# Extend the RDF graph to include additional processing methods. module Qa module LinkedData class GraphService class << self # Retrieve linked data from specified url # @param [String] url from which to retrieve linked data # @return [RDF::Graph] graph of linked data def load_graph(url:) RDF::Graph.load(url) rescue IOError => e process_error(e, url) end # Create a new graph with statements filtered out # @param graph [RDF::Graph] the original graph to be filtered # @param language [Array] will keep any statement whose object's language matches the language filter # (only applies to statements that respond to language) (e.g. [:fr] or [:en, :fr]) # @param remove_blanknode_subjects [Boolean] will remove any statement whose subject is a blanknode, if true # @return [RDF::Graph] a new instance of graph with statements not matching the filters removed def filter(graph:, language: nil, remove_blanknode_subjects: false) return graph unless graph.present? return graph unless language.present? || remove_blanknode_subjects filtered_graph = deep_copy(graph: graph) filtered_graph.statements.each do |st| filtered_graph.delete(st) if filter_out_blanknode(remove_blanknode_subjects, st.subject) || filter_out_language(graph, language, st) end filtered_graph end # Get object values from the graph that have the subject-predicate. # @param graph [RDF::Graph] the graph to search # @param subject [RDF::URI] the URI of the subject # @param predicate [RDF::URI] the URI of the predicate # @return [Array] all object values for the subject-predicate pair def object_values(graph:, subject:, predicate:) values = [] graph.query([subject, predicate, :object]) do |statement| values << statement.object end values end # Get subjects that have the object value for the predicate in the graph. # @param graph [RDF::Graph] the graph to search # @param predicate [RDF::URI] the URI of the predicate # @param object_value [String] the object value # @return [Array] all subjects for the predicate-object_value pair def subjects_for_object_value(graph:, predicate:, object_value:) subjects = [] graph.query([:subject, predicate, object_value]) do |statement| subjects << statement.subject end subjects end def deep_copy(graph:) new_graph = RDF::Graph.new graph.statements.each do |st| new_graph.insert(st.dup) end new_graph end private def filter_out_blanknode(remove, subj) remove && subj.anonymous? end # Filter out language based on... # * do not remove if the object literal does not respond to :language # * do not remove if the object literal does not have a language marker # * do not remove if the object has the targeted language marker # * do not remove if none of the other objects with this statement's predicate have the targeted language marker def filter_out_language(graph, language, statement) return false if language.blank? return false unless Qa::LinkedData::LanguageService.literal_has_language_marker?(statement.object) objects = object_values(graph: graph, subject: statement.subject, predicate: statement.predicate) return false unless at_least_one_object_has_language?(objects, language) !language.include?(statement.object.language) end def at_least_one_object_has_language?(objects, language) objects.each do |obj| next unless Qa::LinkedData::LanguageService.literal_has_language_marker?(obj) next unless language.include? obj.language return true end false end def process_error(e, url) uri = URI(url) raise RDF::FormatError, "Unknown RDF format of results returned by #{uri}. (RDF::FormatError) You may need to include gem 'linkeddata'." if e.is_a? RDF::FormatError response_code = ioerror_code(e) case response_code when '404' raise Qa::TermNotFound, "#{uri} Not Found - Term may not exist at LOD Authority. (HTTPNotFound - 404)" when '500' raise Qa::ServiceError, "#{uri.hostname} on port #{uri.port} is not responding. Try again later. (HTTPServerError - 500)" when '503' raise Qa::ServiceUnavailable, "#{uri.hostname} on port #{uri.port} is not responding. Try again later. (HTTPServiceUnavailable - 503)" else raise Qa::ServiceError, "Unknown error for #{uri.hostname} on port #{uri.port}. Try again later. (Cause - #{e.message})" end end # process ioerror_code from RDF::Graph.load whether the code is in parentheses (i.e. "... (404)"), or not (i.e. "... 404") def ioerror_code(e) msg = e.message msg[/(\(?)(\d\d\d)(\)?)$/, 2] end end end end end