#!/usr/bin/env ruby $LOAD_PATH << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib') Version = DynamoDB::VERSION HISTORY_FILE = File.join((ENV['HOME'] || ENV['USERPROFILE'] || '.'), '.ddbcli_history') HISTSIZE = 500 require 'rubygems' require 'ddbcli' require 'readline' options = parse_options driver = DynamoDB::Driver.new( options.access_key_id, options.secret_access_key, options.ddb_endpoint_or_region) driver.timeout = options.timeout driver.consistent = !!options.consistent driver.iteratable = !!options.iteratable driver.retry_num = options.retry_num driver.retry_intvl = options.retry_intvl driver.debug = options.debug if options.import # import mode table, file = options.import.values_at(:table, :file) items = open(file) {|f| JSON.load(f) } n = driver.import(table, items) print_rownum(n) elsif not $stdin.tty? or options.command # run mode src = options.command || $stdin.read.strip # complements separator unless src =~ /\s*(?:;|\\G)\s*\Z/i src << ';' end begin evaluate_query(driver, src, :strip => true) rescue => e print_error(e.message) print_error(e.backtrace) if driver.debug exit 1 end else # load history file if File.exist?(HISTORY_FILE) open(HISTORY_FILE) do |f| f.each_line do |line| line = line.strip Readline::HISTORY.push(line) unless line.empty? end end end # interactive mode Readline.completion_proc = lambda do |word| complete_words = DynamoDB::Parser::KEYWORDS.grep(/\A#{Regexp.quote word}/i) if word.gsub(/[^a-z]+/i, '') =~ /[a-z]+/ complete_words = complete_words.map {|i| i.downcase } end complete_words end src = '' prompt1 = lambda { "#{driver.region || 'unknown'}> " } prompt2 = lambda { "#{' ' * (prompt1.call.length - 3)}-> " } while buf = Readline.readline((src.empty? ? prompt1.call : prompt2.call), true) # ignore blank lines if /\A\s*\Z/ =~ buf Readline::HISTORY.pop next end if src.empty? and buf =~ /\A\.(.+)/ evaluate_command(driver, $1) else begin src << (src.empty? ? buf : ("\n" + buf)) evaluate_query(driver, src, :show_rows => true) rescue => e print_error(e.message) print_error(e.backtrace) if driver.debug end prompt = src.empty? ? prompt1.call : prompt2.call end end # end of while # save history file unless Readline::HISTORY.empty? open(HISTORY_FILE, 'wb') do |f| (Readline::HISTORY.to_a.slice(-(Readline::HISTORY.length < HISTSIZE ? Readline::HISTORY.length : HISTSIZE)..-1) || []).each do |line| next if /\A\s*\Z/ =~ line f.puts line end end end end