require 'tree' require 'handbrake' module HandBrake ## # An object representation of the output from HandBrakeCLI's # `--scan` mode. # # @see Title # @see Chapter class Disc ## # The HandBrakeCLI scan output from which this instance was # parsed, if available. # # @return [String,nil] attr_reader :raw_output ## # A tree representing the indented output at the end of the # HandBrakeCLI scan output, if available. # # @return [String,nil] attr_reader :raw_tree ## # The titles in the disc. The keys are the title numbers. # # @return [Hash] attr_reader :titles ## # The name of the disc. # # @return [String] attr_accessor :name def initialize(name=nil) @name = name @titles = {} end ## # Builds a new {Disc} instance from the output of `HandBrakeCLI # --scan`. # # @param [String] output the raw contents from the scan # @return [Disc] a new, completely initialized title catalog def self.from_output(output) name = File.basename( output.split("\n").grep(/hb_scan/).first.scan(/path=([^,]*),/).first.first) do |disc| disc.raw_output = output disc.raw_tree.children. collect { |title_node| Title.from_tree(title_node) }. each { |title| title.disc = disc }. each { |title| disc.titles[title.number] = title } end end ## # Initializes the {#raw_output} and {#raw_tree} attributes from # the given HandBrakeCLI output. Does not modify the contents of # the hash. # # @param [String] output raw contents from a HandBrakeCLI title # scan # @return [void] def raw_output=(output) @raw_output = output @raw_tree = extract_tree end def to_yaml_properties %w(@name @titles) end private def extract_tree split_blocks( raw_output.split("\n").grep(/^\s*\+/), '' ).inject('__root__')) do |root, block| root << read_node(block, '') root end end def split_blocks(lines, indent_level) lines.inject([]) do |blocks, line| blocks << [] if line =~ /^#{indent_level}\+/ blocks.last << line blocks end end def read_node(node_lines, indent_level) next_indent = indent_level + ' ' split_blocks( node_lines[1..-1], next_indent ).inject([(2 + indent_level.size)..-1])) do |node, block| node << read_node(block, next_indent) node end end end ## # Provides a {#seconds} method for an object which has a `duration` # property whose value is a string of the format "hh:mm:ss" module DurationAsSeconds ## # The number of seconds described by the duration. E.g., if the # duration were `"1:02:42"`, this method would return `3762`. # # @return [Fixnum] def seconds @seconds ||= duration.split(':').collect(&:to_i).reverse. inject([1, 0]) { |(m, sum), i| [m * 60, sum + i * m] }.last end end ## # Mix-in that provides a class with a constructor that sets any # publicly writable properties from values in a hash. module ConstructWithProperties def initialize(properties={}) properties.each do |prop, value| setter = :"#{prop}=" if self.respond_to?(setter) self.send(setter, value) else fail("No property #{prop.inspect} in #{self.class}") end end end end ## # Metadata about a single DVD title. class Title include DurationAsSeconds include ConstructWithProperties ## # @return [Fixnum] The title number of this title (a positive integer). attr_accessor :number ## # @return [String] The duration of the title in the format # "hh:mm:ss" attr_accessor :duration ## # @return [Array] The chapters into which the title is # divided. attr_writer :chapters ## # @return [Boolean] Whether HandBrake considers this title the # "main feature". attr_writer :main_feature ## # @return [Disc] The disc this title belongs to. attr_accessor :disc ## # Creates a new instance from the given scan subtree. # # @see Titles.from_output # @param [Tree::TreeNode] title_node # @return [Title] a new, fully initialized instance def self.from_tree(title_node) do |title| title.number = (\d+)/).first.first.to_i title.duration = title_node.children. detect { |c| =~ /duration/ }.name. scan(/duration: (\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)/).first.first title.chapters = title_node['chapters:'].children. collect { |ch_node| Chapter.from_tree(ch_node) }. tap { |chapters| chapters.each { |c| c.title = title } }. inject({}) { |h, ch| h[ch.number] = ch; h } # !! is so that there's no reference to the node in the # resulting object title.main_feature = !!title_node.children.detect { |c| =~ /Main Feature/ } end end ## # @return [Boolean] Whether HandBrake considers this title the # "main feature". def main_feature? @main_feature end ## # @return [Hash] The chapters into which the title is # divided, indexed by chapter number (a positive integer). def chapters @chapters ||= {} end ## # @return [Array] The chapters of the title, sorted by # chapter number. def all_chapters chapters.keys.sort.collect { |k| chapters[k] } end end ## # The metadata about a single chapter in a title of a DVD. class Chapter include DurationAsSeconds include ConstructWithProperties ## # @return [String] The duration of the title in the format # "hh:mm:ss" attr_accessor :duration ## # @return [Fixnum] The chapter number for this chapter (a positive # integer) attr_accessor :number ## # @return [Title] The title that contains this chapter attr_accessor :title ## # Creates a new instance from the given title subtree. # # @see Title.from_tree # @param [Tree::TreeNode] chapter_node # @return [Chapter] a new, fully initialized instance def self.from_tree(chapter_node) do |ch| ch.duration = (\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)/).first.first ch.number =\d+): cells/).first.first.to_i end end end end