chef::RunList::RunListExpansion) expect(policy_builder.run_list_expansion.recipes).to eq(["a::default", "b::server"]) end end describe "building the node" do let(:configured_environment) { nil } let(:json_attribs) { nil } let(:override_runlist) { nil } let(:primary_runlist) { ["recipe[primary::default]"] } let(:original_default_attrs) { {"default_key" => "default_value"} } let(:original_override_attrs) { {"override_key" => "override_value"} } let(:node) do node = Chef::Node.new node.name(node_name) node.default_attrs = original_default_attrs node.override_attrs = original_override_attrs node.run_list(primary_runlist) node end before do Chef::Config[:environment] = configured_environment Chef::Node.should_receive(:find_or_create).with(node_name).and_return(node) policy_builder.load_node policy_builder.build_node end it "sanity checks test setup" do expect(node.run_list).to eq(primary_runlist) end it "clears existing default and override attributes from the node" do expect(node["default_key"]).to be_nil expect(node["override_key"]).to be_nil end it "applies ohai data to the node" do expect(node["fqdn"]).to eq(ohai_data["fqdn"]) end it "reports that a temporary_policy is not being used" do expect(policy_builder.temporary_policy?).to be_false end describe "when the given run list is not in expanded form" do # NOTE: for chef-client, the behavior is always to expand the run list, # but this operation is a no-op when none of the run list items are # roles. Because of the amount of mocking required to make this work in # tests, this test is isolated from the others. let(:primary_runlist) { ["role[some_role]"] } let(:expansion) do recipe_list = Chef::RunList::VersionedRecipeList.new recipe_list.add_recipe("recipe[from_role::default", "1.0.2") double("RunListExpansion", :recipes => recipe_list) end let(:node) do node = Chef::Node.new node.name(node_name) node.default_attrs = original_default_attrs node.override_attrs = original_override_attrs node.run_list(primary_runlist) node.should_receive(:expand!).with("server") do node.run_list("recipe[from_role::default]") expansion end node end it "expands run list items via the server API" do expect(node.run_list).to eq(["recipe[from_role::default]"]) end end context "when JSON attributes are given on the command line" do let(:json_attribs) { {"run_list" => ["recipe[json_attribs::default]"], "json_attribs_key" => "json_attribs_value" } } it "sets the run list according to the given JSON" do expect(node.run_list).to eq(["recipe[json_attribs::default]"]) end it "sets node attributes according to the given JSON" do expect(node["json_attribs_key"]).to eq("json_attribs_value") end end context "when an override_runlist is given" do let(:override_runlist) { "recipe[foo::default]" } it "sets the override run_list on the node" do expect(node.run_list).to eq([override_runlist]) expect(policy_builder.original_runlist).to eq(primary_runlist) end it "reports that a temporary policy is being used" do expect(policy_builder.temporary_policy?).to be_true end end context "when no environment is specified" do it "does not set the environment" do expect(node.chef_environment).to eq("_default") end end context "when a custom environment is configured" do let(:configured_environment) { environment.name } let(:environment) do environment = Chef::Environment.new.tap {|e| e.name("prod") } Chef::Environment.should_receive(:load).with("prod").and_return(environment) environment end it "sets the environment as configured" do expect(node.chef_environment).to eq(environment.name) end end end describe "configuring the run_context" do let(:json_attribs) { nil } let(:override_runlist) { nil } let(:node) do node = Chef::Node.new node.name(node_name) node.run_list("recipe[first::default]", "recipe[second::default]") node end let(:chef_http) { double("Chef::REST") } let(:cookbook_resolve_url) { "environments/#{node.chef_environment}/cookbook_versions" } let(:cookbook_resolve_post_data) { {:run_list=>["first::default", "second::default"]} } # cookbook_hash is just a hash, but since we're passing it between mock # objects, we get a little better test strictness by using a double (which # will have object equality rather than semantic equality #== semantics). let(:cookbook_hash) { double("cookbook hash", :each => nil) } let(:cookbook_synchronizer) { double("CookbookSynchronizer") } before do Chef::Node.should_receive(:find_or_create).with(node_name).and_return(node) policy_builder.stub(:api_service).and_return(chef_http) policy_builder.load_node policy_builder.build_node run_list_expansion = policy_builder.run_list_expansion chef_http.should_receive(:post).with(cookbook_resolve_url, cookbook_resolve_post_data).and_return(cookbook_hash) Chef::CookbookSynchronizer.should_receive(:new).with(cookbook_hash, events).and_return(cookbook_synchronizer) cookbook_synchronizer.should_receive(:sync_cookbooks) Chef::RunContext.any_instance.should_receive(:load).with(run_list_expansion) policy_builder.setup_run_context end it "configures FileVendor to fetch files remotely" do manifest = double("cookbook manifest") Chef::Cookbook::RemoteFileVendor.should_receive(:new).with(manifest, chef_http) Chef::Cookbook::FileVendor.create_from_manifest(manifest) end it "triggers cookbook compilation in the run_context" do # Test condition already covered by `Chef::RunContext.any_instance.should_receive(:load).with(run_list_expansion)` end end end