message: You are not authorized to perform this action.
any: Any
action_label: "%{title} Selected"
button_label: Batch Actions
default_confirmation: Are you sure you want to do this?
delete_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete these %{plural_model}?
destroy: Delete
link: Create one
selection_toggle_explanation: "(Toggle Selection)"
one: Successfully destroyed 1 %{model}
other: Successfully destroyed %{count} %{plural_model}
content: There are no %{resource_name} yet.
link: Create one
cancel: Cancel
clear_filters: Clear filters
add: Add Comment
author: Author
author_missing: Anonymous
author_type: Author Type
body: Body
empty_text: Comment wasn't saved, text was empty.
no_comments_yet: No comments yet.
resource: Resource
resource_type: Resource Type
title: Comment
title_content: Comments (%{count})
create_model: Create %{model}
dashboard: Dashboard
call_to_action: To add dashboard sections, checkout 'app/admin/dashboard.rb'
welcome: Welcome to Active Admin. This is the default dashboard page.
delete: Delete
delete_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete this?
delete_model: Delete %{model}
details: "%{model} Details"
submit: Change my password
title: Change your password
title: Email
forgot_your_password: Forgot your password?
resend_confirmation_instructions: Re-send confirmation instructions
resend_unlock_instructions: Re-send unlock instructions
sign_in: Sign in
sign_in_with_omniauth_provider: Sign in with %{provider}
sign_up: Sign up
remember_me: Remember me
submit: Login
title: Login
title: Password
submit: Resend confirmation instructions
title: Resend confirmation instructions
submit: Reset My Password
title: Forgot your password?
submit: Sign up
title: Sign up
title: Subdomain
submit: Resend unlock instructions
title: Resend unlock instructions
title: Username
download: 'Download:'
button_label: Actions
edit: Edit
edit_model: Edit %{model}
empty: Empty
equal_to: Equal to
filter: Filter
clear: Clear Filters
filter: Filter
contains: Contains
ends_with: Ends with
equals: Equals
from: From
greater_than: Greater than
gteq_datetime: Greater or equal to
less_than: Less than
lteq_datetime: Lesser or equal to
starts_with: Starts with
to: To
greater_than: Greater than
has_many_delete: Delete
has_many_new: Add New %{model}
has_many_remove: Remove
block: List
blog: Blog
grid: Grid
table: Table
less_than: Less than
logout: Logout
main_content: Please implement %{model}#main_content to display content.
new_model: New %{model}
next: Next
empty: No %{model} found
one: entry
other: entries
multiple: Displaying %{model} %{from} - %{to} of %{total} in total
multiple_without_total: Displaying %{model} %{from} - %{to}
one_page: Displaying all %{n} %{model}
powered_by: " "
previous: Previous
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publications: Only published
publications_and_user_snapshots: Only published/snapshots
search_field: 'Search %{field} '
filters: Filters
folders: Folders
'no': 'No'
'yes': 'Yes'
undelete: Undelete
headline: Please note that Internet Explorer versions 9 or less is no longer supported.
recommendation: We recommend upgrading to the latest Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Firefox.
turn_off_compatibility_view: If you are using IE 9 or later, make sure you turn off "Compatibility View".
view: View
created_at: Created at
current_sign_in_at: Current sign in at
current_sign_in_ip: Current IP-Address
email: Email
encrypted_Password: Encrypted password
id: ID
last_sign_in_at: Last sign-in at
last_sign_in_ip: Last sign-in IP
remember_created_at: Remember password since
reset_password_sent_at: Password reset instructions sent at
reset_password_token: Passwort reset token
sign_in_count: Sign-in count
updated_at: Updated at
created_at: Created at
default_file_rights: Default file credits
default_theming: Default theming
entries_count: "# Stories"
landing_page_name: Landing page
name: Name
own_role: Own Role
users_count: "# Users"
duration: Duration
format: Format
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navigation_bar_mode: Navigation Bar
parent_page_perma_id: Parent Page
title: Title
account: Account
author: Author
created_at: Created at
credits: Credits
edited_at: Updated at
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emphasize_chapter_beginning: Emphasize chapter beginning
emphasize_new_pages: Emphasize new pages
first_published_at: First published at
home_button_enabled: Show 'Home' button
home_url: "'Home' Button URL"
keywords: Keywords
locale: Language
manual_start: Show Instruction-Overlay
overview_button_enabled: Show 'Overview' button
own_role: Role
published?: Publication state
published_at: Published since
published_revision_published_at: Published since
publisher: Publisher
share_image_id: Social Sharing Image
share_providers: Social Share Links
share_url: Social Sharing URL
summary: Summary
theme_name: Theme
title: Title
updated_at: Updated at
url: Permalink
with_publication_state: Publication state
account: Account
name: Name
dimensions: Dimensions
account: Account
created_at: Member since
entity: Entity
entry: Story
role: Role
user: Editor
additional_description: Infobox Description
additional_title: Infobox Title
allow_full_screen: Allow fullscreen
atmo_audio_file_id: Atmo Audio
atmo_during_playback: Atmo during playback
audio_file_id: Audio
auto_change_page_on_ended: Go to next page on end
autoplay: Autoplay
background_image_id: Background-Image
background_video_id: Background-Video
delayed_text_fade_in: Fade in text after delay
description: Description (Overview)
display_in_navigation: Show in navigationbar
emphasize_in_navigation: Emphasize in navigationbar
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hide_title: Hide titles
invert: Invert colors
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linked_pages_layout: Hero
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poster_image_id: Posterimage
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subtitle: Subtitle
tagline: Tagline
template: Pagetype
text: Text
text_position: Textposition
thumbnail_image_id: Thumbnail
title: Title
transition: Transition effect
video_file_id: Video
created_at: Created at
created_with: Created by
creator: Created by
frozen_at: Effective
published_at: Published at
published_until: Published until
updated_at: Updated at
kind: Kind
label: Label
srclang: Language
additional_cnames: Additional CNAMES
cname: CNAME
copyright_link_label: Copyright link Text
copyright_link_url: Copyright link URL
default_author: Default author
default_keywords: Default keywords
default_locale: Default locale
default_publisher: Default publisher
default_share_providers: Default Share Links
home_button_enabled_by_default: "'Home'-Button enabled by default"
home_url: Redirect URL
imprint_link_label: Legal notice link label
imprint_link_url: Legal notice link URL
privacy_link_url: Privacy link URL
share_providers: Default Share Links
theme_name: Theme
dimensions: Dimensions
duration: Duration
format: Format
blur_strength: Blurriness
invert: Invert Color
remove_logo: Remove Logo
account: Account
admin: System administrator
admin?: System administrator
created_at: Registered at
current_password: Current password
current_sign_in_at: Signed in at
email: Email address
entry: Story
first_name: First name
full_name: Full name
initial_account: Account
initial_role: Role
last_name: Last name
last_sign_in_at: Last signed in at
locale: Language
membership: Membership
password: Password
password_confirmation: Password confirmation
role: Role
sign_in_count: "# of sign ins"
suspended?: Suspended
unconfirmed_email: Unconfirmed Email
accepted: has to be accepted
blank: required
confirmation: not equal
empty: required
one: must be equal to %{count}
other: must be equal to %{count}
even: must be even
exclusion: not available
one: must be greater than %{count}
other: must be greater than %{count}
one: must be greater or equal %{count}
other: must be greater or equal %{count}
inclusion: invalid
invalid: invalid
invalid_date: is not a valid date
one: must be smaller than %{count}
other: must be smaller than %{count}
one: must be smaller or equal than %{count}
other: must be smaller or equal than %{count}
not_a_number: not a number
not_an_integer: not an integer
odd: must be odd
record_invalid: Record is invalid %{errors}
taken: already taken
one: too long (only %{count} chars allowed)
other: too long (only %{count} chars allowed)
one: too short (minimum of %{count} chars required)
other: too short (minimum of %{count} chars required)
validation: has to be at least 5 chars and to contain one decimal
one: wrong length (must be exactly %{count} chars)
other: wrong length (must be exactly %{count} chars)
must_be_same_account: Folder must belong to same account as story
required: User must be selected
one: Account
other: Accounts
one: System administrator
other: System administrators
one: Story
other: Stories
one: Folder
other: Folders
one: Membership
other: Memberships
one: Account
other: Accounts
one: Audio File
other: Audio Files
one: Story
other: Stories
one: Folder
other: Folders
one: Image File
other: Image Files
one: Membership
other: Memberships
one: Version
other: Versions
one: Text Track File
other: Text Track Files
one: Theming
other: Themings
one: Video File
other: Video Files
one: Version
other: Versions
one: Theming
other: Themings
one: User
other: Users
all: All pages
current_chapter: Current chapter only
inherit_from_parent: Inherit from parent chapter
non: Hide
same_parent_chapter: Chapters with same parent chapter only
same_parent_page: Chapters with same parent page only
not_published: Not published
published_with_password_protection: Published with password protection
published_without_password_protection: Published without password protection
email: Email
facebook: Facebook
linked_in: LinkedIn
telegram: Telegram (only mobile)
twitter: Twitter
whats_app: WhatsApp (only mobile)
editor: Editor
manager: Manager
member: Member
previewer: Previewer
publisher: Publisher
mute: Mute
play: Keep playing
turn_down: Keep playing at lower volume
long: Long delay
medium: Medium delay
no_fade: No fade in
short: Short delay
default: "(none)"
hero_top_left: Top left
hero_top_right: Top right
all: Forwards and Backwards
non: Non
only_back: Backwards only
only_next: Forwards only
horizontal: Horizontal
vertical: Vertical
audio: Audio
background_image: Background-Image
internal_links: Internal Links
video: Video
center: Center
left: Left
right: Right
fade: Fade
scroll: Scroll
- Sun
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
default: "%Y-%m-%d"
long: "%B %d, %Y"
short: "%b %d"
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- :year
- :month
- :day
one: about 1 hour
other: about %{count} hours
one: about 1 month
other: about %{count} months
one: about 1 year
other: about %{count} years
one: almost 1 year
other: almost %{count} years
half_a_minute: half a minute
one: less than a minute
other: less than %{count} minutes
one: less than 1 second
other: less than %{count} seconds
one: over 1 year
other: over %{count} years
one: 1 day
other: "%{count} days"
one: 1 minute
other: "%{count} minutes"
one: 1 month
other: "%{count} months"
one: 1 second
other: "%{count} seconds"
day: Day
hour: Hour
minute: Minute
month: Month
second: Seconds
year: Year
confirmed: Your account was successfully confirmed. You are now signed in.
send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes.
send_paranoid_instructions: If your email address exists in our database, you will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes.
invalid: Password or username was not correct.
unauthenticated: Please log in using a system administrator account.
already_authenticated: You are already signed in.
inactive: Your account was not activated yet.
invalid: Invalid email or password.
invalid_token: Invalid authentication token.
locked: Your account is locked.
not_found_in_database: Invalid email or password.
timeout: Your session expired, please sign in again to continue.
unauthenticated: You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.
unconfirmed: You have to confirm your account before continuing.
subject: Confirmation instructions
subject: Reset password instructions
subject: Unlock Instructions
facebook: Facebook
google_oauth2: Google
failure: Could not authenticate you from %{kind} because "%{reason}".
success: Successfully authenticated from %{kind} account.
no_token: You can't access this page without coming from a password reset email. If you do come from a password reset email, please make sure you used the full URL provided.
send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions about how to reset your password in a few minutes.
send_paranoid_instructions: If your email address exists in our database, you will receive a password recovery link at your email address in a few minutes.
updated: Your password was changed successfully. You are now signed in.
updated_not_active: Your password was changed successfully.
destroyed: Bye! Your account was successfully cancelled. We hope to see you again soon.
are_you_sure: Are you sure?
change_password: Change password
delete_account: Delete account
submit: Save
userdata: Userinfo
cancel_oauth_sign_up: Cancel
registration: Registration
sign_up_with_facebook: Log-in using Facebook
sign_up_with_google: Log in using Google
submit: Submit
signed_up: Welcome! You have signed up successfully.
signed_up_but_inactive: You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is not yet activated.
signed_up_but_locked: You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is locked.
signed_up_but_unconfirmed: A message with a confirmation link has been sent to your email address. Please open the link to activate your account.
update_needs_confirmation: You updated your account successfully, but we need to verify your new email address. Please check your email and click on the confirm link to finalize confirming your new email address.
updated: You updated your account successfully.
signed_in: Successfully signed in as system administrator.
sign_in_with_facebook: Sign in with Facebook
sign_in_with_google: Sign in with Google
signed_in: Signed in successfully.
signed_out: Signed out successfully.
send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock your account in a few minutes.
send_paranoid_instructions: If your account exists, you will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock it in a few minutes.
unlocked: Your account has been unlocked successfully. Please sign in to continue.
format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
accepted: must be accepted
already_confirmed: was already confirmed, please try signing in
blank: can't be blank
confirmation: not equal with confirmation
confirmation_period_expired: needs to be confirmed within %{period}, please request a new one
empty: can't be empty
one: must be equal to %{count}
other: must be equal to %{count}
even: must be even
exclusion: is reserved
expired: has expired, please request a new one
one: must be greater than %{count}
other: must be greater than %{count}
one: must be greater than or equal to %{count}
other: must be greater than or equal to %{count}
inclusion: is not included in the list
invalid: is invalid
invalid_date: is not a valid date
one: must be less than %{count}
other: must be less than %{count}
one: must be less than or equal to %{count}
other: must be less than or equal to %{count}
not_a_number: is not a number
not_an_integer: must be an integer
not_found: not found
not_locked: was not locked
one: Could not save. One error.
other: Could not save. %{count} errors.
odd: must be odd
one: must be other than %{count}
other: must be other than %{count}
present: must be blank
readonly: readonly
record_invalid: 'Validation failed: %{errors}'
many: Cannot delete record because dependent %{record} exist
one: Cannot delete record because a dependent %{record} exists
taken: has already been taken
one: is too long (maximum is 1 character)
other: is too long (maximum is %{count} characters)
one: is too short (minimum is 1 character)
other: is too short (minimum is %{count} characters)
one: is the wrong length (should be 1 character)
other: is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters)
body: 'There were problems with the following fields:'
one: 1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved
other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
cancel: Cancel
create: 'Create %{model} '
'no': 'No'
required: required
reset: 'Reset %{model} '
submit: 'Submit %{model} '
update: 'Update %{model} '
'yes': 'Yes'
prompt: Please select
create: Create %{model}
submit: Save %{model}
update: Update %{model}
language: English
delimiter: ","
format: "%u%n"
precision: 2
separator: "."
significant: false
strip_insignificant_zeros: false
unit: "$"
delimiter: ","
precision: 3
separator: "."
significant: false
strip_insignificant_zeros: false
format: "%n %u"
one: Billion
other: Billion
million: Million
one: Quadrillion
other: Quadrillion
thousand: Thousand
trillion: Trillion
unit: Unit
delimiter: ","
precision: 3
significant: true
strip_insignificant_zeros: true
format: "%n %u"
one: Byte
other: Bytes
gb: GB
kb: KB
mb: MB
tb: TB
delimiter: ","
format: "%n%"
delimiter: ","
add: Add Account
none_addable_tooltip: No account available
no_entries: No Stories
no_members: No members
theming_defaults_inline_help: The following settings will be used as defaults for new stories in this account. Changes do not affect existing stories.
add_folder: Add folder
confirm_depublish: Depublish this story?
confirm_duplicate: Duplicate this story?
confirm_restore: Restore story to the selected version? A snapshot will be created, so that you can roll back later.
depublish: Depublish story
duplicate: Copy Story
edit: Edit
edit_config: Edit configuration
edit_revision: Edit
editor: Editor
editor_hint: Open editor
embed_code_hint: Embed the published story on a website.
entries: Stories
forever: "(unlimited)"
members: Members
no_members: No members assigned
no_revisions: No versions yet
not_published: Not yet published
password_protected: Password protected
preview: Preview
preview_hint: Open preview
published_forever: Published
published_revision_legend: Currently published version
published_until: Published until %{published_until}
remove: Remove
remove_logo: Remove logo
restore: Restore
auto: Automatic snapshot
publish: Publish
restore: Automatic snapshot
user: Manual snapshot
auto: This version was automatically saved
publish: This version has been published
restore: This version has been automatically saved before an resrore was made
user: This version was manually saved
show: View
show_public: Public
show_public_hint: Visit public page
snapshot: Save current version
title_hint: This field determines the URL for this story.
add: Add Story
none_addable_tooltip: No story available
default: Default (%{inherited})
disabled: Disabled
enabled: Enabled
undefined: "(Default)"
all: All
confirm_destroy: 'Delete folder? Note: Containing stories will be preserved.'
destroy: Delete
edit: Edit
hint_html: You can assign roles on individual stories of this account to a Member.
A Previewer can additionally preview all stories of this account.
An Editor can additionally edit all stories of this account.
A Publisher can additionally publish all stories of this account.
A Manager can additionally set user roles on all stories of this account and edit them.
hint_html: A Previewer can preview this story.
An Editor can additionally edit this story.
A Publisher can additionally publish this story.
A Manager can additionally set user roles on this story and edit them.
account_editor_hint: Users who are assigned on an account level are not listed here
accounts: Accounts
entries: Stories
features: Features
members: Members
revisions: Versions
users: User
published_until_hint: Leave blank to publish indefinitely.
restored: Version restored
additional_cnames_hint: Comma separated list of additional CNAMES. Used only to select the correct redirect URL.
cname_hint: Used in public sharing URLs.
default_author_hint: Default 'author' meta field for stories
default_keywords_hint: Default 'keywords' meta field for stories
default_locale_hint: Default language for stories
default_publisher_hint: Default 'publisher' meta field for stories
home_url_hint: Used for requests to the root path with one of the above CNAMES. Default target location for the home button.
name: "%{account_name}"
remove_logo: Remove logo
show: View
none_addable_tooltip: No user available
account: Profile
accounts: Accounts
add: Add user
add_entry: Add story
confirm_delete: Delete this user? This action cannot be undone.
delete: Delete
delete_account_membership_confirmation: |-
Really delete the account membership of this user?
CAUTION: All of the user's story memberships in this account are also deleted.
delete_entry_membership_confirmation: Really delete the story membership of this user?
cancel_label: No, do not delete my account!
delete_label: Delete account
warning_html: Please enter your current password to confirm deletion of your account. All data will be deleted. This action cannot be undone.
deleted: This user was deleted.
edit: Edit
edit_role: Edit Role
email_invitation_hint: The user will be invited to choose a password.
empty: 'This user has no associated stories. '
invite_user: Invite user
change_password_hint: Leave blank to keep your current password.
delete_account: Delete account
delete_account_hint: You don't want to continue using Pageflow?
deleted: Your account has been deleted. You may sign-up for a new one at any time!
updated: Your profile has been updated.
member_exists: A user with the given email address is already member of the account.
member_exists_link: View user
no_accounts: No members
no_entries: No stories
none: There are no stories.
resend_invitation: Resend invitation email
resent_invitation: The invitation email has been resent.
account_manager: Konto-Administrator
editor: Can edit stories of this account
manager: Can set roles on this account
member: Can be assigned roles on stories of this account
previewer: Can preview stories of this account
publisher: Can publish stories of this account
admin: System-Administrator
editor: Editor
editor: Can edit this story
manager: Can set roles on this story
previewer: Can preview this story
publisher: Can publish this story
manager: Manager
member: Member
editor: You can edit stories in this account
manager: You can manage user and stories in this account
member: You can be assigned roles on stories in this account
previewer: You can preview stories in this account
publisher: You can publish stories in this account
editor: You can edit this story
manager: You can set roles on this story
previewer: You can preview this story
publisher: You can publish this story
previewer: Previewer
publisher: Publisher
suspend: Suspend
suspended: 'The user was suspended and will not be able to sign-in again. '
unsuspend: Unsuspend
unsuspended: The user was unsuspended.
menu_item: Audio
text: "# Audio\n\n*Playing audio-files with controls*\n \nHere you can combine audio-files with pictures or background videos and\ntext-content. Controls similar to the page type „Video“\nare shown. In addition to that you can write a\ndescription into an „Infobox“.\n\nExamples of application: interviews, direct quotes, music"
open: Play audio
inline_help: The audio page supports different display variants of player controls.
label: Player Controls Variante
default: Standard
waveform: Waveform
inline_help: Color of the waveform's parts that represents the already played part of the audio.
label: Waveform Color
page_type_category_name: Media
page_type_description: Audio player with controls
page_type_name: Audio
feature_name: Automatic Page Change
menu_item: Background Image/Video
text: |-
# Background Image/Video
Full-screen image or video loop and text
By using the page type „Background-Image/Video“, large pictures
or video loops are the background for the text and are paired with a
manually adjustable color gradient for an optimal
legibility. In order to have an optimal presentation on
mobile devices you can adjust the image detail to the
display. Optionally the text color can be inverted. This
is especially useful for bright background-images.
Users are able to hide the color-gradient and text in
the front-end, if they want to have a view of the
background image or video.
Examples: Presentation, part of a picture gallery,
page_type_category_name: Basic
page_type_description: Fullscreen image or video loop with text
page_type_name: Background image/video
feature_name: Chapter Hierachy
widget_type_name: Classic
inline_help: The page background can either display an image or a video loop.
label: Background type
image: Image
video: Video loop
inline_help: Displayed instead of the the background video loop on mobile devices.
inline_help: Displayed before the videos starts
inline_help: Choose a label to recognize the link within the overview. This label is for your orientation only and will not be displayed to the reader.
label: Label
inline_help: Choose the animation, that will be used to transition to the link's target page.
label: Page transition
inline_help: Users will get to this page when clicking the link.
label: Target page
captions: Audio Replacement Text Track
descriptions: Image Description Text Track
subtitles: Translation Text Track
widget_type_name: Bar at lower page margin
name: Default
feature_name: Delayed text fade in
ignore_hint: Please ignore this mail If you have not requested a password reset. Your password will not be changed in this case.
instruction: Somebody recently asked to reset your Pageflow password. Click here to change your password.
salutation: Hello %{first_name}
acquire: Continue here
acquire_html: "
This story is already open in another editor window.
" other_html: |-This story is already open in another editor window. Please reload this page and click on the 'Continue here' button.
If you continue working without reload, data loss may occur.
held_by_other_user_error: acquire_html: "%{user_name} is currently working on this story or has left the editor window open. Click 'Continue here' to take over.
" other_html: "%{user_name} has ended your editor session. Please reload the page and click 'Continue here' to view the current version.
" not_held_error: other_html: "Your editor session has been ended from another session. Please reload the page and click 'Continue here' to view the current version.
" required: This action cannot be executed because this story has been opened in another editor session. required_but_held_by_other_user: This action cannot be executed because this story has been opened by another user. editor: atmo: disabled: Atmo disabled blank_entry: create_chapter: Click New chapter to create your first chapter. create_page: Use the New page button within the chapter to add pages. edit_page: Click directly on a page to switch to the pages edit view. header: This is an empty Pageflow intro: Each Pageflow consist of chapters and pages. The editor panel to your right shows the outline of your story. outro: In this area, a live preview will be shown. classic_loading_spinner: widget_type_info_box_text: This is a preview of the classic loading spinner. It is displayed while the page is loading. cookie_notice_bar: widget_type_info_box_text: The notice is displayed when visiting a story that uses Cookies. Cookies are set, if an analytics integration is active or the 'Emphasize new pages' feature has been enabled. entries: unsupported_browser_hint: message: The Pageflow editor does not support the browser version you are using. We recommend upgrading your browser to the most recent version. errors: UnmatchedUploadError: This filetype is not supported. invalid_nested_type_error: 'Error: Upload file ''%{name}'' is a %{type}. Only the following types of files are allowed: %{validList}' nested_type_error: 'Error while uploading ''%{name}'': %{type} cannot be uploaded as independent files. Use the settings menu for a file of the following type: %{validList}' unknown: A unknown error has occurred. unmatched_upload_error: No matching file type found for upload '%{name}' of type '%{type}'. upload: type_empty: none file_settings_dialog: tabs: video_settings_tab: Video Details files: common_attributes: alt: inline_help: A hint describing the contents of the displayed element. Not displayed in the story, but can be used by screen reader software. Improves accessibility of the content. label: Alt-Text file_name: column_header: File name label: File name original_url: label: Original rights: cell_title: blank: Still blank present: 'Present: %v{value}' column_header: Rights inline_help: Displayed in copyright area of story. label: Rights text_tracks: label: Subtitles settings_dialog_tabs: general: Meta data text_tracks: Text tracks stages: encoding: action_required: Confirmation required. active: Encoding in progress. failed: Encoding failed. finished: Encoding was successful. pending: Encoding pending. fetching_meta_data: active: Fetching metadata. failed: Metadata failure. finished: Metadata successfully fetched. pending: Metadata polling pending. processing: active: Processing. failed: Processing failure. finished: Processing successfully finished. pending: Processing pending. uploading: active: Upload in progress. failed: Upload failure. finished: Successfully uploaded. pending: Upload pending. uploading_to_s3: active: Transfering to S3. failed: Transfer to S3 failed. finished: Successfully transferred to S3. pending: Transfer to S3 pending. tabs: audio_files: Audios image_files: Images video_files: Videos media_loading_spinner: widget_type_info_box_text: This is a preview of the 'Image' loading view. The animation runs while the page is loading. nested_files: text_track_files: delete: cell_title: Delete text tracks column_header: " " file_name: inline_help_html: "Change current page using horizontal swipe gestures on phones.
Vertical page transitions (i.e. from bottom to top) are automatically turned into horizontal transitions (i.e. from right to left) and vice versa.
In desktop layout and on tablets the setting does not take any effect.
" quotas: loading: Checking quotas... templates: back_button_decorator: outline: Outline background_positioning: cancel: Cancel close: Close help: In order to have an optimal presentation on mobile devices you can adjust the image detail to the display. preview_title: Preview previews: banner: Banner ratio16to9: 16:9 Landscape ratio16to9Portrait: 16:9 Portrait ratio4to3: 4:3 Landscape ratio4to3Portrait: 4:3 Portrait save: Save title: Adjust position change_theme_dialog: close: Close header: Themes preview_header_prefix: Preview preview_header_suffix: "-Theme" chapter_item: new_page: New page save_error: Errors were detected while saving this chapter. confirm_encoding: all_released: 'All files have been scheduled for encoding. ' audios_tab: Audios confirm_button: Encode selected files link_to_progress: The %{link} page shows encoding progress. manage_files: Manage files videos_tab: Videos confirm_upload: close: Cancel edit_file_header: Meta data header: Add files hint: Edit the files' meta data, then start the upload. upload: Start upload confirmable_file_item: remove: Remove edit_chapter: destroy: Delete outline: Outline retry: Retry save_error: Errors were detected while saving this chapter. edit_entry: close: Close manage_files: Manage files metadata: Title and options publish: Publish save_error: There were errors while saving metadata. edit_meta_data: outline: Outline retry: Retry save_error: There were errors while saving metadata. edit_page: destroy: Delete outline: Outline retry: Retry save_error: There were errors while saving page. edit_page_link: back: Back destroy: Delete edit_storyline: destroy: Delete outline: Outline retry: Retry save_error: Errors were detected while saving the storyline. edit_widget: back: Appearance embedded: page_link: reset: Reset emulation_mode_button: desktop: Desktop disabled_hint: Not supported by this page type header: 'Preview mode:' phone: Phone entry_preview: navigation_disabled_hint: Page changes not possible in phone preview. file_item: cancel: Cancel confirm: Confirm credits: Credits destroy: Delete download: Download retry: Retry select: Select settings: Settings source: Source file_meta_data_item_value_view: edit: Edit file_settings_dialog: close: Close files: back: Back files_blank_slate: no_files: There are no files of this type, yet. You can upload one to get started. files_explorer: cancel: Cancel ok: Ok reuse_files: Reuse files from other stories files_explorer_blank_slate: choose_hint: Please choose a story. files_gallery_blank_slate: no_files: This story does not contain any files of this type. help: close: Close title: Help help_button: open_help: Open help list_blank_slate: text: "(No items)" list_item: edit: Edit remove: Delete loading: loading: Loading... locked: close: Close editor loading: Loading story. Please wait... open_here: Continue here notification: approve_files: "%{num_files} files awaiting confirmation for the encoding process." retry: Retry save_error: There were errors while saving changes. saved: All changes have been saved. saving: Saving changes... show: Show upload_pending: Uploads pending. other_entries_blank_slate: none_available: There are no other stories yet page_item: save_error: There were errors while saving page. page_link_item: edit: Edit page remove: Delete page_links: add: Add label: Linked pages page_selection: cancel: Cancel ok: OK title: Select target page publish_entry: already_published_with_password_help: This story is already published with a password. Leave password field blank to keep the previous password. already_published_without_password_help: This story is published without a password at the moment. Setting a password will prevent public access from now on. date: Date files_pending_notice: Please wait until all files have been processed and check the results. You may then publish your story. not_published_notice: This story is currently not published. password: Password password_help: Restrict access to the published version of this story. Visitors will have to enter a password. password_protected: Protect with Password previously_published_with_password_help: This story was published with a password before. Leave password field blank to keep the previous password. publish: Publish publish_current: Publish current version publish_success: Your story has been sucessfully published. published_notice: A version of this story is currently published. published_url_hint: 'It can be accessed using following URL:' show_files: Show files time: Time unlimited: indefinitely until_including: Until including user_name: User name view_revisions: View versions select_button: select: Select storyline_outline: header: Outline new_chapter: New chapter storyline_picker: add: Add edit: Edit settings text_tracks: edit_file_header: Metadata upload: Add theme: use: Use widget_item: settings: Settings text_track_files: label_missing: "(Label missing)" srclang_missing: "(Missing)" themes: header: Themes title_loading_spinner: widget_type_info_box_text: This is a preview of the 'Title and Image' loading view. The animation runs while the page is loading. views: chapter_item_view: chapter: Chapter unnamed: "(New chapter)" edit_chapter_view: confirm_destroy: |- Really delete this chapter including ALL its pages? This operation cannot be undone. edit_entry_view: cannot_publish: You do not have sufficient rights to publish this story. edit_page_view: confirm_destroy: Really delete this page? edit_storyline_view: cannot_destroy: Only empty storylines can be deleted. confirm_destroy: Really delete storyline editor_views: files_pending_warning: You are currently uploading files. All uploads will be canceled if you leave this page. hide_editor: Hide editor panel resize_editor: Resize editor panel show_editor: Show editor panel entry_preview_view: scroll_hint: Scroll down to continue file_meta_data_item_value_view: blank: "-" files_view: add: Add reuse: Reuse upload: Upload filtered_files_view: banner_prefix: 'Active filter:' inputs: file_input: auto_default_text_track: "(Auto)" default_text_track: 'Default texttrack:' edit_background_positioning: Adjust field of view... edit_file_settings: File settings... no_default_text_track: "(None)" reference_input_view: choose: Edit none: "(None)" unset: Reset theme_input_view: choose: Change theme page_item_view: unnamed: "(New page)" page_link_item_view: no_page: "(No page)" unnamed: "(No title)" storylines_picker_view: label: Storyline without_parent_page: Without parent page widgets: attributes: media_loading_spinner: blur_strength: inline_help: Control the bluriness of background image. label: Blur Strength custom_background_image_id: inline_help: By default, the background image of the first page is used. label: Background Image remove_logo: label: Remove logo title_loading_spinner: blur_strength: inline_help: Control the bluriness of background image. label: Blur Strength custom_background_image_id: inline_help: By default the background image of the first page is used. label: Background image subtitle: inline_help: Subtitle to display in loading view. label: Subtitle title: inline_help: Title to display in loading view. Defaults to story title. label: Title editor_emulation_mode: feature_name: Editor phone emulation mode entry: duplicated_title: Copy of %{title} help_entries: atmo: menu_item: Atmo Audio text: |- # Atmo Audio This feature lets you add background audio to every page regardless of its page type. You can define if a sound should play only for one page or continue playing for more pages without interruption. Simply select the same atmo audio file for some adjacent pages. That way chapters can be seperated acoustically and pages that belong together can be weaved to a stronger unit. For the page type „Video“ there is a special option to pause background audio or continue at lower volume while the video is playing. You find the atmo settings on the „Options“ tab of each page. Should you ever feel distracted by the atmo audio while working on your story, you can use the hot key „Alt + a“ to temporarily mute it. Simply press „Alt + a“ again to reactivate atmo audio. CAUTION: Atmo audio does not play on mobile devices. files: menu_item: Manage Files text: | # Manage Files Pageflow processes all major media formats (photo, audio, video) and converts them into different formats and qualities. The system adapts the quality of the media to the internet connection and the end device of the user automatically. In principle the files should be uploaded in the optimal resolution and not be compressed beforehand. In order to have a well-structured work-flow, it is helpful to store all audio-files, background-video-loops, movies, pictures and texts in the required version in a separate file on your computer. ## Upload and Manage Files The menu item „Manage Files“ leads to the files, which have already been uploaded. If you click „Add more“ and „Upload“ you can add more files. After you have uploaded the files, they are processed on the server. This can take a few minutes - especially if the videos are long. Click on the thumbnail of a file, in order to see its status. Moreover you can see the general features like the size of the picture or length of an audio-file and you can download the original file. The files can already be used before the process is finished. You can therefore continue your work during the loading process. ## Copyrights of Files If you click on the thumbnail of a media file (picture, video, audio), you can add information with regards to its copyright. This information is shown automatically in the legal notice. ## Reuse Files Videos, audio files and pictures can be used in more than one article. Thus, videos, for example, do not have to be uploaded several times. Click on „Manage Files“ and on „Add“/„Reuse“, to search for files in other articles and add them to a new one. meta_data: menu_item: Title and Options text: | # Title and Options ## General ### Title of the Pageflow Here you can choose a title for your Pageflow. It will be shown on the title bar of the browser window. It also acts as an indicator for search engines once the report is published. ### Language Decide in which language your Pageflow should be displayed. This refers to text which cannot be edited - like multimedia tips, scroll-indicators, the overview and the legal notice. ## Appearance ### Multimedia tips before the start Decide if tips or advice should be shown at the beginning of your Pageflow. ### Highlighting chapter beginnings This option lets the title of the first page of a chapter appear in a bigger font. ### Highlighting new pages At the beginning of a Pageflow an info-box shows new pages that were created since the last visit. ### Display Home-Button You can have a button in the navigation, which hyperlinks to an external website, for example back to the website from which you hyperlinked to the Pageflow. ### Navigation Choose between two forms of navigation: The navigation with a progress bar or the navigation with thumbnails. Please note, that due to the lack of space on mobile devices only the icon „Overview“ is shown. ## Social ### Social Sharing Picture Choose a picture, which should be shown, if your Pageflow is shared in social networks. ### Summary Here you can write a description, which is shown, when your Pageflow is shared in social networks. outline: menu_item: Chapters and Pages text: |- # Chapters and Pages A Pageflow consists of at least one chapter with at least one page. You can create as many chapters and pages as you want. In order to create content, click: 1. „New Chapter“ to create a new chapter, 2. „New Page“ to add a page, 3. onto the new page, in order to edit the content. ## Structuring Chapters You can structure the composition of your Pageflow with chapters - e.g. thematically or chronologically . The chapters are shown in the overview and help the users find their way around. It is therefore advisable to give each chapter a title. If you create an unnamed chapter, Pageflow acts as if there is no structure of chapters. The chapter and the title of this chapter are consequently not shown in the overview/navigation. overview: menu_item: Overview text: |- # Overview This is Pageflow’s editing platform. The division of the screen into two allows you to edit your Pageflow and see a preview at the same time. The editor shows modifications and newly selected files directly and saves them automatically. The sidebar can be hidden or shown. You can change the size of the preview-window by pulling the sidebar to the right or the left. If the preview-window is long and narrow like ´ a smartphone, you will only be able to see the „overview“ icon and not the entire navigation. This is due to lack of space. The navigation is divided into four parts: ## Title and Options Under „Title and Options“ you can set up basic appearance parameters as well as the title, language and legal notice. You can also decide which content should be displayed when sharing the report on social media platforms. For more details see: [Title and Options](#pageflow.help_entries.meta_data) ## Manage Files Under „Manage Files“ you can upload your media files, which you want to use in Pageflow. Furthermore you can reuse videos, photos and audio-files that have already been uploaded. For more details see: [Manage Files](#pageflow.help_entries.files) ## Outline Via the „Outline“ you can add chapters and pages - the actual content. Per Drag and Drop you can resort the pages and chapters any time. For more details see: [Chapter and Pages](#pageflow.help_entries.outline) page_options: menu_item: General Page Options text: "# General Page Options\n\n### Title\n\nHere you can add the title of a particular page. This\ntitle is not only the headline of the text on the page, it\nalso functions as the title in the navigation and\noverview. If a single page is shared in social networks,\nthis title is also the title of the social media post.\n\n### Hide the title\n\nOptionally you can hide the title. Thus the title is not shown as the\nheading of the text body. For the identification of the page it\nremains visible in the navigation, overview and on social media posts.\n\n### Tagline and Subtitle\n\nHere you can optionally enter a tagline and/or a\nsubtitle. If you click on „Hide title“ the tagline and\nsubtitle are not shown either.\n\n### Text\n\nThe text-block can be formatted with the buttons underneath\nthe input field. [B= bold / I=italic / U=underlined /\ninfinity symbol= Link/URL to an external website]\n\nAll changes are visible in the left front-end-view as soon\nas you leave the appropriate input field in the editor.\n\n### Textposition\n\nDecide if the text should be shown on the left or right side.\n\n### Opacity of the gradient\n\nThe opacity of the gradient improves the legibility of\nthe text on background-videos or pictures.\n\nYou can use the slider to darken or lighten up the\nbackground until the contrast between text and background is\noptimal.\n\n### Invert colors\n\nIf you invert the colors, „bright“ and „dark“ are\ninterchanged. Thus the normally white font changes into\nblack.\n\nA general rule: Bright font for dark pictures, dark font for\nbright pictures.\n\n### Thumbnail\n\nThe thumbnail replaces the automatically generated\npreview-picture in the navigation and overview.\n\n### Display in navigation\n\nIf this option is not taken, the particular page is not\nrepresented in the navigation and therefore cannot be\nreached through it. You can use this option if a page is\nsupposed to read more like a subpage of another page.\n\n### Transition effect\n\nThere are different scroll effects, which are visible when users enter or leave pages. You can use vertical transitions like „crossfade“ or „cut“ or „Fade to black“. Besides this you also can choose horizontal scrolling from right or left. You can determine which effect should be used for each individual page.\n\n### Fade in text after delay\n\nDefine whether text and gradient of a page should appear with a delay. \nUsers will first see the background image, then title, tagline and subtitle until finally the content text will be displayed.\n\nThere are three different durations of delay: short = 1 second, medium = 3 seconds, long = 5 seconds.\n\nThis feature fits best for intros or beginnings of chapters.\n\n### Description for the overview\n\nYou can enter a text, which appears when the user navigates\nwith the mouse over the particular page. This text matches\nwith the mouse-over-text for the page-type „Page References“\nas well as with the text, which appears when you share the\nPageflow in social networks." page_types: menu_item: Page Types text: | # Page Types By choosing the page type, you determine what type of media files are used for which page. For each type of page you can use different settings. For further information please click on a page type on the left column. publishing: menu_item: Publishing text: "# Publishing\n\nClick on the „Publish“ button to publish your Pageflow. A\nPageflow can be published at any point in time. \n\nBesides this, there is the possibility to publish Pageflows with \na password protection. Just activate „Protect with password“. \nPageflow uses the name of the account as user name and \nautomatically generates a password, which can be changed afterwords. \n\nAlready published stories can also be protected with a password by \npublishing another version - the other way round works as well. \nFor this please just click on the „Publishing“ button. The following \nsteps will then be shown and explained within the dialog window.\n\nPublished\nPageflows can also be depublished manually at any time. If a\nPageflow has already been published, changes will not be\nshown until you publish your report again. A Pageflow can\nonly be edited by one author at one time.\n\nThumbnail for embedding the Pageflow on external websites\nAfter publishing your Pageflow, the system generates a\nthumbnail, which can be embedded as an iframe to the\nhyperlink of another website. By means of the code, the size\nof the iframe can be adjusted. The minimum size is a height\n150px and a width of 220px." storylines: menu_item: Storylines text: "# Storylines\n\nIn addition to linear narrations from top to bottom, further storylines can be used as non linear excursions to enlarge upon parts of a story. A „Storyline“ consists of chapters and pages, which users scroll through. Distinguishable is the so called main storyline from further subordinate ones. The user starts off in the main storyline and can then navigate to different excursions.\n\nTo create such an excursion from the main storyline use one of the „Link“ pages (Mosaic, Collage, Hotspot) and create the desired connections via „Links“.\n\nBy choosing a „Parent page“ you can determine to which page users return after scrolling the storyline´s last page.\n\nTransitions to subordinate storylines are visually supported by a horizontal animation as the default setting for entering and leaving. \n\nStorylines are created by clicking onto the plus button next to the storyline menu. Thereby a new chapter opens automatically in which further pages can be added. \n\n\n### Parent pages\n\nIn every subordinate storyline a „Parent page“ must be determined to define where users land when scrolling back.\n\nThis target page can be chosen by clicking on the pen symbol next to the storyline menu. When a „Parent page“ is defined, a back button will be shown automatically in the subordinate storyline that will always lead users back to the „Parent page“.\n\n\n### Chapter hierarchy\n\nThe use of more than one „subordinary“ storylines and the definition of „Parent pages“ leads to a chapter hierarchy as known from books:\n\n1. (Main storyline), 1.1. (Superior sub storyline), 1.1.1. (Subordinate sub storyline) and so on.\n\nThis hierarchy can be edited afterwards by clicking on the pen symbol next to the storyline menu. A subordinate storyline can be turned into the main storyline as well.\n\n\n### Scroll successors\n\nIf you want to lead users from a last page of a subordinate chapter (1.1.1) to another position than\nthe „Parent page“ (e.g. to 2.1) you can define a „Scroll successor“. Therefore click on the blue pen symbol within the storyline settings. As an example the following sequence might be imaginable: 1 -> 1.1 -> 1.1.1 -> 2.1\n\nAttention: While editing only the selected chapter will be shown in the sidebar. To switch to the other chapters click onto the storyline menu." text_tracks: menu_item: Text tracks text: |- # Text tracks Text tracks can be added to video and audio files. Open the file setting dialog of a video or audio file by clicking the files's "Settings" button in the "Manage files" view and switch to the "Text tracks" tab. Here you can upload SRT or VTT text track files. Each text track has a language, kind and label attribute. The label is displayed to the user in the subtitles menu on video and audio pages. If a video or audio file has text tracks, the user can choose to activate them on video or audio pages. Please note that text tracks will not be displayed when a video plays as a loop in the page background or when an audio file is used as background atmo. ## Automatic subtitles The selection made by the user in the subtitles menu on video or audio pages is stored between pages and sessions. By default the option "Auto" is selected in the subtitles menu. A text track to display is then choosen automatically according to the following rules: * If a file has a text track of kind "translation" in the language of the story, it is displayed as subtitle automatically. This is meant for people who are able to understand the language of the story, but not the language spoken in the video or audio. * If instead the file has a text track of kind "audio replacement", it is displayed automatically if the volume has been set to mute using the controls in the navigation bar. Please note that for technical reasons it is not possible to detect if the volume has been set to mute outside of the browser or on mobile devices in general. ## Default text track If the automatic selection described above does not fit your needs, you can select a default text track for each video or audio page. It will be displayed if the user has not selected a text track from the subtitles menu. Open the files tab of the page and choose a default text track from the conext menu available via the menu button inside the video or audio file field. helpers: entries: global_links: Global links image_rights: Credits highdef_video_encoding: feature_name: Full HD and 4K videos initial_password: submit: Save and sign in title: Set your password invalid_transition: Invalid transition languages: ar: Arabic cs: Czech de: German dk: Danish el: Greek en: English es: Spanish fi: Finnish fr: French fy: Frisian hi: Hindi it: Italian ja: Japanese lb: Letzeburgesch nb: Norsk Bokmål nl: Dutch nn: Norsk Nynorsk 'no': Norsk pl: Polish pt: Portuguese rm: Romansh ru: Russian se: Northern Sami sr: Serbian sv: Swedish tr: Turkish unknown: "(Unknown)" zh: Chinese media_loading_spinner: widget_type_name: Media page_transitions: crossfade: Crossfade cut: Cut default: "(Default)" fade: Fade fade_to_black: Fade to black scroll: Scroll scroll_left: Scroll left scroll_over_from_left: Scroll over from left scroll_over_from_right: Scroll over from right scroll_right: Scroll right phone_horizontal_slideshow_mode: feature_name: Horizontal swipe on phone quotas: exhausted: Quota exhausted selectable_themes: feature_name: Editor theme selection storyline_attributes: main: inline_help: Turns the first page of this storyline into the start page of the story. inline_help_disabled: The first page of this storyline is the start page of the story. label: Main storyline navigation_bar_mode: label: Navigation bar mode values: current_storyline: Current storyline inherit_from_parent: Display parent storyline non: Hide page_transition: inline_help: By default, comming from the parent page, the first page of the storyline is scrolled in from the right. When clicking the back button, pages of the storyline are scrolled back out to the right. Here you can choose an alternative effect. label: Transition effect parent_page_perma_id: inline_help: The user is redirected to this page when reaching the end of the storyline or when clicking the back button. The parent page settings determine the chapter hierachy. For more information on the chapter hierarchy see the 'Storylines' help topic. label: Parent page scroll_successor_id: inline_help: Page to go to when scrolling down from the last page of the storyline. By default the user is brought back to the storyline's parent page. label: Scroll successor title: label: Title storylines: feature_name: Storylines main: Main storyline untitled: Unnamed storyline structured_data: feature_name: Embedded structured data title_loading_spinner: feature_name: "'Title and image' loading view" widget_type_name: Title and Image ui: configuration_editor: tabs: cookie_notice_bar: Cookie Notice files: Files general: General links: Links loading_spinner: Loading View options: Options phone_horizontal_slideshow_mode: Horizontal swipe on phone social: Social widgets: Appearance inline_help: pageflow/chapter: title: Will be shown on the overview page. pageflow/entry: author: The author's name. credits: Will be shown in the info box. emphasize_chapter_beginning: This option emphasizes the title of the first page of a chapter. emphasize_new_pages: At the beginning of a Pageflow an info-box shows news pages that were created since the last visit. home_button_enabled: Pageflow can display a button in the navigation, which hyperlinks to an external website, for example back to the website from which you hyperlinked to the Pageflow. home_button_enabled_disabled: This option is not available for your theme. home_url: URL of your home page. Leave empty to use your accounts default setting. home_url_disabled: This option is not available for your theme. keywords: Keywords as a suggestion for search engines. manual_start: Decide if tips or advice should be shown at the beginning of your Pageflow. overview_button_enabled: The overview displays chapters and pages of the main storyline. overview_button_enabled_disabled: This option is not available for your theme. publisher: The publisher's name or company name. share_providers: Social media platforms to be listed in the "Share"-dialog of the entry share_url: URL to share via social media buttons. Leave blank to use URL of published story. summary: Here you can write a description, which is shown, when your Pageflow is shared in social networks. title: Here you can choose a title for your Pageflow. It will be shown on the title bar of the browser window. It also acts as an indicator for search engines once the report is published. pageflow/page: additional_title: The info box appears close to the player controls. atmo_audio_file_id: Choose an audio file, that shall be played in the background. If you want this audio to continue playing on following pages, just choose the same file again there. Not available on mobile devices at the moment. atmo_during_playback: Choose which way the atmo shall behave during playback of this page's main media. delayed_text_fade_in: Fades in the page contents after a delay such that the background image can be viewed initially. description: You can enter a text, which appears when the user navigates with the mouse over the particular page. This text matches with the mouse-over-text for the page-type „Page References“ as well as with the text, which appears when you share the Pageflow in social networks. gradient_opacity: |- The opacity of the gradient improves the legibility of the text on background-videos or pictures. You can use the slider to darken or lighten up the background until the contrast between text and background is optimal. invert: |- If you invert the colors, „bright“ and „dark“ are interchanged. Thus the normally white font changes into black. A general rule: Bright font for dark pictures, dark font for bright pictures. mobile_poster_image_id: This image is used as poster image on mobile devices. text: |- The text-block can be formatted with the buttons underneath the input field. [B= bold / I=italic / U=underlined / infinity symbol= Link/URL to an external website] All changes are visible in the left front-end-view as soon as you leave the appropriate input field in the editor. thumbnail_image_id: 'The thumbnail replaces the automatically generated preview-picture in the navigation and overview. ' transition: Choose the animation, that will be used when users scroll to this page. templates: inputs: file_input: edit: Edit reset: Reset page_reference: drag_hint: Drag pages into the preview to create links. text_area_input: bold: Bold cancel: Cancel create_link: Insert link insert_ordered_list: Insert ordered list insert_unordered_list: Insert unordered list italic: Italic link_type: page_link: Page url: URL ok: DELETED open_in_new_tab: Open in new tab open_in_new_tab_help: Recommended. Otherwise the entry has to be reloaded when returning from the link. Please note that inside the editor preview links always open in a new tab. remove_link: Remove link save: Save target: Target underline: Underline url: URL url_display: link_text: Download text_table_cell_view: empty: "(empty)" views: extended_select_input_view: display_help: Display help inputs: file_input_view: none: "(none)" json_input_view: invalid: Invalid JSON data. proxy_url_input_view: http_error: The given URL could not be fetched. (The server answered with a HTTP status code ' %{status}') url_validation: Checking URL... select_input_view: none: "(none)" placeholder: Default (%{text}) text_input_view: max_characters_exceeded: Maximum number of characters exceeded (%{max_length}) required_field: Required field url_input_view: required_field: Required field supported_vendors: 'Following providers are supported:' url_hint: 'URL must start with http:// ' url_hint_https: URL must start with http:// or https:// unauthorized: You are not authorized to view this page. unmute_button: widget_type_name: Unmute button user_mailer: invitation: ending: Thank you and have fun, greeting: Your Pageflow Team instruction: 'Welcome to Pageflow. Please use the following link to set your personal password. You may use your email address to sign-in. ' salutation: Hello %{first_name} subject: Your Pageflow Invitation video: help_entries: page_type: menu_item: Video text: "# Video\n\n*Playing a video with control*\n \nIn contrast to „Background-Videos“ the text elements fade\nout after a few seconds, in order to draw attention to the\nvideo. With controls the user can start and pause the\nvideo or even fast-forward and rewind it. You can choose\nwhether the video should start automatically as soon as\nthe page is opened.\n\nAs an alternative to the normal text input, you can write\na description into an „Infobox“ with text.\n\nOn the „Options“ tab you can activate auto-scrolling to the next page at the end of a video. \nThis can be useful to create a seamless transition.\n\nExamples of application: Videos of all kinds, interviews,\nportraits" page_attributes: mobile_poster_image_id: inline_help: Displayed on mobile devices before the video starts. page_type_category_name: Media page_type_description: Video player with controls page_type_name: Video waveform_player_controls: feature_name: Waveform player controls variant for audio page widgets: none: "(none)" roles: analytics: Tracking background_media_control: Background media control cookie_notice: Cookie Notice loading_spinner: Loading View mobile_navigation: Mobile navigation navigation: Navigation bar player_controls: Player Controls slideshow_mode: Control gestures type_names: classic_player_controls: Classic default_mobile_navigation: Navigation bar with thumbnails default_navigation: Navigation bar with thumbnails default_slideshow_mode: Vertical scoll/swipe phone_horizontal_slideshow_mode: Horizontal swipe on phone slim_player_controls: Minimal support: array: last_word_connector: ", and " two_words_connector: " and " words_connector: ", " time: am: am formats: date: "%Y-%m-%d" default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z" long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M" short: "%d %b %H:%M" pm: pm views: pagination: first: "|<" last: ">|" next: ">>" previous: !!str '<<' truncate: "..."