require "rake/testtask" # -- Building stuff -- spec = Gem::Specification.load(Dir["*.gemspec"].first) desc "Build the Gem" task :build do sh "gem build #{}.gemspec" end desc "Install #{} locally" task :install=>:build do sudo = "sudo" unless File.writable?( Gem::ConfigMap[:bindir]) sh "#{sudo} gem install #{}-#{spec.version}.gem" end desc "Push new release to gemcutter and git tag" task :push=>["test:all", "build"] do sh "git push" puts "Tagging version #{spec.version} .." sh "git tag v#{spec.version}" sh "git push --tag" puts "Building and pushing gem .." sh "gem push #{}-#{spec.version}.gem" end # -- Testing stuff -- desc "Test everything" task "test:all"=>"test:adapters" # Ruby versions we're testing with. RUBIES = %w{1.8.7 1.9.2} # Use rake test:rubies to run all combination of tests (see test:adapters) using # all the versions of Ruby specified in RUBIES. Or to test a specific version of # Ruby, rake test:rubies[1.8.7]. # # This task uses RVM to install all the Ruby versions it needs, and creates a # vanity gemset in each one that includes Bundler and all the gems specified in # Gemfile. If anything goes south you can always wipe these gemsets or uninstall # these Rubies and start over. desc "Test using multiple versions of Ruby" task "test:rubies", :ruby do |t, args| rubies = args.ruby ? [args.ruby] : RUBIES rubies.each do |ruby| puts "** Setup #{ruby}" sh "env rvm_install_on_use_flag=1 rvm_gemset_create_on_use_flag=1 rvm use #{ruby}@vanity" sh "rvm #{ruby}@vanity rake test:setup" puts puts "** Test using #{ruby}" sh "rvm #{ruby}@vanity -S bundle exec rake test:adapters #{'--trace' if Rake.application.options.trace}" end end task "test:setup" do # Intended to be used from test:rubies, within specific RVM context. begin # Make sure we got Bundler installed. require "bundler" rescue LoadError sh "gem install bundler" end begin # Make sure we got all the dependencies sh "bundle exec ruby -e puts > /dev/null" rescue sh "bundle install" end end # These are all the adapters we're going to test with. ADAPTERS = %w{redis mongodb} desc "Test using different back-ends" task "test:adapters", :adapter do |t, args| adapters = args.adapter ? [args.adapter] : ADAPTERS adapters.each do |adapter| puts "** Testing #{adapter} adapter" sh "rake test ADAPTER=#{adapter} #{'--trace' if Rake.application.options.trace}" end end # Run the test suit. task :default=>:test desc "Run all tests" do |task| task.test_files = FileList['test/**/*_test.rb'] if Rake.application.options.trace #task.warning = true task.verbose = true elsif Rake.application.options.silent task.ruby_opts << "-W0" else task.verbose = true end task.ruby_opts << "-I." end task(:clobber) { rm_rf "tmp" } # -- Documenting stuff -- begin require "yard" do |task| task.files = FileList["lib/**/*.rb"].exclude("lib/vanity/backport.rb") task.options = "--output", "html/api", "--title", "Vanity #{spec.version}", "--main", "README.rdoc", "--files", "CHANGELOG" end rescue LoadError end desc "Jekyll generates the main documentation (sans API)" task(:jekyll) { sh "jekyll", "doc", "html" } file "html/vanity.pdf"=>:jekyll do |t| pages = %w{index metrics ab_testing rails identity configuring contributing}.map{ |p| "html/#{p}.html" } args = %w{--disable-javascript --outline --title Vanity --header-html doc/_layouts/_header.html --print-media-type} args.concat %w{--margin-left 20 --margin-right 20 --margin-top 20 --margin-bottom 20 --header-spacing 5} args.concat pages << sh "wkhtmltopdf", *args end file "html/"=>:yardoc do |t| Dir.chdir "html" do sh "zip -r api" end end desc "Create documentation in docs directory (including API)" task :docs=>[:jekyll, :yardoc, "html/", "html/vanity.pdf"] desc "Remove temporary files and directories" task(:clobber) { rm_rf "html" ; rm_rf ".yardoc" } desc "Publish documentation to" task :publish=>[:clobber, :docs] do sh "rsync -cr --del --progress html/" end # -- Misc -- task :report do $LOAD_PATH.unshift "lib" require "vanity" require "timecop" Vanity.playground.load_path = "test/experiments" Vanity.playground.experiments.values.each(&:destroy) Vanity.playground.metrics.values.each(&:destroy!) Vanity.playground.reload! # Control 182 35 19.23% N/A # Treatment A 180 45 25.00% 1.33 # Treatment B 189 28 14.81% -1.13 # Treatment C 188 61 32.45% 2.94 Vanity.playground.experiment(:null_abc).instance_eval do fake nil=>[182,35], :red=>[180,45], :green=>[189,28], :blue=>[188,61] @created_at = ( - 40).to_time @completed_at = ( - 35).to_time end Vanity.playground.experiment(:age_and_zipcode).instance_eval do fake false=>[80,35], true=>[84,32] @created_at = ( - 30).to_time @completed_at = ( - 15).to_time end Vanity.context = Vanity.context.instance_eval { def vanity_identity ; 0 ; end } signups = 50 ( - do |date| date do signups += rand(15) - 5 Vanity.playground.track! :signups, signups end end cheers, yawns = 0, 0 ( - do |date| date do cheers = cheers - 5 + rand(20) Vanity.playground.track! :yawns, cheers yawns = yawns - 5 + rand(30) Vanity.playground.track! :cheers, yawns end end ENV["OUTPUT"] end