require 'spec_helper' module Spree module Core describe Importer::Order do let!(:country) { create(:country) } let!(:state) { country.states.first || create(:state, :country => country) } let!(:stock_location) { create(:stock_location, admin_name: 'Admin Name') } let(:user) { stub_model(LegacyUser, :email => '') } let(:shipping_method) { create(:shipping_method) } let(:payment_method) { create(:check_payment_method) } let(:product) { product = Spree::Product.create(:name => 'Test', :sku => 'TEST-1', :price => 33.22) product.shipping_category = create(:shipping_category) product } let(:variant) { variant = product.master variant.stock_items.each { |si| si.update_attribute(:count_on_hand, 10) } variant } let(:sku) { variant.sku } let(:variant_id) { } let(:line_items) {{ "0" => { :variant_id =>, :quantity => 5 }}} let(:ship_address) {{ :address1 => '123 Testable Way', :firstname => 'Fox', :lastname => 'Mulder', :city => 'Washington', :country_id =>, :state_id =>, :zipcode => '66666', :phone => '666-666-6666' }} it 'can import an order number' do params = { number: '123-456-789' } order = Importer::Order.import(user, params) expect(order.number).to eq '123-456-789' end it 'optionally add completed at' do params = { email: '', completed_at: Time.current, line_items_attributes: line_items } order = Importer::Order.import(user,params) expect(order).to be_completed expect(order.state).to eq 'complete' end it "assigns order[email] over user email to order" do params = { email: '' } order = Importer::Order.import(user,params) expect( eq params[:email] end context "assigning a user to an order" do let(:other_user) { stub_model(LegacyUser, :email => '') } context "as an admin" do before { allow(user).to receive_messages :has_spree_role? => true } context "a user's id is not provided" do context "nil user id is provided" do it "unassociates the admin user from the order" do params = { user_id: nil } order = Importer::Order.import(user, params) expect(order.user_id).to be_nil end end context "another user's id is provided" do it "permits the user to be assigned" do params = { user_id: } order = Importer::Order.import(user, params) expect(order.user_id).to eq( end end end context "a user's id is not provided" do it "doesn't unassociate the admin from the order" do params = { } order = Importer::Order.import(user, params) expect(order.user_id).to eq( end end end context "as a user" do before { allow(user).to receive_messages :has_spree_role? => false } it "does not assign the order to the other user" do params = { user_id: } order = Importer::Order.import(user, params) expect(order.user_id).to eq( end end end it 'can build an order from API with just line items' do params = { :line_items_attributes => line_items } expect(Importer::Order).to receive(:ensure_variant_id_from_params).and_return({variant_id:, quantity: 5}) order = Importer::Order.import(user,params) expect(order.user).to eq(nil) line_item = order.line_items.first expect(line_item.quantity).to eq(5) expect(line_item.variant_id).to eq(variant_id) end it 'handles line_item updating exceptions' do line_items['0'][:currency] = 'GBP' params = { :line_items_attributes => line_items } expect { order = Importer::Order.import(user, params) }.to raise_error /Validation failed/ end it 'can build an order from API with variant sku' do params = { :line_items_attributes => { "0" => { :sku => sku, :quantity => 5 } }} order = Importer::Order.import(user,params) line_item = order.line_items.first expect(line_item.variant_id).to eq(variant_id) expect(line_item.quantity).to eq(5) end it 'can build an order from API shipping address' do params = { :ship_address_attributes => ship_address, :line_items_attributes => line_items } order = Importer::Order.import(user,params) expect(order.ship_address.address1).to eq '123 Testable Way' end it 'can build an order from API with country attributes' do ship_address.delete(:country_id) ship_address[:country] = { 'iso' => 'US' } params = { :ship_address_attributes => ship_address, :line_items_attributes => line_items } order = Importer::Order.import(user,params) expect( eq 'US' end it 'can build an order from API with state attributes' do ship_address.delete(:state_id) ship_address[:state] = { 'name' => } params = { :ship_address_attributes => ship_address, :line_items_attributes => line_items } order = Importer::Order.import(user,params) expect( eq 'Alabama' end context "with a different currency" do before { variant.price_in("GBP").update_attribute(:price, 18.99) } it "sets the order currency" do params = { currency: "GBP" } order = Importer::Order.import(user,params) expect(order.currency).to eq "GBP" end it "can handle it when a line order price is specified" do params = { currency: "GBP", line_items_attributes: line_items } line_items["0"].merge! currency: "GBP", price: 1.99 order = Importer::Order.import(user, params) expect(order.currency).to eq "GBP" expect(order.line_items.first.price).to eq 1.99 expect(order.line_items.first.currency).to eq "GBP" end end context "state passed is not associated with country" do let(:params) do params = { :ship_address_attributes => ship_address, :line_items_attributes => line_items } end let(:other_state) { create(:state, name: "Uhuhuh", country: create(:country)) } before do ship_address.delete(:state_id) ship_address[:state] = { 'name' => } end it 'sets states name instead of state id' do order = Importer::Order.import(user,params) expect(order.ship_address.state_name).to eq end end it 'sets state name if state record not found' do ship_address.delete(:state_id) ship_address[:state] = { 'name' => 'XXX' } params = { :ship_address_attributes => ship_address, :line_items_attributes => line_items } order = Importer::Order.import(user,params) expect(order.ship_address.state_name).to eq 'XXX' end context 'variant not deleted' do it 'ensures variant id from api' do hash = { sku: variant.sku } Importer::Order.ensure_variant_id_from_params(hash) expect(hash[:variant_id]).to eq end end context 'variant was deleted' do it 'raise error as variant shouldnt be found' do variant.product.destroy hash = { sku: variant.sku } expect { Importer::Order.ensure_variant_id_from_params(hash) }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound end end it 'ensures_country_id for country fields' do [:name, :iso, :iso_name, :iso3].each do |field| address = { :country => { field => country.send(field) }} Importer::Order.ensure_country_id_from_params(address) expect(address[:country_id]).to eq end end it "raises with proper message when cant find country" do address = { :country => { "name" => "NoNoCountry" } } expect { Importer::Order.ensure_country_id_from_params(address) }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound end it 'ensures_state_id for state fields' do [:name, :abbr].each do |field| address = { country_id:, :state => { field => state.send(field) }} Importer::Order.ensure_state_id_from_params(address) expect(address[:state_id]).to eq end end context "shipments" do let(:params) do { :shipments_attributes => [ { :tracking => '123456789', :cost => '14.99', :shipping_method =>, :stock_location =>, :inventory_units => [{ :sku => sku }] } ] } end it 'ensures variant exists and is not deleted' do expect(Importer::Order).to receive(:ensure_variant_id_from_params).and_call_original order = Importer::Order.import(user,params) end it 'builds them properly' do order = Importer::Order.import(user, params) shipment = order.shipments.first expect(shipment.cost.to_f).to eq 14.99 expect(shipment.inventory_units.first.variant_id).to eq expect(shipment.tracking).to eq '123456789' expect(shipment.shipping_rates.first.cost).to eq 14.99 expect(shipment.selected_shipping_rate).to eq(shipment.shipping_rates.first) expect(shipment.stock_location).to eq stock_location expect(order.shipment_total.to_f).to eq 14.99 end it "accepts admin name for stock location" do params[:shipments_attributes][0][:stock_location] = stock_location.admin_name order = Importer::Order.import(user, params) shipment = order.shipments.first expect(shipment.stock_location).to eq stock_location end it "raises if cant find stock location" do params[:shipments_attributes][0][:stock_location] = "doesnt exist" expect { order = Importer::Order.import(user,params) }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound end context 'when completed_at and shipped_at present' do let(:params) do { :completed_at => 2.days.ago, :shipments_attributes => [ { :tracking => '123456789', :cost => '4.99', :shipped_at =>, :shipping_method =>, :stock_location =>, :inventory_units => [{ :sku => sku }] } ] } end it 'builds them properly' do order = Importer::Order.import(user, params) shipment = order.shipments.first expect(shipment.cost.to_f).to eq 4.99 expect(shipment.inventory_units.first.variant_id).to eq expect(shipment.tracking).to eq '123456789' expect(shipment.shipped_at).to be_present expect(shipment.shipping_rates.first.cost).to eq 4.99 expect(shipment.selected_shipping_rate).to eq(shipment.shipping_rates.first) expect(shipment.stock_location).to eq stock_location expect(shipment.state).to eq('shipped') expect(shipment.inventory_units.all?(&:shipped?)).to be true expect(order.shipment_state).to eq('shipped') expect(order.shipment_total.to_f).to eq 4.99 end end end it 'adds adjustments' do params = { :adjustments_attributes => [ { label: 'Shipping Discount', amount: -4.99 }, { label: 'Promotion Discount', amount: -3.00 }] } order = Importer::Order.import(user,params) expect(order.adjustments.all?(&:finalized?)).to be true expect(order.adjustments.first.label).to eq 'Shipping Discount' expect(order.adjustments.first.amount).to eq -4.99 end it "calculates final order total correctly" do params = { adjustments_attributes: [ { label: 'Promotion Discount', amount: -3.00 } ], line_items_attributes: { "0" => { variant_id:, quantity: 5 } } } order = Importer::Order.import(user,params) expect(order.item_total).to eq(166.1) expect( eq(163.1) # = item_total (166.1) - adjustment_total (3.00) end it 'builds a payment using state' do params = { :payments_attributes => [{ amount: '4.99', payment_method:, state: 'completed' }] } order = Importer::Order.import(user,params) expect(order.payments.first.amount).to eq 4.99 end it 'builds a payment using status as fallback' do params = { :payments_attributes => [{ amount: '4.99', payment_method:, status: 'completed' }] } order = Importer::Order.import(user,params) expect(order.payments.first.amount).to eq 4.99 end it 'build a source payment using years and month' do params = { :payments_attributes => [{ amount: '4.99', payment_method:, status: 'completed', source: { name: 'Fox', last_digits: "7424", cc_type: "visa", year: '2022', month: "5" } }]} order = Importer::Order.import(user, params) expect(order.payments.first.source.last_digits).to eq '7424' end it 'handles source building exceptions when do not have years and month' do params = { :payments_attributes => [{ amount: '4.99', payment_method:, status: 'completed', source: { name: 'Fox', last_digits: "7424", cc_type: "visa" } }]} expect { order = Importer::Order.import(user, params) }.to raise_error /Validation failed: Credit card Month is not a number, Credit card Year is not a number/ end context "raises error" do it "clears out order from db" do params = { :payments_attributes => [{ payment_method: "XXX" }] } count = Order.count expect { order = Importer::Order.import(user,params) }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound expect(Order.count).to eq count end end end end end